Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/fonts/alee-ttf
From: Min Sik Kim
Date: 2006-10-29 21:34:05
Message id:

Log Message:
Update alee-ttf to 11.1.

Changes since 7.3:
  * Exchange the Hangul phonetic values of 0x91d1 and 0xf90a.
  * Add the Hangul phonetic values to the CJK unified and compatibility
    ideographs range on Guseul.ttf.
  * Add medieval Hangul compatibility jamos on Guseul.ttf.
  * Update Guseul.ttf.
  * Remove GuseulMono.ttf.
  * Update Guseul.ttf to make it readable on 11px.
  * Add hinting for Guseul.ttf.
  * Remove embeded bitmap from Guseul.ttf and GuseulMono.ttf.
  * Change some glyph names of Eunjin.ttf and EunjinNakseo.ttf.
  * Update HeadAscent and HeadDescent of some fonts.
  * Remove [0x0e-c00ky].ttf.
  * Rename [0b0d-c00ky].ttf to [HaN-mfs].ttf.
  * Correct the glyph directions of some fonts.
  * Change the subfamily of all the fonts to Regular.
  * Fix a type error on control file.
  * Change to The Artistic License.
  * Remove the prefix Eun- from the font names.
  * Update Bandal.ttf and Bangwool.ttf.
  * Fix width of some chars on EunBandal.ttf.
