Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/p5-SVG
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2015-03-07 02:31:39
Message id:

Log Message:
Update 2.50 to 2.63
2.63 2015.03.06
    - Move SVG results from POD to external files.

2.62 2015.03.06
    - Remove more duplicate pod.
    - Encoding of the pod RT #89414

2.61 2015.03.03
    - Eliminate a bunch of duplicate documentation.
    - Skip tidy testing if module is not available (RT #102484)
    - POD formatting.

2.60 2015.03.03
        - Convert source files to utf8
        - Add more tests
        - css styles are now sorted to make it easeier to test
        - Run Perltidy on the code

2.59 2013.03.31
        - Experiment to show images on MetaCPAN

2.56 2013.03.30
        - Move all the content of SVG::Manual to SVG

2.55 2013.03.30
        - Add an image to the pod generated by and example.
        - Rename SVG::Manual from .pm to .pod.
        - Stop violating the Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef policy,
          eliminate 'return undef' and return wantarray?():undef; from the code.

2.54 2013.02.16
        - Update the dates in the Changes file.
        - Remove the function prototypes that don't work on methods anyway.
          Stop violating the Subroutines::ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes policy.

2.53 2012.08.09
        - missing test file removed from MANIFEST (RT #78856)

2.52 2012.05.29
        - move POD testing to xt/
        - Some example cleanup - Shlomi Fish
        - removing prototype - Shlomi Fish
        - POD fixes - David Paleino

2.51 2012.03.30
        - Maintenance by Gabor Szabo
        - Some documentation fixes.
        - Modernizing test suite.
        - Link to new public repository.
