Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-MetaCPAN-Client
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2016-11-07 23:54:51
Message id:

Log Message:
Update devel/p5-MetaCPAN-Client to 1.028003
1.028003    23.10.16
            * Removed AutoPrereqs from dist.ini (Mickey)

1.028002    23.10.16
            * GH #53 a few small dist.ini tweaks (Karen Etheridge)
            * Even more dist.ini tweaks (Mickey, thanks to Grinnz)

1.028001    22.10.16
            * GH #51 Adds eumm_version to dist.ini (Olaf Alders)
            * GH #52 Stop excluding cpanfile from being copied to
              build (Olaf Alders)

1.028000    21.10.16
            * GH #50 Remove hard-deps for HTTP::Tiny::Mech and
              WWW::Mechanize::Cached (Paul Howarth)
            * dist.ini: don't automatically update cpanfile (Mickey)

1.027000    20.10.16
            * GH #49 Convert values of JSON::PP::Boolean objects in output
              so they are not skipped when expeting scalars (Mickey)

1.026001    19.10.16
            * Fixed version range for Search::Elasticsearch (Mickey)

1.026000    19.10.16
            * Moved distini prereqs to cpanfile (Mickey)
            * Limit Search::Elasticsearch version to 2.02 (Mickey)
            * Updated docs (Thomas Sibley)
(pkgsrc changes)
 - Add BUILD_DEPENDS+= p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker>=7.11.01
