Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-ruamel-yaml
From: Leonardo Taccari
Date: 2017-04-14 15:05:06
Message id:

Log Message:
Update devel/py-ruamel-yaml to 0.14.6

[0, 14, 6]: 2017-04-14
  - binary, octal and hex integers are now preserved by default. This
    was a known deficiency. Working on this was prompted by the issue report (112)
    from devnoname120, as well as the additional experience with `.replace()`
    on `scalarstring` classes.
  - fix issues 114: cannot install on Buildozer (reported by mixmastamyk).
    Setting env. var ``RUAMEL_NO_PIP_INSTALL_CHECK`` will suppress ``pip``-check.

[0, 14, 5]: 2017-04-04
  - fix issue 109: None not dumping correctly at top level (reported by Andrea Censi)
  - fix issue 110: .replace on Preserved/DoubleQuoted/SingleQuoted ScalarString
    would give back "normal" string (reported by sandres23)

[0, 14, 4]: 2017-03-31
  - fix readme

[0, 14, 3]: 2017-03-31
  - fix for 0o52 not being a string in YAML 1.1 (reported on
    `StackOverflow Q&A \ 
43138503><>`_ by
    `Frank D <>`_

[0, 14, 2]: 2017-03-23
  - fix for old default pip on Ubuntu 14.04 (reported by Sébastien \ 

0.14.1: 2017-03-22
  - fix Text not available on 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 (reported by Charles \ 

0.14.0: 2017-03-21
  - updates for mypy --strict
  - preparation for moving away from inheritance in Loader and Dumper, calls \ 
from e.g.
    the Representer to the Serializer.serialize() are now done via the attribute
    .serializer.serialize(). Usage of .serialize() outside of Serializer will be
    deprecated soon
  - some extra tests on functions

0.13.14: 2017-02-12
  - fix for issue 97: clipped block scalar followed by empty lines and comment
    would result in two CommentTokens of which the first was dropped.
    (reported by Colm O'Connor)

0.13.13: 2017-01-28
  - fix for issue 96: prevent insertion of extra empty line if indented mapping \ 
    are separated by an empty line (reported by Derrick Sawyer)

0.13.11: 2017-01-23
  - allow ':' in flow style scalars if not followed by space. Also don't
    quote such scalar as this is no longer necessary.
  - add python 3.6 manylinux wheel to PyPI

0.13.10: 2017-01-22
  - fix for issue 93, insert spurious blank line before single line comment
    between indented sequence elements (reported by Alex)

0.13.9: 2017-01-18
  - fix for issue 92, wrong import name reported by the-corinthian

0.13.8: 2017-01-18
  - fix for issue 91, when a compiler is unavailable reported by Maximilian Hils
  - fix for deepcopy issue with TimeStamps not preserving 'T', reported on
    `StackOverflow Q&A <>`_ by
    `Quuxplusone <>`_

0.13.7: 2016-12-27
  - fix for issue 85, importing unicode_literals caused mypy to fail
    on 2.7 (reported by Peter Amstutz)

0.13.6: 2016-12-27
  - fix for issue 83, collections.OrderedDict not representable by SafeRepresenter
    (reported by Frazer McLean)

0.13.5: 2016-12-25
  - fix for issue 84, deepcopy not properly working (reported by Peter Amstutz)

0.13.4: 2016-12-05
  - another fix for issue 82, change to non-global resolver data broke implicit type

0.13.3: 2016-12-05
  - fix for issue 82, deepcopy not working (reported by code monk)

0.13.2: 2016-11-28
  - fix for comments after empty (null) values  (reported by dsw2127 and cokelaer)

0.13.1: 2016-11-22
  - optimisations on memory usage when loading YAML from large files (py3: -50%, \ 
py2: -85%)

0.13.0: 2016-11-20
  - if ``load()`` or ``load_all()`` is called with only a single argument
    (stream or string)
    a UnsafeLoaderWarning will be issued once. If appropriate you can surpress this
    warning by filtering it. Explicitly supplying the ``Loader=ruamel.yaml.Loader``
    argument, will also prevent it from being issued. You should however consider
    using ``safe_load()``, ``safe_load_all()`` if your YAML input does not use tags.
  - allow adding comments before and after keys (based on
    `StackOveflow Q&A <>`_  by
    `msinn <>`_)

0.12.18: 2016-11-16
  - another fix for numpy (re-reported independently by PaulG & Nathanial Burdic)

0.12.17: 2016-11-15
  - only the RoundTripLoader included the Resolver that supports YAML 1.2
    now all loaders do (reported by mixmastamyk)

0.12.16: 2016-11-13
  - allow dot char (and many others) in anchor name
    Fix issue 72 (reported by Shalon Wood)
  - Slightly smarter behaviour dumping strings when no style is
    specified. Single string scalars that start with single quotes
    or have newlines now are dumped double quoted: "'abc\nklm'" \ 
instead of::



0.12.14: 2016-09-21
 - preserve round-trip sequences that are mapping keys
   (prompted by stackoverflow question 39595807 from Nowox)

0.12.13: 2016-09-15
 - Fix for issue #60 representation of CommentedMap with merge
   keys incorrect (reported by Tal Liron)

0.12.11: 2016-09-06
 - Fix issue 58 endless loop in scanning tokens (reported by
   Christopher Lambert)

0.12.10: 2016-09-05
 - Make previous fix depend on unicode char width (32 bit unicode support
   is a problem on MacOS reported by David Tagatac)

0.12.8: 2016-09-05
  - To be ignored Unicode characters were not properly regex matched
    (no specific tests, PR by Haraguroicha Hsu)

0.12.7: 2016-09-03
  - fixing issue 54 empty lines with spaces (reported by Alex Harvey)

0.12.6: 2016-09-03
  - fixing issue 46 empty lines between top-level keys were gobbled (but
    not between sequence elements, nor between keys in netsted mappings
    (reported by Alex Harvey)

0.12.5: 2016-08-20
  - fixing issue 45 preserving datetime formatting (submitted by altuin)
    Several formatting parameters are preserved with some normalisation:
  - preserve 'T', 't' is replaced by 'T', multiple spaces between date
    and time reduced to one.
  - optional space before timezone is removed
  - still using microseconds, but now rounded (.1234567 -> .123457)
  - Z/-5/+01:00 preserved

0.12.4: 2016-08-19
  - Fix for issue 44: missing preserve_quotes keyword argument (reported
    by M. Crusoe)

0.12.3: 2016-08-17
  - correct 'in' operation for merged CommentedMaps in round-trip mode
    (implementation inspired by J.Ngo, but original not working for merges)
  - iteration over round-trip loaded mappings, that contain merges. Also
    keys(), items(), values() (Py3/Py2) and iterkeys(), iteritems(),
    itervalues(), viewkeys(), viewitems(), viewvalues() (Py2)
  - reuse of anchor name now generates warning, not an error. Round-tripping such
    anchors works correctly. This inherited PyYAML issue was brought to attention
    by G. Coddut (and was long standing \
    suppressing the warning::

        import warnings
        from ruamel.yaml.error import ReusedAnchorWarning
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ReusedAnchorWarning)

0.12.2: 2016-08-16
  - minor improvements based on feedback from M. Crusoe

0.12.0: 2016-08-16
  - drop support for Python 2.6
  - include initial Type information (inspired by M. Crusoe)

0.11.15: 2016-08-07
  - Change to prevent FutureWarning in NumPy, as reported by tgehring
    ("comparison to None will result in an elementwise object comparison in \ 
the future")

0.11.14: 2016-07-06
  - fix preserve_quotes missing on original Loaders (as reported
    by Leynos, bitbucket issue 38)

0.11.13: 2016-07-06
  - documentation only, automated linux wheels

0.11.12: 2016-07-06
  - added support for roundtrip of single/double quoted scalars using:
    ruamel.yaml.round_trip_load(stream, preserve_quotes=True)

0.11.10: 2016-05-02
  - added .insert(pos, key, value, comment=None) to CommentedMap

0.11.10: 2016-04-19
  - indent=2, block_seq_indent=2 works as expected

0.11.0: 2016-02-18
  - RoundTripLoader loads 1.2 by default (no sexagesimals, 012 octals nor
    yes/no/on/off booleans
