Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/py-Pillow
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2017-07-03 23:51:57
Message id:

Log Message:
Doc: Clarified documentation
CI: Amazon Linux and Centos6 docker images added to TravisCI
Image.alpha_composite added
Complex Text Support
Added threshold parameter to ImageDraw.floodfill
Added dBATCH parameter to ghostscript command
JPEG: Adjust buffer size when icc_profile > MAXBLOCK
Specify Pillow Version in one place
CI: Change the owner of the TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR, fixing broken docker runs
Fix truncated PNG loading for some images, Fix memory leak on truncated PNG images.
Add decompression bomb check to Image.crop
ImageFile: Ensure that the err_code variable is initialized in case of exception.
Tiff: Support append_images for saving multipage TIFFs
Doc: Clarify that draft is only implemented for JPEG and PCD
Test: MicImagePlugin
Use round() instead of floor() to eliminate zero coefficients in resample
Remove deprecated code
Added append_images to PDF saving
Remove unused function core image function new_array
Remove unnecessary calls to dict.keys()
Add more tests and remove unused Draw.c code
Test: More tests for ImageMorph
Test: McIDAS area file
Update Feature Detection
CI: Update pypy on TravisCI
ImageMorph: Fix wrong expected size of MRLs read from disk
Docs: Update install docs for FreeBSD
Build: Ignore OpenJpeg 1.5 on FreeBSD
Remove 'not yet implemented' methods from PIL 1.1.4
Dependencies: Update FreeType to 2.8, LibTIFF to 4.0.8 and libimagequant to 2.9.1
Raise TypeError and not also UnboundLocalError in ImageFile.Parser()
Test: Use Codecov for coverage
Use PNG for
Remove WITH_DEBUG compilation flag
Fix return value on parameter parse error in _webp.c
Set executable flag on scripts with shebang line
Doc: Release Process Changes
CI: Added region for s3 deployment on appveyor
Doc: Updated references to point to existing files
Return copy on Image crop if crop dimensions match the image
Test: Optimize CI speed
