Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/camlp5
From: Jaap Boender
Date: 2017-07-11 14:17:13
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated package to latest version, 7.01 (we need support for ocaml 4.04.2).
Changes include:

Camlp5 Version 7.01:

* [26 Jun 17] Fixed bug in associativity of entry levels in extensible
  grammars; was introduced by an old experiment, resulting a failure
  in Coq test-suite/success/rewrite_strat.v.
* [26 Jun 17] Fixed bug: compilation failed while using OCaml versions
  between 3.05 and 4.01.1, and jocaml versions.

Camlp5 Version 7.00:

* [26 Jun 17] Release number is 7.00 instead of 6.18 because of big
  improvements on extensible grammars which can use now limited and
  full backtracking algorithms on demand.
* [16 Jun 17] Entry.parse_token has been renamed Entry.parse_token_stream.
* [04 Jun 17] Added limited backtracking (functional streams) to extensible
  grammars. Can be set with "Grammar.parse_algorithm Functional" or by
  setting the environment variable CAMLP5PARAM=f.
* [01 Jun 17] Backtrack parsing seems to work well now. Camlp5 and Coq can
  be compiled using it by setting CAMLP5PARAM=b.
* [31 May 17] Fixed bug: Entry.parse_token did not accept backtrack parsing.
* [31 May 17] Fixed ocaml parsing for case of record {foo () with ...}.
* [31 May 17] Fixed bug backtrack parsing for function Entry.of_parser.
* [28 Apr 17] Updated for ocaml 4.04.2 which was missing.
* [07 Apr 17] Updated for ocaml trunk 4.06.0
* [19 Feb 17] Fixed bug: locations of all identifiers were missing
  resulting of error messages giving "<none>" as source file name
  and no line and column number in the source.
* [04 Jan 17] Updated for ocaml trunk 4.05.0
* [09 Dec 16] Fixed bug: was not compatible with ocaml compiled with
  option -safe-string.
* [09 Dec 16] Fixed bug: make uninstall did not take DESTDIR into account.
* [07 Dec 16] Fixed bug virtual methods in signatures generated syntax
  tree of virtual val. Bug notified by Kakadu.
  Ex: "class foo : object method virtual bar : bool end"
* [07 Dec 16] Fixed bug not separated idents were not allowed in
  'let open' constructs. Bug notified by Kakadu.
  Ex: "let open Mod1.Mod2.Mod3 in ..."
* [06 Dec 16] Fixed bug dumping module definitions with constraints.
  Bug notified by Kakadu.
    module type Item = sig type t end
    module type Sig = sig type t module Node : Item end
    module Make (S : Sig) : Sig with module Node = S.Node and type t = S.t
* [06 Dec 16] Fixed bug extra option word during pr_dump for optional args.
  Bug notified by Kakadu.
  Ex: "class t : ?name:string -> object end"
* [05 Dec 16] Fixed bug dumping of open object types. Bug notified by Kakadu.
  Ex: "type t = <f:int; .. >"
* [05 Dec 16] Fixed bug dump parsetree without throughing away module type
  annotation. Bug notified by Kakadu.
  Ex: "module rec A : sig end = struct end"
