Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/misc/ruby-pry
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2018-03-14 16:04:44
Message id:

Log Message:
misc/ruby-pry: update to 0.11.3

pkgsrc change: add support for pkg_alternatives

### HEAD

#### Features

* Add Pry::Testable, an improved modular replacement for PryTestHelpers.
  **breaking change**.

See pull request [#1679](

* Add a new category module: "Pry::Platform". Loosely related to #1668 \ 

See pull request [#1670](

* Add `mac_osx?` and `linux?` utility functions to Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers.

See pull request [#1668](

* Add utility functions for drawing colorised text on a colorised background.

See pull request [#1673](

#### Bug fixes

* Fix a case of infinite recursion in \ 
  that users of the [Hanami]( web framework experienced and
  reported since 2015.

See pull request [#1639](

* Fix a bug where Method objects were not returned for setters inherited
  from a default (Pry::Config::Default). Eg, this is no longer an error:

      pry(main)> d = Pry::Config.from_hash({},
      pry(main)> d.method(:exception_whitelist=) # Error

See pull request [#1688](

* Do not capture unused Proc objects in Text helper methods `no_color` and \ 
  for performance reasons. Improve the documentation of both methods.

See pull request [#1691](

* Fix `String#pp` output color.

See pull request [#1674](

### 0.11.0

* Add alias 'whereami[?!]+' for 'whereami' command. \ 
* Improve Ruby 2.4 support ([#1611](
  * Deprecated constants are hidden from `ls` output by default, use the `-d` \ 
switch to see them.
  * Fix warnings that originate in Pry while using the repl.
* Improve completion speed in large applications. \ 
* Pry::ColorPrinter.pp: add `newline` argument and pass it on to PP. \ 
* Use `less` or system pager pager on MS Windows if it is available. \ 
* Add `Pry.configure` as an alternative to the current way of changing \ 
configuration options in `.pryrc` files. \ 
* Add `Pry::Config::Behavior#eager_load!` to add a possible workaround for \ 
issues like ([#1501](
* Remove Slop as a runtime dependency by vendoring v3.4 as Pry::Slop.
  People can depend on Slop v4 and Pry at the same time without running into \ 
version conflicts. ([#1497](
* Fix auto-indentation of code that uses a single-line rescue \ 
* Remove "Pry::Config#refresh", please use \ 
"Pry::Config#clear" instead.
* Defining a method called "ls" no longer breaks the "ls" \ 
command ([#1407](
* Don't raise when directory permissions don't allow file expansion \ 
* Syntax highlight <tt> tags in documentation output.
* Add support for BasicObject subclasses who implement their own #inspect (#1341)
* Fix 'include RSpec::Matchers' at the top-level (#1277)
* Add 'gem-readme' command, prints the README file bundled with a rubygem
* Add 'gem-search' command, searches for a gem with the HTTP API
* Fixed bug in the `cat` command where it was impossible to use line numbers \ 
with files ([#1349](
* Fixed uncaught Errno::EOPNOTSUPP exception when $stdout is a socket \ 
* Display a warning when you cd'ed inside a C object and executed 'show-source' \ 
without arguments ([#691](
* Make the stagger_output method more reliable by reusing possibly available Pry \ 
instance ([#1364](
* Make the 'gem-install' message less confusing by removing backticks \ 
* Fixed error when Pry was trying to load incompatible versions of plugins \ 
* Fixed bug when `hist --clear` led to ArgumentError \ 
* Fixed the "uninitialized constant Pry::ObjectPath::StringScanner" \ 
exception during autocomplete ([#1330](
* Secured usage of colours with special characters (RL_PROMPT_START_IGNORE and \ 
RL_PROMPT_END_IGNORE) in Pry::Helpers::Text \ 
* Fixed regression with `pry -e` when it messes the terminal \ 
* Fixed regression with space prefixes of expressions \ 
* Introduced the new way to define hooks for commands (with \ 
`Pry.hooks.add_hook("{before,after}_commandName")`). The old way is \ 
deprecated, but still supported (with `Pry.commands.{before,after}_command`) \ 
* Removed old API's using `Pry::Hooks.from_hash` altogether
* Removed hints on Foreman support (see \ 
* Fixed support for the tee command ([#1334](
* Implemented support for CDPATH for ShellCommand \ 
([#1433](, \ 
* `Pry::CLI.parse_options` does not start Pry anymore \ 
* The gem uses CPU-less platforms for Windows now \ 
* Add `Pry::Config::Memoization` to make it easier to implement your own \ 
`Pry::Config::Default` class.([#1503](
* Lazy load the config defaults for `Pry.config.history` and `Pry.config.gist`.
