Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/php71
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2018-04-26 17:41:04
Message id:

Log Message:
lang/php71: update to 7.1.17

26 Apr 2018, PHP 7.1.17

- Date:
  . Fixed bug #76131 (mismatch arginfo for date_create). (carusogabriel)

- Exif:
  . Fixed bug#76130 (Heap Buffer Overflow (READ: 1786) in exif_iif_add_value).

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug #68440 (ERROR: failed to reload: execvp() failed: Argument list
    too long). (Jacob Hipps)
  . Fixed incorrect write to getenv result in FPM reload. (Jakub Zelenka)

- GD:
  . Fixed bug #52070 (imagedashedline() - dashed line sometimes is not visible).

- iconv:
  . Fixed bug #76249 (stream filter convert.iconv leads to infinite loop on
    invalid sequence). (Stas)

- intl:
  . Fixed bug #76153 (Intl compilation fails with icu4c 61.1). (Anatol)

- ldap:
  . Fixed bug #76248 (Malicious LDAP-Server Response causes Crash). (Stas)

- mbstring:
  . Fixed bug #75944 (Wrong cp1251 detection). (dmk001)
  . Fixed bug #76113 (mbstring does not build with Oniguruma 6.8.1).
    (chrullrich, cmb)

- Phar:
  . Fixed bug #76129 (fix for CVE-2018-5712 may not be complete). (Stas)

- phpdbg:
  . Fixed bug #76143 (Memory corruption: arbitrary NUL overwrite). (Laruence)

- SPL:
  . Fixed bug #76131 (mismatch arginfo for splarray constructor).

- standard:
  . Fixed bug #75996 (incorrect url in header for mt_rand). (tatarbj)
