Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/py-django2
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2018-08-07 11:53:53
Message id:

Log Message:
py-django2: updated to 2.1

Model “view” permission

ModelAdmin.search_fields now accepts any lookup such as field__exact.
jQuery is upgraded from version 2.2.3 to 3.3.1.
The new ModelAdmin.delete_queryset() method allows customizing the deletion \ 
process of the “delete selected objects” action.
You can now override the default admin site.
The new ModelAdmin.sortable_by attribute and ModelAdmin.get_sortable_by() method \ 
allow limiting the columns that can be sorted in the change list page.
The admin_order_field attribute for elements in ModelAdmin.list_display may now \ 
be a query expression.
The new ModelAdmin.get_deleted_objects() method allows customizing the deletion \ 
process of the delete view and the “delete selected” action.
The actions.html, change_list_results.html, date_hierarchy.html, \ 
pagination.html, prepopulated_fields_js.html, search_form.html, and \ 
submit_line.html templates can now be overridden per app or per model (besides \ 
overridden globally).
The admin change list and change form object tools can now be overridden per \ 
app, per model, or globally with change_list_object_tools.html and \ 
change_form_object_tools.html templates.
InlineModelAdmin.has_add_permission() is now passed the parent object as the \ 
second positional argument, obj.
Admin actions may now specify permissions to limit their availability to certain \ 

createsuperuser now gives a prompt to allow bypassing the \ 
UserCreationForm and UserChangeForm no longer need to be rewritten for a custom \ 
user model.

The new GEOSGeometry.buffer_with_style() method is a version of buffer() that \ 
allows customizing the style of the buffer.
OpenLayersWidget is now based on OpenLayers 4.6.5 (previously 3.20.1).

Added the SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE setting to set the SameSite cookie flag on \ 
session cookies.

The local-memory cache backend now uses a least-recently-used (LRU) culling \ 
strategy rather than a pseudo-random one.
The new touch() method of the low-level cache API updates the timeout of cache keys.

Added the CSRF_COOKIE_SAMESITE setting to set the SameSite cookie flag on CSRF \ 

The widget for ImageField now renders with the HTML attribute \ 

Added the get_supported_language_variant() function.
Untranslated strings for territorial language variants now use the translations \ 
of the generic language. For example, untranslated pt_BR strings use pt \ 

Management Commands
The new inspectdb --include-views option allows creating models for database views.
The BaseCommand class now uses a custom help formatter so that the standard \ 
options like --verbosity or --settings appear last in the help output, giving a \ 
more prominent position to subclassed command’s options.

Added support for serialization of functools.partialmethod objects.
To support frozen environments, migrations may be loaded from .pyc files.

Models can now use __init_subclass__() from PEP 487.
A BinaryField may now be set to editable=True if you wish to include it in model \ 
A number of new text database functions are added: Chr, Left, LPad, LTrim, Ord, \ 
Repeat, Replace, Right, RPad, RTrim, and Trim.
The new TruncWeek function truncates DateField and DateTimeField to the Monday \ 
of a week.
Query expressions can now be negated using a minus sign.
QuerySet.order_by() and distinct(*fields) now support using field transforms.
BooleanField can now be null=True. This is encouraged instead of \ 
NullBooleanField, which will likely be deprecated in the future.
The new QuerySet.explain() method displays the database’s execution plan of a \ 
queryset’s query.
QuerySet.raw() now supports prefetch_related().

Requests and Responses
Added HttpRequest.get_full_path_info().
Added the samesite argument to HttpResponse.set_cookie() to allow setting the \ 
SameSite cookie flag.
The new as_attachment argument for FileResponse sets the Content-Disposition \ 
header to make the browser ask if the user wants to download the file. \ 
FileResponse also tries to set the Content-Type and Content-Length headers where \ 

The new json_script filter safely outputs a Python object as JSON, wrapped in a \ 
<script> tag, ready for use with JavaScript.
