Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-test
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2019-01-07 09:38:01
Message id:

Log Message:
py-test: updated to 4.1.0

pytest 4.1.0:
* pytest.mark.parametrize: in previous versions, errors raised by id functions \ 
were suppressed and changed into warnings. Now the exceptions are propagated, \ 
along with a pytest message informing the node, parameter value and index where \ 
the exception occurred.
* Remove legacy internal warnings system: config.warn, Node.warn. The \ 
pytest_logwarning now issues a warning when implemented.
See our docs on information on how to update your code.
* Removed support for yield tests - they are fundamentally broken because they \ 
don’t support fixtures properly since collection and test execution were \ 
See our docs on information on how to update your code.
* Removed support for applying marks directly to values in \ 
@pytest.mark.parametrize. Use pytest.param instead.
See our docs on information on how to update your code.
* Removed Metafunc.addcall. This was the predecessor mechanism to \ 
See our docs on information on how to update your code.
* Removed support for passing strings to pytest.main. Now, always pass a list of \ 
strings instead.
See our docs on information on how to update your code.
* [pytest] section in setup.cfg files is not longer supported, use [tool:pytest] \ 
instead. setup.cfg files are meant for use with distutils, and a section named \ 
pytest has notoriously been a source of conflicts and bugs.
Note that for pytest.ini and tox.ini files the section remains [pytest].
* Removed the deprecated compat properties for node.Class/Function/Module - use \ 
pytest.Class/Function/Module now.
See our docs on information on how to update your code.
* Removed the implementation of the pytest_namespace hook.
See our docs on information on how to update your code.
* Removed request.cached_setup. This was the predecessor mechanism to modern \ 
See our docs on information on how to update your code.
* Removed the deprecated PyCollector.makeitem method. This method was made \ 
public by mistake a long time ago.
* Removed support to define fixtures using the pytest_funcarg__ prefix. Use the \ 
@pytest.fixture decorator instead.
See our docs on information on how to update your code.
* Calling fixtures directly is now always an error instead of a warning.
See our docs on information on how to update your code.
* Remove Node.get_marker(name) the return value was not usable for more than a \ 
existence check.
Use Node.get_closest_marker(name) as a replacement.
* The deprecated record_xml_property fixture has been removed, use the more \ 
generic record_property instead.
See our docs for more information.
* An error is now raised if the pytest_plugins variable is defined in a \ 
non-top-level file (i.e., not residing in the rootdir).
See our docs for more information.
* Remove testfunction.markername attributes - use Node.iter_markers(name=None) \ 
to iterate them.

* Deprecated the pytest.config global.
See for \ 
* Passing the message parameter of pytest.raises now issues a DeprecationWarning.
It is a common mistake to think this parameter will match the exception message, \ 
while in fact it only serves to provide a custom message in case the \ 
pytest.raises check fails. To avoid this mistake and because it is believed to \ 
be little used, pytest is deprecating it without providing an alternative for \ 
the moment.
If you have concerns about this, please comment on issue 3974.
* Deprecated raises(..., 'code(as_a_string)') and warns(..., 'code(as_a_string)').
See for \ 
rationale and examples.

* A warning is now issued when assertions are made for None.
This is a common source of confusion among new users, which write:
assert mocked_object.assert_called_with(3, 4, 5, key="value")
When they should write:
mocked_object.assert_called_with(3, 4, 5, key="value")
Because the assert_called_with method of mock objects already executes an assertion.
This warning will not be issued when None is explicitly checked. An assertion like:
assert variable is None
will not issue the warning.
* Richer equality comparison introspection on AssertionError for objects created \ 
using attrs or dataclasses (Python 3.7+, backported to 3.6).
* CACHEDIR.TAG files are now created inside cache directories.
Those files are part of the Cache Directory Tagging Standard, and can be used by \ 
backup or synchronization programs to identify pytest’s cache directory as \ 
* pytest.outcomes.Exit is derived from SystemExit instead of KeyboardInterrupt. \ 
This allows us to better handle pdb exiting.
* Updated the --collect-only option to display test descriptions when ran using \ 
* Restructured ExceptionInfo object construction and ensure incomplete instances \ 
have a repr/str.
* pdb: added support for keyword arguments with pdb.set_trace.
It handles header similar to Python 3.7 does it, and forwards any other keyword \ 
arguments to the Pdb constructor.
This allows for __import__("pdb").set_trace(skip=["foo.*"]).
* Added ini parameter junit_duration_report to optionally report test call \ 
durations, excluding setup and teardown times.
The JUnit XML specification and the default pytest behavior is to include setup \ 
and teardown times in the test duration report. You can include just the call \ 
durations instead (excluding setup and teardown) by adding this to your \ 
pytest.ini file:
junit_duration_report = call
* -ra now will show errors and failures last, instead of as the first items in \ 
the summary.
This makes it easier to obtain a list of errors and failures to run tests \ 
* pytest.importorskip now supports a reason parameter, which will be shown when \ 
the requested module cannot be imported.

Bug Fixes
* -p now accepts its argument without a space between the value, for example \ 
* approx again works with more generic containers, more precisely instances of \ 
Iterable and Sized instead of more restrictive Sequence.
* Ensure that node ids are printable.
* Fixed raises(..., 'code(string)') frame filename.
* Display actual test ids in --collect-only.

Improved Documentation
* Markers example documentation page updated to support latest pytest version.
* Update cache documentation example to correctly show cache hit and miss.
* Improved detailed summary report documentation.

Trivial/Internal Changes
* Changed the deprecation type of --result-log to PytestDeprecationWarning.
