The following packages were found for maintainer:
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misc/heyu Home Automation Software for the X10 CM11A
misc/ibutton-pdkit 1-Wire Public Domain Kit Version 2.00
graphics/p5-GD-Graph3d GDGraph3d is a pkg to generate charts, using Lincoln Steins
graphics/p5-GDGraph GDGraph is a package to generate charts, using Lincoln Steins
finance/p5-Finance-Quote Perl module to get stock quotes from various exchanges
misc/xtend Monitors X10 commands using heyu to automate UNIX functions
misc/p5-ControlX10-CM11 Perl5 module for controlling the X10 CM11A controller
misc/p5-ControlX10-CM17 Perl5 module for controlling the X10 CM17A controller
audio/p5-MP3-Tag This is a perl module to read/write tags of mp3-files
graphics/p5-GDTextUtil Perl 5 text utilities for use with the GD drawing package
comms/p5-Device-SerialPort POSIX-based Perl module to control your serial port