The following packages were found for maintainer:
pkgtools/pkglint4 [CURRENT] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/url2pkg [CURRENT] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
textproc/translate-toolkit [CURRENT] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/pkglint [CURRENT] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/check-portability [CURRENT] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Check and correct file permissions
devel/pcre-ocaml [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Perl compatible regular expressions for OCaml
security/p5-Crypt-PasswdMD5 [pkgsrc-2007Q2] MD5-based crypt() function
security/p5-Authen-PAM [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Authentication via PAM
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages and complete pkgsrc tree
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
lang/js [pkgsrc-2007Q2] JavaScript virtual machine
misc/taskjuggler [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Project management tool
regress/pkg-options [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Test framework
regress/compiler [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Tests whether the pkgsrc compilers work as expected
regress/barrier [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Tests whether pkgsrc barriers work as expected
regress/tools [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Test whether the TOOLS do what I expect
graphics/libscigraphica [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Scientific data visualization and analysis library
textproc/asciidoc [pkgsrc-2007Q2] ASCII to formatted document converter
audio/lmms [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Linux MultiMedia Studio
lang/yap [pkgsrc-2007Q2] ISO-compliant Prolog
games/polyglot [pkgsrc-2007Q2] UCI to WB adapter (for chess engines)
games/fruit [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Chess playing engine
games/blokus [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Abstract strategy board game for two to four players
games/bastet [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Bastard Tetris
games/eboard [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Graphical user interface for playing chess
games/six [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Hex, a board game with very simple rules
devel/p5-enum [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Enumerations for Perl
games/gogui [pkgsrc-2007Q2] GUI for Go-playing programs
devel/gnome-build [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Project management components for GNOME development
www/ap2-suphp [pkgsrc-2007Q2] SuEXEC-like wrapper for PHP scripts
regress/make-quoting [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Test Makefile quoting and make(1) bugs
devel/p5-PAR [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Cross-Platform Packaging and Debugging Tool
games/moon-buggy [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Game on the Moon
print/gtklp [pkgsrc-2007Q2] CUPS frontend using GTK
emulators/vmips [pkgsrc-2007Q2] MIPS R3000 emulator
regress/subst [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Test the SUBST framework
devel/gdl [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Gnome Devtool Libraries
math/xfractint [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Fractint for X11
databases/ocaml-mysql [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Ocaml library for MySQL database access
security/Bastille [pkgsrc-2007Q2] System hardening tool focusing on educating the user
mail/avenger [pkgsrc-2007Q2] SMTP server with filtering capabilities
devel/cogito [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Version control system of the Linux kernel
devel/ocaml-findlib [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Library finder for OCaml
devel/jflex [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Fast lexical analyzer generator for Java
devel/qconf [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Configure script generator for qmake
games/spaceracer [pkgsrc-2007Q2] 3D car racing game
www/squirm [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Redirector for the Squid Internet Object Cache
www/nvu [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Web Authoring System
net/logjam [pkgsrc-2007Q2] GTK client for
sysutils/same [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Find identical files and link(2) them to save disk space
sysutils/filelight [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Graphical filesystem usage monitor
sysutils/swatch [pkgsrc-2007Q2] Simple log file watcher
lang/yap [pkgsrc-2007Q3] ISO-compliant Prolog
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages and complete pkgsrc tree
devel/pcre-ocaml [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Perl compatible regular expressions for OCaml
sysutils/swatch [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Simple log file watcher
www/squirm [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Redirector for the Squid Internet Object Cache
graphics/libscigraphica [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Scientific data visualization and analysis library
devel/jflex [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Fast lexical analyzer generator for Java
sysutils/filelight [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Graphical filesystem usage monitor
regress/barrier [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Tests whether pkgsrc barriers work as expected
devel/gnome-build [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Project management components for GNOME development
regress/pkg-options [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Test framework
games/velena [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Perfect-play engine for connect four
regress/compiler [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Tests whether the pkgsrc compilers work as expected
regress/make-quoting [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Test Makefile quoting and make(1) bugs
regress/subst [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Test the SUBST framework
security/Bastille [pkgsrc-2007Q3] System hardening tool focusing on educating the user
security/p5-Crypt-PasswdMD5 [pkgsrc-2007Q3] MD5-based crypt() function
devel/cogito [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Version control system of the Linux kernel
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
regress/tools [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Test whether the TOOLS do what I expect
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
security/p5-Authen-PAM [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Authentication via PAM
archivers/pbzip2 [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting file compressor
lang/js [pkgsrc-2007Q3] JavaScript virtual machine
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Check and correct file permissions
devel/qconf [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Configure script generator for qmake
www/nvu [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Web Authoring System
net/logjam [pkgsrc-2007Q3] GTK client for
devel/ocaml-findlib [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Library finder for OCaml
devel/p5-enum [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Enumerations for Perl
games/polyglot [pkgsrc-2007Q3] UCI to WB adapter (for chess engines)
print/gtklp [pkgsrc-2007Q3] CUPS frontend using GTK
www/ap2-suphp [pkgsrc-2007Q3] SuEXEC-like wrapper for PHP scripts
games/eboard [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Graphical user interface for playing chess
databases/ocaml-mysql [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Ocaml library for MySQL database access
games/fruit [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Chess playing engine
misc/taskjuggler [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Project management tool
games/bastet [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Bastard Tetris
games/spaceracer [pkgsrc-2007Q3] 3D car racing game
games/gogui [pkgsrc-2007Q3] GUI for Go-playing programs
games/six [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Hex, a board game with very simple rules
games/moon-buggy [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Game on the Moon
games/blokus [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Abstract strategy board game for two to four players
devel/gdl [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Gnome Devtool Libraries
math/xfractint [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Fractint for X11
textproc/asciidoc [pkgsrc-2007Q3] ASCII to formatted document converter
emulators/vmips [pkgsrc-2007Q3] MIPS R3000 emulator
audio/lmms [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Linux MultiMedia Studio
devel/p5-PAR [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Cross-Platform Packaging and Debugging Tool
mail/avenger [pkgsrc-2007Q3] SMTP server with filtering capabilities
sysutils/same [pkgsrc-2007Q3] Find identical files and link(2) them to save disk space
devel/gnome-build [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Project management components for GNOME development
games/polyglot [pkgsrc-2007Q4] UCI to WB adapter (for chess engines)
emulators/vmips [pkgsrc-2007Q4] MIPS R3000 emulator
security/p5-Crypt-PasswdMD5 [pkgsrc-2007Q4] MD5-based crypt() function
devel/p5-PAR [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Cross-Platform Packaging and Debugging Tool
sysutils/same [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Find identical files and link(2) them to save disk space
math/xfractint [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Fractint for X11
devel/ocaml-findlib [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Library finder for OCaml
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Check and correct file permissions
devel/jflex [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Fast lexical analyzer generator for Java
games/eboard [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Graphical user interface for playing chess
games/moon-buggy [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Game on the Moon
games/velena [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Perfect-play engine for connect four
games/blokus [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Abstract strategy board game for two to four players
audio/lmms [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Linux MultiMedia Studio
games/bastet [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Bastard Tetris
regress/compiler [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Tests whether the pkgsrc compilers work as expected
regress/tools [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Test whether the TOOLS do what I expect
regress/make-quoting [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Test Makefile quoting and make(1) bugs
regress/pkg-options [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Test framework
regress/subst [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Test the SUBST framework
regress/barrier [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Tests whether pkgsrc barriers work as expected
games/spaceracer [pkgsrc-2007Q4] 3D car racing game
mail/avenger [pkgsrc-2007Q4] SMTP server with filtering capabilities
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages and complete pkgsrc tree
devel/qconf [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Configure script generator for qmake
databases/ocaml-mysql [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Ocaml library for MySQL database access
games/gogui [pkgsrc-2007Q4] GUI for Go-playing programs
games/six [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Hex, a board game with very simple rules
www/nvu [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Web Authoring System
lang/js [pkgsrc-2007Q4] JavaScript virtual machine
devel/cogito [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Version control system of the Linux kernel
devel/pcre-ocaml [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Perl compatible regular expressions for OCaml
graphics/libscigraphica [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Scientific data visualization and analysis library
lang/yap [pkgsrc-2007Q4] ISO-compliant Prolog
www/ap2-suphp [pkgsrc-2007Q4] SuEXEC-like wrapper for PHP scripts
www/squirm [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Redirector for the Squid Internet Object Cache
editors/obby [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Library for distributed editing
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
security/Bastille [pkgsrc-2007Q4] System hardening tool focusing on educating the user
sysutils/filelight [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Graphical filesystem usage monitor
devel/p5-enum [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Enumerations for Perl
sysutils/swatch [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Simple log file watcher
security/p5-Authen-PAM [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Authentication via PAM
textproc/asciidoc [pkgsrc-2007Q4] ASCII to formatted document converter
misc/taskjuggler [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Project management tool
net/net6 [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Networking library for C++
devel/gdl [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Gnome Devtool Libraries
print/gtklp [pkgsrc-2007Q4] CUPS frontend using GTK
archivers/pbzip2 [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting file compressor
games/fruit [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Chess playing engine
textproc/jdom [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Simple API for processing XML documents in Java
net/logjam [pkgsrc-2007Q4] GTK client for
editors/gobby [pkgsrc-2007Q4] Collaborative Editor
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Check and correct file permissions
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2008Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Check and correct file permissions
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2008Q2] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Check and correct file permissions
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2008Q3] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Check and correct file permissions
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2008Q4] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Check and correct file permissions
audio/tcd [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
x11/p5-X11-Protocol [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Interface to the X11 protocol
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2009Q1] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
audio/tcd [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Check and correct file permissions
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
x11/p5-X11-Protocol [pkgsrc-2009Q2] Interface to the X11 protocol
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Check and correct file permissions
audio/tcd [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
x11/p5-X11-Protocol [pkgsrc-2009Q3] Interface to the X11 protocol
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
audio/tcd [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
x11/p5-X11-Protocol [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Interface to the X11 protocol
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2009Q4] Check and correct file permissions
audio/tcd [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages
x11/p5-X11-Protocol [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Interface to the X11 protocol
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2010Q1] Check and correct file permissions
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages
x11/p5-X11-Protocol [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Interface to the X11 protocol
audio/tcd [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2010Q2] Check and correct file permissions
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Check and correct file permissions
audio/tcd [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
x11/p5-X11-Protocol [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Interface to the X11 protocol
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2010Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Check and correct file permissions
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages
x11/p5-X11-Protocol [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Interface to the X11 protocol
audio/tcd [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2010Q4] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
audio/tcd [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Check and correct file permissions
x11/p5-X11-Protocol [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Interface to the X11 protocol
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2011Q1] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Check and correct file permissions
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
audio/tcd [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
x11/p5-X11-Protocol [pkgsrc-2011Q2] Interface to the X11 protocol
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Check and correct file permissions
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages
audio/tcd [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
x11/p5-X11-Protocol [pkgsrc-2011Q3] Interface to the X11 protocol
audio/tcd [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Audio CD player using ncurses and SDL
sysutils/checkperms [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Check and correct file permissions
pkgtools/pkg_regress [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Run pkgsrc infrastructure regression test suite
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages
x11/p5-X11-Protocol [pkgsrc-2011Q4] Interface to the X11 protocol
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2016Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2016Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2016Q3] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2016Q4] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2017Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2017Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2017Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2017Q4] Rich testing for the Go language
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2018Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2018Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2018Q3] Tools for working with translation files
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Rich testing for the Go language
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2018Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Tools for working with translation files
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2019Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2019Q2] Tools for working with translation files
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2019Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2019Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/check-portability [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Tools for working with translation files
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2020Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/check-portability [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2020Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Tools for working with translation files
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/check-portability [pkgsrc-2020Q3] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/check-portability [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2020Q4] Tools for working with translation files
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/check-portability [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2021Q1] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Tools for working with translation files
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/check-portability [pkgsrc-2021Q2] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/check-portability [pkgsrc-2021Q3] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/check-portability [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2021Q4] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Rich testing for the Go language
pkgtools/check-portability [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Verifier for NetBSD packages
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2022Q1] Tools for working with translation files
devel/go-check [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Rich testing for the Go language
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/check-portability [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2022Q2] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package
pkgtools/check-portability [pkgsrc-2022Q3] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
pkgtools/pkglint [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages
pkgtools/pkglint4 [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Verifier for NetBSD packages (old version, for all platforms)
textproc/translate-toolkit [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Tools for working with translation files
pkgtools/check-portability [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Check extracted files for typical portability issues
pkgtools/url2pkg [pkgsrc-2022Q4] Tool to automate initial steps in building a package