Contact us Category listing - devel
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accerciser Interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop
acme Cross assembler for 6502, 65c02, and 65816
acr Autoconf replacement
acunia-jam Acunia version of the program construction tool, like make(1)
adocman DocManager operation automation tool
aegis Aegis is a transaction base software configuration management system
ald Very nice x86 assembly-level debugger
allegro Allegro game programming library
anjuta Gnome based IDE for C and C++
ap2-subversion (V) WebDAV server (Apache module) for Subversion
apache-ant Apache Project's Java-Based make(1) replacement
apache-ant15 Apache Project's Java-Based make(1) replacement
apache-maven Apache Project's software project management and comprehension tool
apel Portable Emacs library
apr Apache Portable Runtime
apr-util Apache Portable Runtime utilities
apr0 Apache Portable Runtime
arena ANSI C like scripting language
argp Argument parsing function from glibc
argtable Library for parsing command line arguments of a C/C++ program
ArX Distributed revision control system
as31 8031/8051 assembler
asm2html Tool to convert NASM source files to HTML
astyle Reindenter and reformatter of C++, C and Java source code
at-spi Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
atasm (V) Cross-assembler for 6502 optimized to code for Atari 8 bit computers
atf Automated testing framework
atk Set of interfaces for accessibility
atkmm C++ bindings for atk
autoconf Generates automatic source code configuration scripts
autoconf213 Generates automatic source code configuration scripts (old version)
autogen The Automated Text and Program Generation Tool
automake GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake14 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (old version)
automoc4 Automatic moc for Qt 4 packages
avl Library for manipulation of balanced binary trees
avltree In-memory index w/ binary and string keys and key counts
bcc Bruce Evans' C compiler (with as and ld); can do 16-bit code
bglibs Collection of libraries by Bruce Guenter
bin86 Simple assembler and linker for x86 machine code
binutils GNU binary utilities
bison GNU yacc(1) replacement
blame Annotate RCS-controlled text line by line
blib Blinkenlights library
bmake Portable (autoconf) version of NetBSD 'make' utility
boa-constructor Python IDE
boehm-gc Garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
boost (V) Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
boost-build Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Build framework)
boost-docs Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (documentation)
boost-headers Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (build-time headers)
boost-jam Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Jam utility)
boost-libs Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (binary libraries)
boost-python Free, peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Boost.Python binary library)
bouml UML modeling tool, generates C++, JAVA, and IDL
buddy Library for binary decision diagrams
bugzilla Web based bug tracking system
bugzilla3 Web based bug tracking system
bullet Collision detection, soft body and rigid body dynamics library
byacc Berkeley Yacc
bzr Bazaar open source distributed version control system
bzr-explorer GUI frontend to bzr
bzr-gtk Various GTK+ frontends to Bazaar commands
bzr-svn Foreign Subversion repository support for Bazaar
bzrtools Collection of plugins for Bazaar
c-cpp-reference C and C++ reference for the KDE IDE
c4 CVS-like frontend to Perforce
cbrowser Graphical C/C++ source code browsing tool, and call graph viewer
ccache Cache for C/C++ compilers
cdecl Utility to explain and compose C and C++ declarations
cdk Curses Development Kit
cfitsio FITS (flexible image transport system) file input and output
cflow Code-path flow analyzer for C
cflow-mode Emacs mode for GNU cflow output
cgdb Curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB)
check Unit test framework for C
chmlib Library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chrpath Change the dynamic library load path of compiled binaries
clib Enhanced language features for C
clisp-pcre CLISP PCRE module
clisp-syscalls CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation
clisp-zlib CLISP zlib module
cmake Cross platform make
cmake-mode Emacs mode for CMake syntax highlighting and indentation
coccinelle Tool for writing and applying semantic patches
coconut Objective-C library for Unix-like systems
code2html (V) Convert a program source code to syntax highlighted HTML
codeville Distributed revision control system
cogito Version control system of the Linux kernel
colordiff Colour-highlighted 'diff' output
compiz-bcop Option code generator for compiz
compizconfig-backend-gconf Plugin (gconf) for the compiz configuration backend
confuse Configuration file parser library
cook More powerful replacement for the traditional make(1) tool
cppcheck Tool for static C/C++ code analysis
cppunit CppUnit is a C++ unit testing framework
cproto Generates function prototypes from C source
cpuflags Determine compiler flags to best target current cpu
cqual Tool for adding type qualifiers to C
cscope Interactive C program browser
cssc GNU workalike for the source code control system SCCS
cunit C Unit checking test software
cut C Unit Tester
cutter Unit Testing Framework for C and C++
cvs2cl CVS-log-message-to-ChangeLog conversion script
cvs2html Perl script to turn ``cvs log'' output into HTML
cvs2p4 Converts CVS repository to Perforce depot
cvs2svn Converts a CVS repository to a Subversion repository
cvsclone Clone a CVS repository using the :pserver: access method
cvsd Run CVS pserver in a chroot-ed environment
cvsdiff2patch Convert CVS diffs into something that patch(1) understands
cvsgraph Graphically represents CVS/RCS branches and file revisions
cvslock Safely manipulate and inspect CVS repositories
cvsps Generates 'patchset' information from a CVS repository
cvsup cvsup daemon and client
cvsup-bin cvsup daemon and client
cvsup-gui cvsup daemon and client
cvsup-gui-bin cvsup GUI client
cvsutils CVS utilities to facilitate working
cvsync Portable incremental cvs repository syncer
cxref C Cross Referencing & Documenting tool
darcs Distributed revision control system
darts C++ template library that implements Double-Array
dconf Backend for gsettings
dconf-editor Backend for gsettings
ddd Data Display Debugger -- graphical front-end for GDB/DBX/XDB
dejagnu TCL/Expect-based framework for regression testing
dev86 Linux 8086 development environment
devhelp Documentation viewer based on GNOME2
device-driver-doc-de Device driver documentation in German
devIL Developer's Image Library
dia2code Small utility used to generate code from a Dia diagram
diffsplit (V) Splits a unified diff into pieces which patch one file each
diffuse Graphical tool for merging and comparing text files
diffutils GNU diff utilities - find the differences between files
distcc Tool for distributed C/C++ compiling
distcc-pump Accelerated remote compilation with distcc
distccmon-gnome Graphical monitor for distcc, the distributed C/C++ compiler
distccmon-gtk Graphical monitor for distcc, the distributed C/C++ compiler
dlcompat Library for dlopen() emulation on Darwin
dmake Portable make supported by many platforms
dmalloc Run-time configurable debugging malloc library
doc++ Documentation system for C, C++ and Java
dotconf Simple-to-use and powerful configuration-file parser library
doxygen Documentation system for C++, Java, IDL and C
doxymacs Doxygen editing support for Emacs
easygit Git porcelain wrapper in Perl
eclipse Java IDE
edcommon Foundation and AppKit extensions
eet Library for speedy storage, retrieval, and compression
eina Data types library
electric-fence Different kind of malloc() debugger
elf ELF header analyzer
elfsh ELF format exploration shell
elib Library of utility functions for Emacs
emacs-ilisp Emacs interface to embedded Lisp process
emacs20-elib Library of utility functions for Emacs
epydoc Python documentation framework
equeue Queues for file events (OCaml)
eric3 Python IDE
eric4 Python - IDE
error Insert compiler errors in source files as comments
ethos Plugin interface library
ETL C++ template library for synfig
etrace Function call tracing
exctags Exuberant (feature-filled) tagfile generator for vi, emacs and clones
exempi XMP library
ExmanIDE Integrated development environment for Python
fann Fast Artificial Neural Network
fann-devel Fast Artificial Neural Network
fastdep Dependency generator for C/C++ files
ffcall Foreign function call libraries
fhist File history and comparison tools
flex Fast clone of lex(1), the lexical scanner generator
flexdock Swing windowing and docking framework
flim Emacs lisp library for message representation/encoding
florist FSU implementation of POSIX.5 (Ada binding)
fortran-utils Utilities for Fortran programmers
fossil Simple, high-reliability, distributed software configuration management
frama-c Extensible platform dedicated to source-code analysis of C software
fromcvs CVS repository conversion tool
ftnchek Static analyzer for Fortran programs
g-wrap Tool for generating guile wrappers for C code
GConf Configuration database system used by GNOME
GConf-ui Configuration database system used by GNOME
gconfmm C++ bindings for gconf
gcvs GTK interface for CVS
gdb Symbolic debugger for multiple language frontends
gdb6 The GNU Project Debugger
gdbada GNAT GDB : An Ada 95 Debugger
gdl Gnome Devtool Libraries
geany Geany integrated development environment (IDE)
generate Simple text pre-processor
gentle Gentle Compiler Construction System
gettext Tools for providing messages in different languages
gettext-asprintf Provides a printf-like interface for C++
gettext-lib Internationalized Message Handling Library (libintl)
gettext-m4 Autoconf/automake m4 files for GNU NLS library
gettext-tools Tools for providing messages in different languages
gflib Reed Solomon and Galois Field error correction library
giblib Programming utility library
gindent GNU version of pretty-printer for C source code
glade User interface builder for the GTK2+ toolkit
glade3 User interface builder for the GTK2+ toolkit
glib Some useful routines for C programming (glib1)
glib2 Some useful routines for C programming (glib2)
glibmm C++ bindings for glib
global Source code tag system including web browser output
gmake GNU version of 'make' utility
gmp Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gnatpython Python package used in Ada testsuites
gnome-build GNOME build tools
gnome-common Generic M4 macros for GNOME development
gnome-devtools (V) Meta-package for utilities used for developing GNOME applications
gnustep-base GNUstep foundation classes
gnustep-examples Some GUI programming examples for GNUstep
gnustep-make GNUstep makefile package
gnustep-objc Objective-C runtime
gnustep-objc-lf2 Objective-C library required for libFoundation
gob2 GNOME object builder for glib2
gobject-introspection GObject Introspection
googletest Google's C++ testing framework
Gorm Graphical user interface builder for GNUstep
gperf GNU perfect hash function generator
gprbuild-aux Adacore multi-language software build tool
gps GNAT Programming Studio - IDE for Ada and many other languages
gputils collection of tools for Microchip's PIC micro-processors
gsoap Tools for coding SOAP XML Web Services in C and C++
gst-plugins0.10-pango Open source multimedia framework - pango plugin
gtexinfo GNU info documentation utilities
gtl C++ graph data structure library based on the STL
guile-fcgi Guile interface to FastCGI
guile-gnome Library to access gobject/glib/gtk and gnome from guile
guile-gtk Library to make GTK 1.2 accessible from guile
guile-lib Library functions for Guile, implemented in Scheme
guile-slib SLIB glue files for guile 1.8
guile-www Guile WWW module
guile16-gtk Library to make GTK 1.2 accessible from guile
haskell-mode Haskell mode for Emacs
hdf NCSA Hierarchical Data Format
hdf5 Hierarchical Data Format (new generation)
hg-git Git plugin for Mercurial
hoe Rake extension to provide full project automation
hptools SDK for Hewlett-Packard HP-48G/49G/39G/40G calculators
ht Viewer, editor and analyzer for text, binary and executable files
hugs-HUnit Unit testing framework for Haskell (Hugs package)
hugs-unix Haskell abstraction for POSIX functionality (Hugs package)
idiff Interactive front-end to diff(1)
idutils Classic Berkeley gid/lid tools for looking up variables in code
imake Imake and other utilities from modular
intel2gas Convert nasm source files to gas source files
intltool (V) Toolbox for internationalisation
isect Open source middleware daemon
its4 Static C/C++ code scanner for potential security problems
jam Program construction tool, like make(1)
java-subversion Java bindings for Subversion
javacc Java Compiler Compiler [tm]
javadeps Automatic dependency tracking for Java
javascript-mode (V) Javascript major mode for Emacs
jde (V) Full-featured Java editing mode for emacs
jflex Fast lexical analyzer generator for Java
js2-mode Improved JavaScript mode for GNU Emacs
kbiff (V) Mail notification utility for KDE
kdbg Graphical User Interface around gdb using KDE
kdelibdocs3 (V) KDE library documentation
kdesdk3 Support applications and tools used by KDE developers
kdesdk4 Support applications and tools used by KDE developers
kdevelop Integrated Development Environment for Unix/X11/KDE
kdevelop-base Base modules for IDE for Unix/X11/KDE
kdevelop4 Integrated Development Environment for Unix/X11/KDE
kdevplatform KDE development platform, used by KDevelop 4
kdiff3 File and directory diff and merge tool
ko-po-check Korean .po file checker
kscope KDE frontend for cscope
lcc Local ANSI C compiler for a variety of platforms
lcov Front-end for GCC's coverage testing tool gcov
ldapsdk LDAP C-SDK from the Mozilla project
ldpc Low Density Parity Check Codes
lemon Simple LALR(1) parser generator
libarena Memory allocator API and implementation
libargparse Argument parsing library in C++
libast The Library of Assorted Spiffy Things
libatomic_ops Multi-platform library of atomic operations by Hans Boehm
libbegemot Base development library, contains useful routines
libbinio Binary I/O stream class library
libblkid Library to handle device identification and token extraction
libbonobo GNOME2 Object activation framework library
libbonoboui GNOME2 Object activation framework library (graphical version)
libcfg+ Command line and configuration file parsing library
libcompizconfig Configuration backend for compiz
libconfig Simple library for manipulating structured configuration files
libctl Guile-based flexible control file library for scientific simulations
libdaemon C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons
libdatrie Implementation of Double-Array Trie
libdnet (V) C interface to several low-level networking routines
libdnsres Non-blocking thread-safe API for resolving DNS names
libdockapp Simple library to create dockapps for WindowMaker
libebml Extensible Binary Meta Language support library
libelf ELF object file access library
libetm Exception and termination manager
libev Full-featured and high-performance event loop
libevent Asynchronous event notification library
libextractor Metadata extractor for various file data types
libf2c f2c Fortran support library
libffi Foreign function interface
libfirm Provides a graph-based SSA representation of programs
libFoundation Library implementing the OpenStep Foundation API
libFoundation-examples Library implementing the OpenStep Foundation API
libftdi userland driver library for FTDI USB chips
libgail-gnome GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library
libgcroots Garbage collector supporting library
libgee Library providing GObject-based interfaces and classes
libgetopt Library for handling --long options
libglade Runtime interpreter for GLADE GUI files
libglademm C++ bindings for libglade
libgnome Core GNOME2 library (non-graphical)
libgnomemm C++ bindings for libgnome
libgnomeui Core GNOME2 graphical libraries
libgnomeuimm C++ bindings for libgnomeui
libgphoto2 Digital camera access library
libgsf GNOME2 structured file library
libgsf-gnome GNOME2 structured file library (GNOME support)
libgtkhtml (V) Lightweight HTML rendering GTK2 widget
libgweather Weather information access library
libhfs Library for accessing HFS (Apple Macintosh) volumes
libiberty This package provides the GNU liberty library of missing functions
libident (V) Small library to interface to the ident protocol server (rfc1413)
libidn Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
libixp Stand-alone client/server 9P library
libjit Just-In-Time compilation functionality
libjudy High-performance sparse dynamic array library
libltdl Generic shared library support (libltdl abstraction library)
libmaa General purpose data structures and functions
libmatchbox Library for matchbox window manager for computers with small displays
libmcs BSD licensed configuration database system
libmemcache C API for memcached
libmemmgr Simple memory manager library
libmimedir MIME Directory Profile parser library (RFC 2425)
libmm Portable abstraction layer for shared memory
libmowgli Development framework for C (like GLib)
libmpeg3 (V) MPEG decoding library
libmtp Implementation of Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
libnet10 C library for portable packet creation and injection
libnet11 C library for portable packet creation and injection
libnjb Communicating with some Creative and Dell audio players
libntlm Library that implement Microsoft's NTLM authentication
liboil Library of simple, CPU-optimized functions
liboop Event loop management library
libosip Implementation of SIP
libowfat Library of general purpose APIs
libportlib Portable file locking and directory reading
libproplist GNUstep/OPENSTEP property lists compatibility library
librfuncs Provides missing POSIX *_r functions
librlog C++ logging library
librsync Checksum-based differencing library
librxspencer POSIX API regexp library by Henry Spencer
libscsi FreeBSD SCSI user library
libsexy Collection of GTK+ widgets that beautify standard widgets
libsexymm C++ bindings for libsexy
libsigc++ Type-safe callback system for C++ programs
libsigc++1 Type-safe callback system for C++ programs
libsigsegv Library for handling page faults in user mode
libslang Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
libslang2 Routines for rapid alpha-numeric terminal applications development
libsmi Library to access SMI MIB information
libstash Collection of programming support routines and useful algorithms
libstatgrab Provides a useful interface to system statistics
libstree Suffix tree library
libstroke Stroke translation library
libtai Library for storing and manipulating dates and times
libtar Library for manipulating POSIX tar files
libtecla Interactive command line editing facilities
libthai Thai language support routines
libthrift Cross-language data serialization library
libtool Generic shared library support script
libtool-base Generic shared library support script (the script itself)
libtool-info Generic shared library support script - info pages
libts Library of simple token-scanning routines
libusb USB access library
libuuid Generate unique identifiers for objects
libview GTK+ widget collection
libvolume_id Library to provide file system type information
libvorbis (V) Library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
libwhisker2 Perl module geared specifically for HTTP testing
libwnck Library to write pagers and tasklists
libxenserver Citrix XenServer SDK for C
libXfont (V) X font Library
libxml (V) XML parser (version 1), mainly used by the GNOME project
lincvs Nice GUI front-end to CVS (using Qt)
log4cxx Logging framework for C++
log4shib C++ library for flexible logging, modeled after Log4j
ltsa Labelled Transition System Analyser
lua-alt-getopt Lua API for getopt similar to getopt_long(3)
lua-filesystem File system related library for Lua
lua-mode Emacs major mode for editing Lua code
lua-stdlib Standard library for Lua programming language
lua-stdlib-doc Documentation for modules from lua-stdlib
lwp Light Weight Process style threads
m17n-lib Multilingualization library
m4 GNU version of UNIX m4 macro language processor
makedepend Dependency generator for make
makedepf90 Creates Makefile dependencies for Fortran code
maketool Graphical front end to GNU make
mantis PHP/MySQL/web based bugtracking system
matio Matlab MAT file I/O library
mdds Collection of multi-dimensional data structure and indexing algorithms
meld Visual diff and merge tool
mell M Emacs Lisp Library
memcached High-performance distributed memory object caching system
menhir LR(1) parser generator in OCaml
mercurial Fast, lightweight source control management system
mico High performance and rubustness CORBA ORB
mk-configure Lightweight but powerful replacement for GNU autotools
mkcmd Command-line parser and manual page generator
mmix (V) Simulators for Knuth's MMIX RISC architecture
mono-addins Framework for creating extensible applications
mono-tools Tools for use with the Mono runtime
monodevelop IDE for C# and other .NET languages
monodevelop-database IDE for C# and other .NET languages
monotone Free distributed version control system
monotone-server Simplifies the configuration of a dedicated Monotone server
monotone-viz Visualize monotone ancestry graphs
mph Minimal perfect hashing functionality
nana Improved support for assertions and logging in C and C++
nant Free .NET build tool similar to Apache Ant
nasm General-purpose x86 assembler
nbitools imake and tools derived from NetBSD-current/xsrc
nbpatch Patch files using diff output
ncc Compiler that produces program analysis information
ncurses CRT screen handling and optimization package
ncursesw Wide character CRT screen handling and optimization package
netbeans-ide NetBeans Java IDE
netbsd-iscsi-lib NetBSD's iSCSI library (per iSCSI RFC 3720)
netcdf Library for array-oriented data access
newfile Tool for creating starter files in various languages
newt Windowing toolkit based on libslang
noweb Simple, extensible literate-programming tool
nqc Development system for the Lego Mindstorms RCX embedded computer
nsis Scriptable system to build Windows installers
nspr Platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions
nspr-reference HTML Documentation for NSPR
nss Libraries to support development of security-enabled applications
ObjectiveLib Object containers and generic algorithms for Objective-C
ocaml-findlib Library finder for OCaml
ocaml-lwt Cooperative threading library for OCaml
ode Library for the simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics
ogre Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
omake Build system designed for scalability and portability
opal Open Phone Abstraction Library
opencm Secure, high-integrity replacement for CVS
opengrok Fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine
orc Compiler for vector operations
ossp-uuid C-API and command line tool for generating UUIDs
p4 Perforce SCM command-line client
p4-docs Perforce SCM documentation
p4d Perforce SCM server
p4pr Perforce file annotation with change, revision, and branch
p4web Perforce SCM Web client
p5-accessors Perl module - create accessor methods in caller's package
p5-Acme-PlayCode Perl5 module for code transforming to avoid typical typing mistakes
p5-Algorithm-Annotate Perl module that provides cvs-annotate-like functionality
p5-Algorithm-C3 Module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
p5-Algorithm-Dependency Algorithmic framework for implementing dependency tree
p5-Algorithm-Diff Perl module for diffing similar to diff(1)
p5-Algorithm-Merge Perl module providing diff3(1)-like functionality
p5-aliased Perl 5 module for use of shorter versions of class names
p5-AnnoCPAN-Perldoc Integrate AnnoCPAN notes locally into perldoc
p5-Any-Moose Perl extension to check dependencies on Moose or Mouse
p5-AnyEvent Simple API for io, timer and completion callbacks
p5-AnyEvent-AIO Perl 5 module providing truly asynchronous file and directory I/O
p5-App-Cache Perl 5 module providing easy application-level caching
p5-App-CLI Dispatcher module for command line interface programs
p5-App-Cmd Perl 5 module to write command line apps with less suffering
p5-App-cpanminus Perl5 script to get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
p5-App-cpanoutdated Detect outdated CPAN modules in your environment
p5-App-FatPacker Perl5 module to pack your dependencies onto your script file
p5-App-perlbrew Manage perl installations in your /home/pkgsrc
p5-AppConfig Perl5 module for parsing config files and command line arguments
p5-AppConfig-Std AppConfig::Std Perl module
p5-Array-Compare Perl extension for comparing arrays
p5-Array-Diff Perl 5 module to diff two arrays
p5-Array-RefElem Set up array elements as aliases
p5-asa Perl 5 module to overload isa functions
p5-Async-Interrupt Allow C/XS libraries to interrupt perl asynchronously
p5-AtExit Provides an ANSI C style atexit() function to Perl programs
p5-Attribute-Handlers Simpler definition of attribute handlers
p5-Attribute-Lexical Sane scoping of function/variable attributes
p5-autobox Perl 5 module to add methods on native types
p5-autobox-Core Perl 5 module adding core built-in functions in primitive types
p5-autodie Replace functions with ones that succeed or die with lexical scope
p5-AutoLoader Perl automatic module loader
p5-AutoXS-Header Perl 5 module container for the AutoXS header files
p5-B-Compiling Expose PL_compiling to perl
p5-B-Hooks-EndOfScope Perl 5 module to execute code after a scope finished compilation
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation Perl 5 module to annotate and delegate hooked OPs
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check Perl 5 module to wrap OP check callbacks
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-StashChange Invoke callbacks when the stash code is being compiled in changes
p5-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr Hook into opcode execution
p5-B-Hooks-Parser Interface to perls parser variables
p5-B-Keywords Perl 5 module providing lists of reserved barewords and symbol names
p5-B-Utils Perl 5 module providing op tree manipulation helper functions
p5-BackPAN-Index Perl 5 module providing an interface to the BackPAN index
p5-Bit-Vector Efficient base class implementing bit vectors
p5-boolean Boolean support for Perl
p5-BSD-Resource Perl interface to BSD process resources library
p5-Cache The Cache interface
p5-Cache-Cache The Cache interface
p5-Cache-FastMmap Shared memory cache through an mmap'ed file
p5-Cache-Memcached Perl API for distributed memory cache daemon memcached
p5-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry Perl module providing a lightweight cache with timed expiration
p5-CAM-PDF (V) Perl 5 PDF manipulation library
p5-capitalization Perl module for no capitalization on method names
p5-Capture-Tiny Perl module capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs
p5-Carp-Assert Executable comments like the ANSI C library assert.h
p5-Carp-Assert-More Perl5 module providing convenience wrappers around Carp::Assert
p5-Carp-Clan Report errors from perspective of a clan of modules
p5-Carp-REPL Perl 5 read-eval-print-loop on die and/or warn
p5-CatalystX-Component-Traits (V) Automatic Trait Loading and Resolution for Catalyst Components
p5-CatalystX-LeakChecker (V) Debug memory leaks in Catalyst applications
p5-CLASS Alias for __PACKAGE__
p5-Class-Accessor Automated accessor generation
p5-Class-Accessor-Chained Make chained accessors
p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped Lets you build groups of accessors
p5-Class-Accessor-Named Perl 5 module providing better profiling output for Class::Accessor
p5-Class-Adapter Perl 5 module implementing the adapter design pattern
p5-Class-Autouse Run-time class loading on first method call
p5-Class-Base Useful base class for deriving other modules
p5-Class-C3 Pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algortihm
p5-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT Perl5 module to make NEXT suck less
p5-Class-C3-Componentised Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class
p5-Class-C3-XS XS speedups for Class::C3
p5-Class-Container Glues object frameworks together transparently
p5-Class-Data-Accessor Inheritable and overridable class and instance data accessors
p5-Class-Data-Inheritable Inheritable, overridable class data
p5-Class-ErrorHandler Perl base class for error handling
p5-Class-Factory Base class for dynamic factory classes
p5-Class-Factory-Util Perl module to help factory classes
p5-Class-Field Perl 5 class field accessor generator
p5-Class-Fields Set of modules to operate with class fields and members access
p5-Class-Gomor Another class and object builder
p5-Class-Inner Perlish implementation of Java like inner classes
p5-Class-InsideOut Perl 5 safe and simple inside-out object construction kit
p5-Class-Inspector Provides information about Classes
p5-Class-ISA Report the search path for a class's ISA tree
p5-Class-Loader Perl5 module for module loading and on-demand object creation
p5-Class-MakeMethods Getter/setter OO method maker for class elements
p5-Class-Method-Modifiers Perl module providing Moose-like method modifiers
p5-Class-MethodMaker Getter/setter OO method maker for class elements
p5-Class-Mix Perl 5 module providing dynamic class mixing
p5-Class-MOP Perl 5 module providing a meta object protocol
p5-Class-ObjectTemplate Perl extension for optimized template builder base class
p5-Class-OOorNO Give your module classic *AND* OO interfaces
p5-Class-ReturnValue Perl5 module for return-value object
p5-Class-Singleton Perl module to implement Singleton classes
p5-Class-Std Perl 5 module to support creation of standard inside-out classes
p5-Class-Throwable Minimal lightweight exception class
p5-Class-Trigger Mixin to add/call inheritable triggers
p5-Class-Unload Perl 5 module to unload a class
p5-Class-Virtual Base class for virtual base classes
p5-Class-WhiteHole Perl5 module to ensure error on unhandled method calls
p5-Class-XML Perl 5 module providing a simple XML abstraction
p5-Class-XPath Perl5 module for XPath-style matching in object trees
p5-Class-XSAccessor Perl 5 module to generate fast XS accessors
p5-Class-XSAccessor-Array Perl 5 module to generate fast XS accessors for array based objects
p5-Clone Perl module for recursively copying datatypes
p5-Clone-PP Recursively copy Perl datatypes
p5-common-sense Save a tree AND a kitten, use common::sense!
p5-Compress-PPMd Perl 5 module interface to the Dmitry Shkarin PPMd compression library
p5-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 Perl5 low-level interface to bzip2 compression library
p5-Compress-Raw-Zlib Perl5 module interface to the zlib compression library
p5-Config-Any Perl extension for handling config files
p5-Config-Auto Perl 5 module providing a magical config file parser
p5-Config-AutoConf Perl 5 module to implement some of AutoConf macros in pure perl
p5-Config-Find Perl module for finding configuration files in the native OS fashion
p5-Config-General Perl Generic Config module
p5-Config-GitLike Perl 5 module providing a git-compatible config file parser
p5-Config-INI Perl 5 module to handle simple .ini-file format
p5-Config-IniFiles Perl module for reading .ini-style configuration files
p5-Config-Std Perl 5 module providing a simple configuration-file system
p5-Config-Tiny Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible
p5-constant Perl pragma to declare constants
p5-Context-Preserve Perl 5 module to run code after a subroutine call
p5-Contextual-Return Perl 5 module to create context-senstive return values
p5-Coro Perl 5 module providing cooperative threads
p5-CPAN Perl module to query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites
p5-CPAN-Checksums Write a CHECKSUMS file for a directory as on CPAN
p5-CPAN-DistnameInfo Perl 5 module to extract distname and version from distfile
p5-CPAN-FindDependencies Perl 5 module to find dependencies for modules on the CPAN
p5-CPAN-Inject Inject a distribution for installation via the CPAN shell
p5-CPAN-Reporter Adds CPAN Testers reporting to p5-CPAN
p5-Curses Perl5 module for terminal screen handling and optimization
p5-Curses-UI Curses based user user interface framework
p5-Curses-UI-POE Subclass for Curses::UI that enables it to work with POE
p5-Data-Alias Comprehensive set of aliasing operations
p5-Data-Buffer Perl5 module for low-level binary buffer
p5-Data-Compare Perl5 module comparing arbitrary data structures
p5-Data-Denter (deprecated) alternative Perl 5 module to Data::Dumper and Storable
p5-Data-Dump Pretty printing of data structures
p5-Data-Dump-Streamer Perl 5 module to serialize a data structure as Perl
p5-Data-Dumper-Concise Perl 5 module to dump references with concision and deparsing
p5-Data-Dumper-Names Dump variables with names (no source filter)
p5-Data-Hierarchy Perl module for handling data in a hierarchical structure
p5-Data-OptList Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
p5-Data-Page Pager utility for Class::DBI
p5-Data-Pageset Page numbering and page sets
p5-Data-Peek Perl 5 collection of low-level debug functions
p5-Data-Section Perl 5 module to read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA section
p5-Data-Serializer Perl 5 module to serialize data structures
p5-Data-ShowTable Perl module to print arrays of data in nicely formatted listings
p5-Data-Taxi Perl 5 module providing taint-aware, XML-ish data serialization
p5-Data-TemporaryBag Handle long size data using temporary file
p5-Data-UUID Perl module for generating UUIDs
p5-Data-Visitor Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures
p5-Date-Business Perl5 module for fast calendar and business date calculations
p5-Date-Calc Perl5 module for Gregorian calendar date calculations
p5-Date-Calc-XS XS wrapper and C library plug-in for Date::Calc
p5-Date-Manip Perl5 module for date calculations
p5-Date-Simple A simple date object
p5-Debug-Client Client side code for perl debugger
p5-Declare-Constraints-Simple Perl 5 module for declarative validation of data structures
p5-Devel-Autoflush Perl module to set autoflush from the command line
p5-Devel-Caller Meatier versions of caller
p5-Devel-Checklib Perl extension to check that a library is available
p5-Devel-CheckOS Perl extension to check what OS we are running on
p5-Devel-Cover Perl 5 module providing code coverage metrics
p5-Devel-Cycle Perl5 module to find memory cycles in objects
p5-Devel-Declare Declarator magic for perl
p5-Devel-Dumpvar Perl 5 module providing a pure-OO reimplementation of
p5-Devel-ebug Simple, extensible Perl 5 debugger
p5-Devel-EvalContext Perl 5 module to save lexicals and hints between calls to eval
p5-Devel-Events Perl 5 module providing an extensible instrumentation framework
p5-Devel-Events-Objects Perl 5 module providing object tracking support for Devel::Events
p5-Devel-FindRef Perl 5 module to track down references
p5-Devel-Gladiator Perl 5 module to walk Perl's arena
p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction Perl 5 package exposing the flag which marks global destruction
p5-Devel-Leak-Object perl module to detect leaks of objects
p5-Devel-LexAlias Alias lexical variables
p5-Devel-NYTProf Powerful feature-rich Perl 5 source code profiler
p5-Devel-PartialDump Perl 5 module to make partial dumps of data structures
p5-Devel-PPPort Perl5 module to bring newer features to older perl
p5-Devel-Profile Perl5 module for profiling perl programs
p5-Devel-Refactor Perl 5 extension for refactoring Perl code
p5-Devel-REPL Modern Perl interactive shell
p5-Devel-Size Perl 5 module for finding the memory usage of variables
p5-Devel-SmallProf Perl5 module for line-by-line profiling perl programs
p5-Devel-StackTrace Perl5 module for stack trace and stack trace frame objects
p5-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML Perl5 module to displays stack trace in HTML
p5-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals Perl 5 module combining Devel::StackTrace and PadWalker
p5-Devel-Symdump Perl5 module for inspecting perl's symtable/class hiers
p5-Devel-Trace Print out each line before it is executed (like sh -x)
p5-Devel-TraceUse Show the modules your Perl program loads, recursively
p5-Dir-Self Perl 5 __DIR__ constant for source file's directory
p5-enum Enumerations for Perl
p5-Error Perl extension module for try/throw/catch exception handling
p5-EV Perl interface to libev, a high performance full-featured event loop
p5-Event Event library for Perl
p5-Event-ExecFlow High level API for event-based execution flow control
p5-Event-RPC Event based transparent Client/Server RPC framework
p5-ex-lib Perl 5 module to add in @INC absolute paths from relative ones
p5-Exception-Class Perl5 module implementing real exception classes
p5-Exception-Handler Report exceptions with formatted text call-stack
p5-Expect Perl version of the TCL expect tool
p5-Expect-Simple Perl 5 module providing a wrapper around the Expect module
p5-Exporter-Lite Perl 5 module providing lightweight exporting of variables
p5-ExtUtils-AutoInstall Lets Makefile.PL automatically install dependencies
p5-ExtUtils-CBuilder Perl5 module for compiling and linking C code for Perl modules
p5-ExtUtils-Command Perl 5 functions to replace common UNIX commands in Makefiles
p5-ExtUtils-Depends Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
p5-ExtUtils-F77 Perl module for determining how to link Fortran and C
p5-ExtUtils-Install Install files from here to there
p5-ExtUtils-MakeMaker Write a Makefile for an extension module from a Makefile.PL
p5-ExtUtils-Manifest Perl utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
p5-ExtUtils-ModuleMaker Perl extension for creating modules (better than h2xs)
p5-ExtUtils-ModuleMaker-TT Makes skeleton modules with Template Toolkit templates
p5-ExtUtils-ParseXS Perl5 module for converting Perl XS code into C code
p5-ExtUtils-PkgConfig Simplistic perl interface to pkg-config
p5-ExtUtils-XSBuilder Perl5 module for automatic XS glue code generation
p5-ExtUtils-XSpp XS for C++
p5-File-BaseDir Perl module for the XDG Base Directory Specification
p5-File-BOM Utilities for handling Byte Order Marks
p5-File-ChangeNotify Watch for changes to files, cross-platform style
p5-File-chdir Perl module with a more sensible way to change directories
p5-File-ConfigDir Get directories of configuration files
p5-File-Copy-Recursive (V) Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories
p5-File-DesktopEntry Perl module for handling .desktop files
p5-File-DirSync Perl5 module to synchronize two directories rapidly
p5-File-Find-Rule Alternative interface to File::Find
p5-File-Find-Rule-Age Rule to match on file age
p5-File-Find-Rule-Perl Common File::Find::Rule rules for searching for Perl things
p5-File-Find-Rule-Permissions Rule to match on file permissions and user access
p5-File-Find-Rule-PPI Add support for PPI queries to File::Find::Rule
p5-File-Find-Rule-VCS File::Find::Rule extension to Exclude files/directories for VCS's
p5-File-Flat Implements a flat file system
p5-File-FlockDir FlockDir - override perl flock() for network or portability purposes
p5-File-HomeDir Get the home directory for yourself or other users
p5-File-LibMagic Perlwrapper for libmagic
p5-File-MimeInfo Perl module for the freedesktop shared MIME database
p5-File-Modified Perl module for checking intelligently if files have changed
p5-File-Next Perl 5 module providing a file-finding iterator
p5-File-NFSLock NFS (or not) locking
p5-File-Path Perl5 module to create or remove directory trees
p5-File-Path-Expand Perl 5 module to expand filenames
p5-File-Path-Tiny Perl 5 module providing recursive mkdir and rmdir
p5-File-PathConvert Convert paths and URLs from absolute to relative and vice versa
p5-File-Policy Perl 5 module to provide site policy for file I/O functions
p5-File-pushd Perl module to change directory temporarily for a limited scope
p5-File-Save-Home Place file safely under user home directory
p5-File-ShareDir Get a generic path to the share directory
p5-File-Slurp Read/write/append files quickly
p5-File-Temp Provides functions for generating temporary files
p5-File-Tempdir Object interface for tempdir() from Perl module File::Temp
p5-File-Touch Perl 5 module to touch files
p5-File-Type Perl module for determining file type
p5-File-Util Perl extension for easy, versatile, portable file handling
p5-File-Which Portable implementation of the 'which' utility
p5-FileHandle-Fmode Perl 5 module to determine how a filehandle is opened
p5-FileHandle-Unget Perl5 module providing an improved filehandle
p5-FileKGlob Expand a Unix file glob into a list of matching file names
p5-Filesys-Df (V) Perl extension for filesystem disk space information
p5-Filesys-DfPortable (V) Perl extension for filesystem disk space information
p5-Filesys-Notify-Simple Perl5 module providing a simple and dumb file system watcher
p5-Filesys-Statvfs (V) Perl extension for statvfs() and fstatvfs()
p5-Format-Human-Bytes Perl 5 module to format a bytecount and make it human readable
p5-FreezeThaw Converting Perl structures to strings and back
p5-Getopt-ArgvFile Interpolates script options from files into @ARGV or another array
p5-Getopt-Euclid Perl 5 module to create command-line parser from documentation
p5-Getopt-Long Extended processing of command line options
p5-Getopt-Long-Descriptive Perl 5 module providing Getopt::Long with usage text
p5-Getopt-Mixed Mixed Getopt wrapper
p5-Getopt-Simple Simple Getopt wrapper
p5-gettext Perl5 module interface to C I18N functions
p5-Git-CPAN-Patch Patch CPAN modules using Git
p5-glib2 Perl bindings for Glib 2
p5-Gnome2 Perl bindings for libgnome and libgnomeui
p5-Gnome2-GConf Perl bindings for the GConf configuration database
p5-Graph Perl module for graph operations
p5-Gtk2-GladeXML Perl bindings for Glade (2)
p5-Guard Perl5 module to safe cleanup blocks
p5-Hash-Case Perl module that implements case-insensitive hashes
p5-Hash-Flatten Perl 5 module to flatten/unflatten complex data hashes
p5-Hash-Merge Perl 5 module to merges arbitrarily deep hashes
p5-Hash-MoreUtils Perl 5 module provides the stuff missing in Hash::Util
p5-Hash-MultiValue Perl5 module to store multiple values per key
p5-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat Perl 5 module to user Hash::Util::FieldHash or ties
p5-Heap Perl collection of routines for managing a heap data structure
p5-Hook-LexWrap Perl5 module providing lexically scoped subroutine wrappers
p5-IMDB-Film Perl module for accessing IMDB (Internet Movie Database)
p5-Inline Perl5 module for writing Perl subroutines in other languages
p5-InlineX-C2XS Convert from Inline C code to XS
p5-Internals Write-protect Perl variables, manipulate refcounts
p5-IO Perl module for various IO modules
p5-IO-AIO Perl 5 module implementing asynchronous input/output
p5-IO-All Spiffy OO interface to Perl IO
p5-IO-Capture Perl modules to capture output to stdout and stderr
p5-IO-CaptureOutput Perl module capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses or XS
p5-IO-Compress IO Interface to compressed data files/buffers
p5-IO-Digest Perl module to calculate digests while reading or writing
p5-IO-Handle-Util Perl 5 module providing for working with IO::Handle like objects
p5-IO-InSitu Perl 5 module to do in-situ processing on a file
p5-IO-Interactive Perl 5 module prodiving utilities for interactive I/O
p5-IO-LockedFile Supply object methods for locking files
p5-IO-Multiplex Perl module to manage IO on many file handles
p5-IO-Null Perl module for null filehandles
p5-IO-Pager Perl module for paged I/O to the terminal
p5-IO-Pipeline Perl 5 module providing map and grep for filehandles, unix pipe style
p5-IO-Prompt Interactively prompt for user input
p5-IO-String Perl module for I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays
p5-IO-stringy Perl class for I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays
p5-IO-Stty Perl class for I/O on tty devices
p5-IO-Tee Multiplex output to multiple output handles
p5-IO-TieCombine Perl 5 module to produce tied separate but combined variables
p5-IO-Tty Another Perl class for I/O on tty and pseudo-tty devices
p5-IO-Util Selection of general-utility IO function
p5-IO-Zlib Perl5 IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
p5-IPC-Cmd Perl module for finding and running system commands
p5-IPC-DirQueue Disk-based many-to-many task queue
p5-IPC-PubSub Perl 5 module providing interprocess publish/subscribe channels
p5-IPC-Run Perl module for interacting with child processes
p5-IPC-Run3 IPC::Run3 - run a subprocess in batch mode
p5-IPC-Shareable Tie a variable to shared memory
p5-IPC-SharedCache Cache data in shared memory
p5-IPC-ShareLite Light-weight interface to shared memory
p5-IPC-Signal Perl5 extension to deal with signals
p5-IPC-System-Simple Run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics
p5-IPC-SysV Perl module which defines+exports SysV IPC constants and system calls
p5-LDAP Perl5 module to build LDAP clients with perl
p5-LEOCHARRE-CLI2 Some quick help for writing cli scripts
p5-LEOCHARRE-Debug Leo Charre's debug sub
p5-LEOCHARRE-Dir Subs for general directory needs
p5-Lexical-Persistence Perl 5 module providing persistent lexical variables
p5-Lexical-SealRequireHints Perl5 module to prevent leakage of lexical hints
p5-lib-abs Perl 5 module to add in @INC absolute paths from relative ones
p5-List-MoreUtils Provide the stuff missing in List::Util
p5-local-lib Create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB
p5-Locale-libintl (V) Perl internationalization library
p5-Locale-Msgfmt Perl 5 module to compile .po files to .mo files
p5-Log-Agent General logging framework aimed at reusable modules
p5-Log-Any Perl5 module to bring loggers and listeners together
p5-Log-Any-Adapter Tell Log::Any where to send its logs
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Dispatch Log::Any adapter uses Log::Dispatch for logging
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Log4perl Adapter to use Log::Log4perl with Log::Any
p5-Log-Dispatch Perl module for logging messages to multiple outputs
p5-Log-Dispatch-Config Configure Log::Dispatch with a config file, a la Java's log4j
p5-Log-Dispatch-DBI Perl module for logging messages via the DBI interface
p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate Perl5 module to log to files which archive/rotate themselves
p5-Log-Log4perl Log4j implementation for Perl
p5-Log-LogLite Simple logging class for Perl
p5-Log-Report Perl5 module to report a problem, pluggable handlers and language support
p5-Log-Trace Perl 5 module providing a unified approach to tracing
p5-Mac-Carbon Carbon API for perl on Mac OS X
p5-Mac-SystemDirectory Locate Mac OS X Standard System Directories
p5-Make Perl5 module implementing 'make' in Perl
p5-Math-Bezier (V) Perl module for the solution of Bezier curves
p5-Memoize Transparently speed up functions by caching return values
p5-Memoize-ExpireLRU Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration
p5-Method-Signatures-Simple Basic signatures method declarations, without source filters
p5-Mixin-ExtraFields Perl 5 module to add extra stashes of data to your objects
p5-Mixin-ExtraFields-Param Perl 5 module to make your class provide a familiar param method
p5-Mixin-Linewise Perl 5 linewise readers and writers for strings and filenames
p5-Modern-Perl Enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one command
p5-Module-Build Build and install Perl modules
p5-Module-CoreList Perl 5 module inventorying modules shipped with core Perl
p5-Module-CPANTS-Analyse Perl5 module to generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
p5-Module-Dependency Build perl program/module dependency graph
p5-Module-ExtractUse Perl 5 module to find out what modules are used
p5-Module-Find Lets you find and use modules in categories
p5-Module-Install Perl5 module for building and installing Perl modules
p5-Module-Install-PadrePlugin Module::Install support for Padre plugins
p5-Module-Install-RTx Perl5 module for building and installing RT extensions
p5-Module-Install-Substitute Perl5 module to substitute values into files before install
p5-Module-Install-XSUtil Perl 5 module providing utility functions for XS modules
p5-Module-Load Perl5 module to runtime require of both modules and files
p5-Module-Manifest Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file
p5-Module-Pluggable Perl 5 module for automatically adding the ability to have plugins to modules
p5-Module-Refresh Perl5 module providing %INC files refreshing when updated on disk
p5-Module-ScanDeps Perl 5 module to recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
p5-Module-Signature (V) Perl 5 module for module signature file manipulation
p5-Module-Starter Perl 5 module acting as a simple starter kit for any module
p5-Module-Starter-PBP Perl 5 module plugin for Module::Starter module
p5-Module-Util Module name tools and transformations
p5-Module-Versions Perl 5 module to handle versions of loaded modules
p5-Module-Versions-Report Extension to report versions of all modules in memory
p5-Moose Postmodern object system for Perl 5
p5-Moose-Autobox Perl 5 module providing autoboxed wrappers for native datatypes
p5-Moose-Policy Moose-mounted police
p5-MooseX-App-Cmd Perl 5 module providing MooseX::Getopt and App::Cmd mashup
p5-MooseX-AttributeHelpers Perl 5 module providing extensions to Moose attributes interface
p5-MooseX-Attributes-Curried Perl 5 module to define curried versions of has in Moose
p5-MooseX-ClassAttribute Perl 5 module to declare class attributes Moose-style
p5-MooseX-ConfigFromFile Abstract Moose role for setting attributes from a configfile
p5-MooseX-Declare Perl 5 module providing declarative syntax for Moose
p5-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes
p5-MooseX-FollowPBP Name your accessors get_foo() and set_foo()
p5-MooseX-Getopt Perl 5 Moose role for processing command line options
p5-MooseX-InsideOut Perl 5 module providing inside-out objects with Moose
p5-MooseX-LazyRequire Required attributes which fail only when trying to use them
p5-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion Perl 5 module providing forced coercion validating type constraints
p5-MooseX-Method-Signatures Perl 5 module for method declarations with type constraints
p5-MooseX-MethodAttributes Perl5 module for code attribute introspection
p5-MooseX-MultiInitArg Attributes with aliases for constructor arguments
p5-MooseX-NonMoose Perl 5 module to subclass non-Moose classes with Moose
p5-MooseX-Object-Pluggable Perl 5 module to add plugin support to Moose classes via roles
p5-MooseX-Param Simple role to provide a standard param method
p5-MooseX-Params-Validate Extension of Params::Validate for using Moose's types
p5-MooseX-Role-Parameterized Perl 5 module to create Moose roles with composition parameters
p5-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading Moose extension for roles which support overloading
p5-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor Perl 5 module to name your accessors foo() and set_foo()
p5-MooseX-SimpleConfig Moose role for setting attributes from a simple configfile
p5-MooseX-Singleton Perl 5 module to turn Moose class into a singleton
p5-MooseX-StrictConstructor Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes
p5-MooseX-Traits Automatically apply roles at object creation time
p5-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable Extension to MooseX::Traits
p5-MooseX-Types Organise your Moose types in libraries
p5-MooseX-Types-Common Commonly-used type constraints that do not ship with Moose by default
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime (V) DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained (V) DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTimeX (V) Extensions to MooseX::Types::DateTime::ButMaintained
p5-MooseX-Types-JSON Perl 5 module providing JSON datatype for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Class A Path::Class type library for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-Structured Perl 5 module providing structured type constraints for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-URI URI related types and coercions for Moose
p5-Mouse Perl module implementing an extension of the perl object system
p5-MouseX-Types Perl 5 module to organize Mouse types in libraries
p5-MRO-Compat MRO::* interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5
p5-namespace-autoclean Keep imports out of your namespace
p5-namespace-clean Perl module to keep imports and functions out of your namespace
p5-Net-CIDR Perl5 module to manipulate IPv4/IPv6 netblocks in CIDR notation
p5-Net-GitHub (V) Perl 5 interface for
p5-Net-Google-Code (V) Perl 5 simple client library for google code
p5-Net-LDAP-Batch Perl 5 module to perform a batch of LDAP actions
p5-Net-LDAP-Class Perl 5 module providing an object-relational mapper for Net::LDAP
p5-Net-LDAP-Server-Test Perl 5 module to test Net::LDAP code
p5-Net-Netmask Perl5 module to parse and manipulate IP network blocks
p5-Net-Trac (V) Perl 5 module to interact with a remote Trac instance
p5-NEXT Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch
p5-Object-Declare Perl 5 module providing declarative object constructor
p5-Object-Event Perl 5 class that provides an event callback interface
p5-Object-InsideOut Perl 5 module providing comprehensive inside-out object support
p5-Object-Realize-Later Delayed creation of objects
p5-Object-Signature Generate cryptographic signatures for objects
p5-OLE-Storage_Lite Module for reading and writing OLE-Structured files
p5-Olson-Abbreviations (V) Perl extension for globally unique timezones abbreviation handling
p5-OOTools Perl module collection to easily create constructors methods
p5-Package-Constants Lists all the constants defined in a Perl package
p5-Package-DeprecationManager Perl 5 module to manage deprecation warnings
p5-Package-Generator Perl 5 module to generate new packages
p5-Package-Stash Perl 5 module providing routines for manipulating stashes
p5-Padre-Plugin-Debugger (V) Debug Perl code from Padre editor
p5-Padre-Plugin-PerlCritic (V) Analyze perl files in Padre with Perl::Critic
p5-Padre-Plugin-PerlTidy (V) Format perl files in Padre using Perl::Tidy
p5-PadWalker Play with other peoples' lexical variables
p5-pango Perl bindings to the pango library
p5-PAR Cross-Platform Packaging and Debugging Tool
p5-PAR-Dist Perl module toolkit to create and manipulate PAR distributions
p5-Parallel-ForkManager Simple parallel processing fork manager
p5-Parallel-Prefork Perl 5 simple prefork server framework
p5-Params-Classify Perl5 module for argument type classification
p5-Params-Coerce Perl 5 module allowing classes to do coercion of parameters
p5-Params-Util Simple standalone param-checking functions
p5-Params-Validate Validate method/function parameters
p5-parent Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
p5-Parse-CPAN-Meta Perl5 module to parse META.yml and other similar CPAN metadata files
p5-Parse-CPAN-Packages Perl 5 module to parse 02packages.details.txt.gz
p5-Parse-ErrorString-Perl Parse error messages from the perl interpreter
p5-Parse-ExuberantCTags Efficiently parse exuberant ctags files
p5-Parse-Method-Signatures Perl 5 module providing Perl 6 like method signature parser
p5-Parse-RecDescent Perl5 module to generate recursive-descent parsers
p5-Parse-Yapp Perl5 LALR parser
p5-PatchReader Utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS
p5-Path-Class Cross-platform path specification manipulation
p5-Path-Class-File-Stat Cache and compare stat() calls on a Path::Class::File object
p5-Path-Dispatcher Perl 5 module providing flexible and extensible dispatch
p5-Path-Dispatcher-Declarative Perl 5 module providing a sugary dispatcher
p5-PathTools Perl module for portably manipulating file specifications
p5-Perl-APIReference Programmatically query the perlapi
p5-Perl-Critic Perl 5 module providing a static Perl source code analysis engine
p5-perl-headers Perl header files
p5-perl-ldap (V) Perl class to access LDAP servers
p5-Perl-MinimumVersion Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code
p5-Perl-Tidy Parses and beautifies perl source
p5-Perl-Version Perl 5 module to parse and manipulate Perl version strings
p5-Perl6-Export Implements the Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait
p5-Perl6-Export-Attrs Perl 5 module implementing Perl 6 symbol export mechanism
p5-Perl6-Junction Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
p5-Perl6-Slurp Implements the Perl 6 'slurp' built-in
p5-PerlIO-eol Perl module for normalizing line endings
p5-PerlIO-gzip Perl extension to provide a PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip
p5-PerlIO-via-Bzip2 PerlIO layer for Bzip2 (de)compression
p5-PerlIO-via-dynamic Perl module for dynamic PerlIO layers
p5-PerlIO-via-symlink PerlIO layers to create symlinks
p5-PHP-Serialization Perl 5 module providing PHP-like (de)serialization
p5-pip Perl Installation Program, for scripted+3rd-party distribution installation
p5-Pod-Coverage (V) Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
p5-Pod-Escapes (V) Perl module for decoding Pod E<...> sequences
p5-Pod-Parser (V) POD filters and translators
p5-Pod-Readme (V) Convert POD to README file
p5-Pod-Simple (V) Simple framework for parsing Pod
p5-Pod-Spell (V) Formatter for spellchecking Pod
p5-Pod-Spell-CommonMistakes (V) Catches common typos in POD
p5-Pod-Tree (V) Create a static syntax tree for a POD
p5-podlators (V) Collection of pod related perl modules
p5-POE Perl Object Environment
p5-POE-Component-Cron Schedule POE Events using a cron spec
p5-POE-Component-Pluggable Perl base class for creating plugin enabled POE Components
p5-POE-Component-Schedule Schedule POE events using DateTime::Set iterators
p5-POE-Test-Loops Perl module providing reusable tests for POE::Loop authors
p5-postgresql (V) Perl interface class for PostgreSQL
p5-PPI Perl 5 module to parse, analyze and manipulate Perl (without perl)
p5-PPI-PowerToys Handy collection of small PPI-based utilities
p5-PPI-XS Perl 5 XS acceleration for the PPI perl parser
p5-PPIx-Regexp Represent a regular expression of some sort
p5-PPIx-Utilities Extensions to PPI
p5-prefork Optimize module loading across forking and non-forking scenarios
p5-Probe-Perl Information about the currently running perl
p5-Proc-Background Perl 5 module prodiving an interface to background process management
p5-Proc-Daemon Provide capability for a Perl program to run as a daemon
p5-Proc-InvokeEditor Perl 5 module for starting a text editor
p5-Proc-PID-File Perl module to manage process-ID files
p5-Proc-Pidfile Perl module for maintaining a pid file
p5-Proc-ProcessTable Perl extension to access the UNIX process table
p5-Proc-Queue Limit the number of child processes running
p5-Proc-Simple Launch and control background processes
p5-Proc-Wait3 Perl5 extension for wait3 system call
p5-Proc-WaitStat Perl5 extension to interpret wait status values
p5-PV Perl5 library for text-mode user interface widgets
p5-Readonly Perl 5 module for creating read-only scalars, arrays and hashes
p5-Readonly-XS Perl 5 companion module to the Readonly module
p5-Regexp-Assemble Perl 5 module to assemble multiple regular expressions
p5-Regexp-MatchContext Perl 5 module prodiving replacements for regexp related variables
p5-Regexp-Parser Perl 5 base class for parsing regexes
p5-Regexp-Shellish Perl module for shell-like regular expressions
p5-Return-Value Polymorphic Return Values
p5-Rose-HTML-Objects (V) Object-oriented interfaces for HTML
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Autocomplete (V) Ajax autocompletion for text fields
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Boolean (V) Extend Rose::HTML::Objects RadioButtonGroup
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-PopUpMenuNumeric (V) Extend Rose::HTML::Objects with popup menu for numeric values
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Serial (V) Represent auto-increment columns in a form
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Related (V) RHTMLO forms, living together
p5-Rose-Object Very simple class base class used by Rose objects
p5-Rose-URI (V) URI class for easy and efficient manipulation of URI components
p5-RT-Client-REST (V) Perl 5 module to talk to RT using REST protocol
p5-Safe-Hole Exec subs in the original package from within a Safe object
p5-sapnwrfc SAP Netweaver RFC support for Perl
p5-Scalar-Defer Perl 5 module providing lazy evaluation
p5-Scalar-List-Utils Perl subroutines that would be nice to have in the perl core
p5-Scalar-Util-Refcount Perl module to show an object's reference count
p5-Schedule-RateLimiter Perl5 module to schedule tasks with rate limiting
p5-Scope-Guard Lexically scoped resource management
p5-Scope-Upper Perl5 module to act on upper scopes
p5-SDL Perl module for SDL
p5-Search-Indexer (V) Perl 5 module providing a full-text indexer
p5-Set-IntSpan Perl5 module for managing sets of integers
p5-Set-Object Perl module to manage sets of objects
p5-Set-Scalar Perl5 module for basic set operations
p5-Shell-Perl Read-eval-print loop in Perl
p5-ShipIt Perl software release tool
p5-signatures Subroutine signatures with no source filter
p5-Smart-Comments Perl 5 module to insert debugging and tracking code easily
p5-Software-License Perl 5 module which provide templated software licenses
p5-Sort-Maker Perl 5 module providing a simple way to make efficient sort subs
p5-Sort-Versions Perl5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers
p5-Spiffy Object-oriented Perl framework
p5-Spoon Spiffy Application Building Framework
p5-Storable Perl extension module for persistent data storage
p5-String-Escape Registry of string functions, including backslash escapes
p5-String-Format Perl module for sprintf-like string formatting capabilities
p5-String-PerlIdentifier Generate a random name for a Perl variable
p5-Sub-Exporter Sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
p5-Sub-Identify Perl 5 module to retrieve names of code references
p5-Sub-Install Install subroutines into packages easily
p5-Sub-Installer Perl 5 module prodiving a clean way to install package subroutines
p5-Sub-Name Perl 5 module to (re)name a sub
p5-Sub-Override Perl 5 module for easily overriding subroutines
p5-Sub-Uplevel Apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
p5-subversion Perl bindings for Subversion
p5-SUPER Perl 5 module to control superclass method dispatch
p5-SVN-Class Manipulate Subversion workspaces with Perl objects
p5-SVN-Dump Perl interface to Subversion dumps
p5-SVN-Mirror Mirrors one Subversion repository to another
p5-SVN-Notify Perl module for mailing messages for Subversion repository activity
p5-SVN-Simple Simple interface to the Subversion delta editor interface
p5-Sys-Filesystem (V) Retrieve list of filesystems and their properties
p5-TAP-Formatter-HTML TAP Test Harness output delegate for html output
p5-TAP-Harness-Archive Create an archive of TAP test results
p5-Task-Weaken Perl 5 module to ensure that a platform has weaken support
p5-Tee Pure Perl emulation of GNU tee
p5-Template-Plugin-Handy Handy virtual methods for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Plugin-HashMerge TT2 plugin to use Hash::Merge
p5-Template-Plugin-ListMoreUtils TT2 plugin to use List::MoreUtils
p5-Template-Plugin-ListUtil List::Util functions for TT
p5-Template-Plugin-VMethods Install virtual methods into the Template Toolkit
p5-Term-ANSIColor Perl termcap interface
p5-Term-Cap Perl termcap interface
p5-Term-ProgressBar Provide a progress meter on a standard terminal
p5-Term-Prompt Perl extension for prompting a user for information
p5-Term-ReadKey Change terminal modes and perform non-blocking reads
p5-Term-ReadLine Interface to the GNU Readline Library
p5-Term-ReadLine-Perl Perl 5 module providing minimal interface to Readline libraries
p5-Term-ReadPassword Asking the user for a password
p5-Term-Screen Term::Cap based screen positioning module
p5-Term-Shell Write command-line shells in Perl
p5-Term-ShellUI Fully-featured shell-like command line environment for Perl
p5-Term-Size Perl extension for retrieving terminal size
p5-Test-Aggregate Aggregate *.t tests to make them run faster
p5-Test-Assertions Perl 5 module prodiving building blocks for unit and runtime testing
p5-Test-Base Perl 5 module providing a data driven testing framework
p5-Test-CheckManifest Check if MANIFEST of perl module matches it's distro
p5-Test-Class Easily create test classes in an xUnit/JUnit style
p5-Test-ClassAPI Provide basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
p5-Test-Cmd Perl5 module for testing of external commands and scripts
p5-Test-Compile Perl 5 module to check whether Perl module files compile correctly
p5-Test-Deep Perl5 module to test deep structures
p5-Test-Differences Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok
p5-Test-Distribution Perl5 module testing all modules of a distribution
p5-Test-Exception Test exception based code
p5-Test-Expect Automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs with Perl 5
p5-Test-File-Contents Perl5 module for test routines examining the contents of files
p5-Test-Fixture-DBIC-Schema Perl 5 module providing a DBIx::Class::Schema fixture data loader
p5-Test-Harness Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
p5-Test-HexString Perl5 module to test binary strings with hex dump diagnostics
p5-Test-Inline Inlining your tests next to the code being tested
p5-Test-Inter Perl 5 framework for more readable interactive tests
p5-Test-Kwalitee Perl5 module to test the Kwalitee of a distribution
p5-Test-LeakTrace Perl 5 module to trace memory leaks
p5-Test-Log4perl Perl 5 module to test Log::Log4perl
p5-Test-LongString Perl5 module to test strings for equality
p5-Test-Manifest Perl5 module to choose test order
p5-Test-Memory-Cycle Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
p5-Test-MinimumVersion Test to prove a module requires newer perl than expected
p5-Test-Mock-LWP Perl 5 package providing easy mocking of LWP packages
p5-Test-MockModule Perl 5 module to override subroutines in a module for unit testing
p5-Test-MockObject Tests remote URLs or local web files
p5-Test-Most Most commonly needed test functions and features
p5-Test-NoWarnings Make sure tests of Perl5 modules did not emit any warnings
p5-Test-Object Perl 5 module to thoroughly test objects
p5-Test-Output Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages
p5-Test-Perl-Critic Perl 5 module providing a Perl::Critic interface for test programs
p5-Test-Pod Perl5 module to check for POD errors in files
p5-Test-Pod-Coverage Check for pod coverage in your distribution
p5-Test-Pod-Spelling-CommonMistakes Checks POD for common spelling mistake
p5-Test-POE-Client-TCP POE Component providing TCP client services for test cases
p5-Test-POE-Server-TCP POE Component providing TCP server services for tests
p5-Test-Reporter Perl module which sends test results to
p5-Test-Requires Perl 5 module to test if a module can be loaded
p5-Test-Script Test::Script - Cross-platform basic tests for scripts
p5-Test-Script-Run Perl 5 module to test scripts
p5-Test-SharedFork Perl 5 module to make forking test
p5-Test-Simple Perl5 module with a simple framework for writing tests
p5-Test-SubCalls Perl5 module to track the number of times subs are called
p5-Test-Taint Tools to test taintedness
p5-Test-TempDir Temporary files support for testing
p5-Test-Tester Perl5 module to ease testing test modules built with Test::Builder
p5-Test-Unit Perl extension module for Unit Tests
p5-Test-use-ok Alternative to Test::More::use_ok
p5-Test-UseAllModules Do use_ok() for all the MANIFESTed modules
p5-Test-Warn Perl extension to test methods for warnings
p5-Test-Weaken Test that freed memory objects were, indeed, freed
p5-Test-WWW-Selenium Perl 5 module to test applications using Selenium Remote Control
p5-Test-YAML-Meta Perl 5 module to validate the META.yml file in a distribution
p5-Test-YAML-Valid Perl 5 module to test for valid YAML
p5-Text-PDF (V) Perl 5 module for manipulating PDF files
p5-Text-RewriteRules (V) Perl 5 module to rewrite text using regexp-based rules
p5-Throwable Perl 5 role for classes that can be thrown
p5-Tie-Array-AsHash Perl module to access array(s) like hashes
p5-Tie-Array-Sorted An array which is kept sorted
p5-Tie-Cache LRU Cache in Memory
p5-Tie-Cache-LRU Least-Recently Used cache
p5-Tie-Cache-LRU-Expires Extends Tie::Cache::LRU with expiring
p5-Tie-File Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
p5-Tie-IxHash Perl module that implements ordered in-memory associative arrays
p5-Tie-LLHash Ordered hashes
p5-Tie-RefHash Use references as hash keys
p5-Tie-RefHash-Weak Perl 5 Tie::RefHash subclass with weakened references in the keys
p5-Tie-RegexpHash Use regular expressions as hash keys
p5-Tie-ToObject Tie to an existing object
p5-Time-Duration (V) Perl5 module for rounded or exact English expression of durations
p5-Time-Duration-Parse (V) Perl5 module to parse string that represents time duration
p5-Time-Period (V) Perl5 module to deal with time periods
p5-Time-Warp (V) Perl 5 module to control the flow of time
p5-Tree-DAG_Node Class for representing nodes in a tree
p5-Tree-Simple Simple extension to manipulate tree objects
p5-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory Collection of visitor objects for use with Tree::Simple
p5-Try-Tiny Perl module providing minimal try/catch
p5-TryCatch First class try catch semantics for Perl, without source filters
p5-UNIVERSAL-can Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function
p5-UNIVERSAL-isa Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::isa() as a function
p5-UNIVERSAL-moniker Perl module for assigning user-friendly names to classes
p5-UNIVERSAL-require Perl module to require() from a variable
p5-UUID-Tiny Pure Perl UUID Support With Functional Interface
p5-Variable-Magic Perl 5 module to associate user-defined magic to variables
p5-VCP Versioned Copy, copying hierarchies of versioned files
p5-VCP-Dest-svk VCP destination driver for SVN/SVK repositories
p5-version Perl extension for Version Objects
p5-Want Perl module providing a generalisation of wantarray
p5-WeakRef Provide weak references in Perl
p5-Wx-Perl-DataWalker Shows a relatively simple Perl data structure browser
p5-XML-DOM (V) Extend XML::Parser to build DOM Level 1 compliant data structure
p5-XSLoader Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
palmpower Assembler, disassembler and other tools for PalmOS binaries
pango Library for layout and rendering of text
pangomm C++ bindings for pangomm
papaya Simple scripts for software development
pardiff Converts diff output to paralleled (side-by-side) format
patch Patch files using diff output
patchutils Some programs for manipulating patch files
pccts Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set
pcl-cvs Front-end to CVS for emacs
pcre Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
pcre-ocaml Perl compatible regular expressions for OCaml
pcre++ Wrapper class around the pcre library
pdcurses public domain implementation of the X/Open curses standard
pedisassem Disassembler for Win32 code
perl5 (V) Practical Extraction and Report Language
php-gettext PHP extension for gettext support
php-gmp PHP extension for arbitrary precision math
php-libawl PHP Andrew's Web Libraries
php-memcache PHP extension for memcached
php-mode PHP editing mode for Emacs
php-pcntl PHP extension for Process Control functions
php-posix PHP extension for POSIX-like functions
php-shmop PHP extension for simple SysV shared memory operations
php-sysvmsg PHP extension for SysV IPC Message Queues support
php-sysvsem PHP extension for SysV semaphore support
php-sysvshm PHP extension for SysV shared memory support
physfs Library providing abstract access to various archives
picp Command-line Picstart Plus/Warp-13 PIC programmer
picprg Parallel port PIC programmer
pilrc Generate resources for PalmOS applications from textual description
pipestatus UNIX/POSIX shell helper for running pipes safely
pkg-config System for managing library compile/link flags
plotutils (V) Programs and library for plotting scientific data
ply Python Lex-Yacc
pmccabe Measures the McCabe cyclomatic complexity of C and C++
poco POCO C++ Foundation libraries
popt Command line option parsing library
prcs Project Revision Control System
ProjectCenter GNUstep Integrated Development Environment
psvn Subversion interface for Emacs
pth GNU Portable Thread library
pthread-sem Semaphore implementation for (PTH) pthreads
pthread-stublib Library providing noop-stubs for pthread functions
ptlib Portable Windows Libary
pvs The PVS Specification and Verification System
pwlib Portable Windows Library
py-argparse Easy, declarative interface for creating command line tools
py-at-spi Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
py-babel Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
py-checker Python code checker
py-cheetah Python-powered template engine and code-generator
py-compizconfig Python bindings for libcompizconfig
py-coverage Python module that measures code coverage for Python
py-ctypes Foreign Function Interface package for Python
py-curses Curses module for Python
py-cursespanel Curses panel module for Python
py-cython C-Extensions for Python
py-darcsver Generate a version number from darcs history
py-dulwich Python implementation of Git
py-expect Expect module for Python
py-fann Fast Artificial Neural Network python interface
py-game Set of Python modules designed for writing games
py-generate Python interface to Generate
py-gobject Python bindings for glib2 gobject
py-gobject-shared Python bindings for glib2 gobject
py-idle IDLE - The Integrated DeveLopment Environment for Python
py-InlineEgg Python module for writing inline assembler programs
py-jersey Framework for building Twisted Python command-line interfaces
py-kjbuckets Fast set, graph and mapping operations
py-kqueue Python interface to kqueue(2) and kevent(2) system calls
py-libdnet (V) Python wrapper for libdnet
py-logilab-astng Extend Python abstract syntax tree
py-logilab-common Useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects
py-mako Hyperfast and lightweight templating for the Python platform
py-mock Python testing framework
py-multiprocessing Python threading package
py-newt Windowing toolkit based on libslang (Python bindings)
py-nose Unittest-based testing framework for python
py-omniORBpy (V) Python interface to omniORB
py-Optik Command line parsing library for Python
py-pendrell (V) HTTP/1.1 User Agent for the Programmable Web
py-pexpect Pure Python Expect-like module
py-pqueue Priority-queues using fibonacci heaps
py-Pyro Distributed Object Technology system in Python
py-pysvn Python interface to Subversion
py-pytemplate Pytemplate gives python developpers a starting framework
py-pyutil Collection of mature utilities for Python programmers
py-quixote Framework for writing Python web application
py-readline Line editing support for Python
py-rope Rope is a python refactoring library
py-setuptools New Python packaging system
py-setuptools_trial Setuptools plugin for Twisted-based unit tests
py-sip (V) Tool to create Python bindings for C++ libraries
py-subversion Python bindings and tools for Subversion
py-subvertpy Alternative Python bindings for Subversion
py-sysctl Python interface to sysctl(3)
py-unit Unit testing framework for python
py-unitgui Unit testing framework for python tk
py-urwid Curses-based Python user interface library
py-usb Python interface to USB via libusb
py-windbg Python GUI debugger
py-xdg Python library for XDG
py-zconfig Configuration library
py-zhCodecs (V) Python Unicode codecs for Chinese charsets
py-ZopeInterface The zope.interface package used in Zope 3 and Twisted
python-mode Emacs mode for editing python files
qbzr GUI front end for Bazaar
qconf Configure script generator for qmake
qof Query Object Framework
qtscriptgenerator Tool that generates Qt bindings for Qt Script
quilt Tools to manage series of patches
ragel State machine compiler
rake Ruby Make
rapidsvn Cross-platform Subversion GUI
ratfor Preprocessor for the Ratfor dialect of Fortran
RBTools Tool to submit patches to a Review Board
rcs GNU Revision Control System - version control software
rdp Compiles attributed LL(1) grammars into recursive descent compilers
re2c Deterministic Finite State Automaton generator
readline GNU library that can recall and edit previous input
refinecvs Convert CVS repository to SVN dump
Renaissance Structured GNUstep user interface development framework
roundup Issue tracking system with command-line, web and email clients
rox-lib Shared code for ROX applications
rpc2 CMU (Coda) remote procedure call package
rscode Reed Solomon error correction code library
rsltc RAISE Specification Language Type Checker
rt-mysql Industrial-grade ticketing system
rt-pgsql Industrial-grade ticketing system
rt3 Industrial-grade ticketing system
RTFM Enterprise-grade knowledge management tool
RTx-RightsMatrix Utility to efficiently manage rights to a RT installation
RTx-Shredder Utility to clean a RT database
rubigen Ruby stub generator
ruby-abstract Abstract methods for Ruby
ruby-actionmailer3 (V) Email composition, delivery, and receiving framework
ruby-actionpack3 (V) Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails)
ruby-activemodel Toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails)
ruby-activeresource3 (V) REST modeling framework (part of Rails)
ruby-activesupport Collection of classes and extensions for Rails
ruby-activesupport3 Toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions
ruby-amstd Collection of miscellaneous Ruby modules
ruby-assistance Lightweight replacement for ActiveSupport
ruby-bsearch Binary search library for Ruby
ruby-byaccr Parser generator for ruby based on 'Berkeley Yacc/Yacc for Java'
ruby-cmd Library for building line-oriented command interpreters
ruby-curses Ruby extension to curses library
ruby-debug Command line interface for ruby-debug
ruby-debug-base Fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger
ruby-debug-extra Emacs support and the Reference Manual for ruby-debug
ruby-debug-ide IDEs interface to ruby-debug
ruby-deprecated Aid developers working with deprecated code
ruby-dhaka Lexer and LALR(1) parser generators for context-free grammars
ruby-div (V) Simple Web Application framework with dRuby and ERB
ruby-eet Ruby module to read and write EET files
ruby-eventmachine Ruby event-driven I/O using the Reactor pattern
ruby-extlib Support library for DataMapper and Merb
ruby-facade Module that helps implement the facade pattern
ruby-fcgi (V) FastCGI interface for Ruby
ruby-ffi Loading dynamic libraries, binding functions within them
ruby-flexmock Flexible mock object library for Ruby unit testing
ruby-gemcutter Commands to interact with
ruby-getopt Another option parsers for Ruby
ruby-gettext Ruby localization library like as GNU gettext
ruby-gettext-activerecord Localization for ActiveRecord using Ruby-GetText-Package
ruby-gettext-rails Localization for Ruby on Rails using Ruby-GetText-Package
ruby-gnome2-atk Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later
ruby-gnome2-gdkpixbuf (V) Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x
ruby-gnome2-gio Ruby binding of gio-2.0.x
ruby-gnome2-glib Ruby binding of GLib-2.x
ruby-gnome2-pango Ruby binding of pango-1.x
ruby-heckle Code mutation tester for Ruby
ruby-highline High-level console IO library
ruby-i18n New wave Internationalization support for Ruby
ruby-inline Embed C/C++ code directly in Ruby
ruby-innate (V) Powerful web-framework wrapper for Rack
ruby-linecache Ruby module to read and cache lines of a file
ruby-little-plugger Module that provides Gem based plugin management
ruby-locale Pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for localization
ruby-locale-rails Rails localized functions using ruby-locale
ruby-lockfile Ruby library for creating NFS safe lockfiles
ruby-log4r Flexible logging library
ruby-logging Flexible logging library for Ruby based on log4j
ruby-mail (V) Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails
ruby-memcache Ruby wrapper for memcache
ruby-memoize Speeds up methods at the cost of memory (or disk space)
ruby-metaid Ruby metaprogramming helpers
ruby-mkrf Library for generating Rakefiles
ruby-mocha Ruby library for mocking and stubbing
ruby-mode Ruby editing mode for Emacs
ruby-ncurses Ruby interface to ncurses
ruby-needle Dependency injection for Ruby
ruby-parser Ruby parser written in pure ruby
ruby-parsetree Extract and enumerate Ruby parse trees
ruby-pathname2 Alternate implementation of the Pathname library
ruby-pkg-config pkg-config implemented by pure Ruby
ruby-plist (V) Manipulate Property List files
ruby-polyglot Registry of file types to load with its improved version of 'require'
ruby-priority-queue Fibonacci-heap priority-queue implementation for Ruby
ruby-racc LALR(1) parser generator for Ruby
ruby-railties Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications
ruby-rbtree Sorted associative collection using Red-Black Trees for Ruby
ruby-rcov code coverage analysis for Ruby
ruby-rcsparse RCS parsing library for Ruby
ruby-rd-mode Editing mode for RD (Ruby Document Format)
ruby-readline Ruby extension to readline library
ruby-rgl Framework for graph data structures and algorithms
ruby-rspec Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby
ruby-SDL Ruby extension library to use SDL library
ruby-setup Common installer script for ruby packages
ruby-sexp-processor Generic sexp processing tools
ruby-simple_uuid Simple, scalable UUID generation for Ruby
ruby-stream Interface for external iterators
ruby-subexec Subexec spawns an external command with a timeout
ruby-subversion Ruby bindings for Subversion
ruby-termcolor ANSI color formatting like HTML for output in terminal
ruby-test-spec BDD interface over Test::Unit
ruby-test-unit Improved version of Test::Unit
ruby-thor Scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen
ruby-thrift Ruby libraries for Thrift (a language-agnostic RPC system)
ruby-thrift_client Thrift client wrapper for Ruby
ruby-uuidtools Simple universally unique ID generation library
ruby-validatable Library for adding database/object validations
ruby2ruby Pure Ruby code from Ruby S-expressions
rubyforge Simplistic script automating RubyForge operations
rudiments C++ class library for client/server/daemon applications
rvm Recoverable Virtual Memory
rx Fast replacement for the GNU regex library
sablecc Java based Compiler Compiler
sapnwrfcsdk SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK
scintilla Source code editing component
scmcvs Concurrent Versions System
scmgit GIT version control suite meta-package
scmgit-base GIT Tree History Storage Tool (base package)
scmgit-docs GIT Tree History Storage Tool (documentation)
scons Python-based, open-source build system
sdcc Cross compile 8051 code
SDL Simple DirectMedia Layer, a cross-platform multimedia library
SDL_gfx Basic drawing routines for SDL
SDL_Pango Connects the text rendering engine of GNOME 2.x. with SDL
SDL_ttf Use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications
SDL-intro-en Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (English)
SDL-intro-ko Simple DirectMedia Layer introduction (Korean)
SDLmm C++ Wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia Layer
semantic Lexer, parser-generator, and parser written for Emacs
semi Emacs lisp library to provide MIME feature
sfio Safe and Fast IO library
sgb The Stanford GraphBase
sgi-stl SGI Standard Template Library
sgi-stl-docs SGI Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide
silc-toolkit Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) protocol Toolkit
slib Portable Scheme library of compatibility and utility functions
sml-mode Emacs mode for editing Standard ML source code
smpeg (V) SDL MPEG Player Library
sparse Semantic parser for C
sparsehash Several hash-map implementations in use at Google
spiff Make controlled approximate comparisons between files
spin Formal correctness prover
splint Statically check C programs
st Non-preemptive thread library for Internet applications
stgit Stacked GIT
stlport Complete C++ standard library
stooop Simple Tcl Only Object Oriented Programming scheme
subversion Version control system, meta-package
subversion-base Version control system, base programs and libraries
sunifdef Tool for eliminating superfluous C preprocessor conditionals
svk Decentralized version control system built on Subversion
swig Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
swt Open source widget toolkit for Java
syncdir Implementation of open, link, rename, and unlink
sysexits Substitute <sysexits.h> for OS's lacking it
t1lib (V) Library for generating bitmaps from Adobe Type 1 fonts
tailor Tool to migrate changesets between various version control systems
tavrasm Assembler for the Atmel AVR series of microcontrollers
tcl-tclcl Tcl/C++ interface used by ns and nam
tcllib Collection of utility modules for Tcl
tclreadline GNU Readline library for interactive tcl shells
teem Libraries for manipulation of Structured Scientific Data
tet3 The Open Group test harness
tex-multido Loop facility for Generic TeX
tex-multido-doc Documentation for tex-multido
tex-pst-uml UML diagrams with PSTricks
tex-pst-uml-doc Documentation for tex-pst-uml
tig Ncurses-based GIT repository tool
tkcvs Tcl/Tk frontends to CVS and diff
tkdiff Graphical 2-way diff/merge tool
tla Revision control system ideal for widely distributed development
tmake Cross-platform Makefile Tool
topgit Different patch queue manager
tpasm Assembler for 6805, 68HC11, 6502, Surplus, 8051, Z80, PIC, and AVR
trac (V) Subversion repository browser, wiki, and issue tracking system
tre Lightweight and robust POSIX compliant regexp matching library
treecc DotGNU Portable.NET aspect-oriented programming tool
tremor (V) Fixed point decoding library for the Ogg Vorbis audio encoding format
trio Fully matured and stable set of printf and string functions
tvision Turbo Vision C++ CUI library for UNIX
ucl Portable lossless data compression library
ucpp C preprocessor and lexer
unidiff Converts between uni-diffs and context diffs
uno Tool for source code analysis
valgrind Debugging and profiling tools
valide IDE for the Vala programming language
vanessa_adt Library that provides Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
vanessa_logger Library that provides a generic logging layer
vanessa_socket Library that simplifies TCP/IP socket operations
viewvc (V) Viewing the content of CVS/SVN repositories with a Webbrowser
vtcl Visual Tcl/Tk application development environment
wide IDE for the While programming language
xdelta Enhanced diff that works on binary files
xdelta3 Enhanced diff that works on binary files (version 3.x)
xfce4-dev-tools Xfce development tools
xfconf Xfce client-server configuration storage and query system
xmake Portable make utility
xorg-util-macros Xorg autotool macros
xpkgwedge (V) Allows X11 pkgs to be built and used outside of
xsd W3C XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler
xulrunner XML User Interface Language runtime environment
xxgdb Graphical X11 interface for gdb
yasm Complete rewrite of the NASM assembler with BSD license
z80-asm Z80 assembly code assembler and disassembler
ZenTest Testing utilities for Ruby
zlib General purpose data compression library
zzuf Transparent application input fuzzer