2023-04-07 14:58:02 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (13) |
Log message:
(ham/gnuradio-core) Updated to
## [] - 2023-03-31
### Changed
#### Runtime
- Add Python loggers to top_block and hier_block2
- Change the default log level (in the config file) to INFO instead of DEBUG
- Logging improvements in the scheduler
- Correctly determine native page size for Windows
#### GRC
- Fixed: opening the source of a hierachical block using the toolbar button \
produced an error
- Use the logger, instead of print statements, in generated top blocks
- Remove libX11 load from generated Python code - this was unncessary and \
produced warnings
- Choose Editor dialog stays above parent
#### gr-analog
- Signal Source: option to hide the message port
#### gr-blocks
- Throttle: supports max time or number of samples per work iteration, useful \
for reducing latency at low sample rates
- Delay block: option to hide the message port
- File Meta Sink: fix missing Python import in template code
#### gr-channels
- Default taps should be 1.0, not 1.0 + j1.0
#### gr-digital
- Async Decoder: several changes to improve performance robustness (see the \
commit log for more details)
#### gr-fec
- Tagged Decoder: correctly calculate the frame size for terminated CC decoder
#### gr-filter
- Fixed reverse parameters in fir_filter_with_buffer and pfb_arb_resampler, \
which could cause crashes
- Fixed PFB Arbitrary Resampler was ignoring attenuation parameter
#### gr-iio
- Set gain mode as specified (was always manual)
- Use the specified gain parameter for second channel (was same as first channel)
#### gr-qtgui
- Histogram Sink: calculate range of bins correctly to avoid strange distributions
- Save (to image) dialogs add file extensions and have a Save button (i.e., they \
work now)
#### gr-soapy
- Sources: add tags when the frequency changes
#### gr-uhd
- Support for more RFNoC blocks
- Fosphor, which produces data to drive an on-screen, OpenGL-based renderer \
which is expected to be in the next release
- Moving Average
- Switchboard
- Split Stream
- FFT: add properties for direction, magnitude and scaling
- RX Stream: flush after timeout
- Fully support multi-channel TX/RX (params were available for one one channel)
#### gr-vocoder
- Add a number of new codec modes for Codec2 and FreeDV
#### gr-zmq
- Selectable bind/connect to support more flexible ZMQ patterns and NAT'd networks
- Stream sources produce when available, instead of waiting for a buffer to \
fill, helping with latency
#### Modtool
- Use interp and decim keywords correctly when generating blocks
#### Build system and packaging
- Uninstall removes icons and desktop files
2023-04-07 14:53:06 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (17) | |
Log message:
(ham/gnuradio-*) remove PKGREVSION for next update
2023-01-29 22:18:34 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (2527) |
Log message:
*: Recursive revbup from graphics/freetype2
2023-01-23 20:26:22 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (25) | |
Log message:
gnuradio: updated to
Python block have access to the block logger, as in C++
Default log level changed to INFO (from OFF)
Memory-based logger gr.dictionary_logger_backend() added for log debugging
API Note: The Python block gateway is now completely implemented in the PyBind11 \
wrapper, in order to clean up Python dependencies. This is technically an API \
change, but should not have any external effect.
PMT serialization of Complex32 vectors is now REAL | IMAG on all platforms
Python IO signature replication (multiple ports specified by one signature) fixed
Continue processing block connections after a connection error occurs
Drawing/scaling fixes that improve user experience on HiDPI and Windows machines
Build system and packaging
Many deprecation warnings fixed
Make target link libraries PRIVATE wherever possible, removing unnecessary \
downstream dependencies
Add Fedora 37 and drop Fedora 35 CI targets
Conda re-rendered with more recent packages - thanks to Ryan Volz for making \
Conda an easy-to-use, cross-platform method of installing GNU Radio
Debian and Fedora packaging specs are no longer included in the code base, since \
they were out of date, and are maintained by downstreams
Code formatting rules for clang format updated to v14
Removed all compiler warning suppression
Enable Python block testing for Conda on macOS
Many other improvements that make maintenance easier - thanks again to Clayton \
Smith. In the process of fixing tests, a number of latent bugs were fixed \
throughout the code.
AGC3 performance and bug fixes
Python has access to control_loop parent class in PLL blocks
CTCSS detection of standard tones improved by fixing floating point comparison
Probe Signal cross platform reliability improved by better thread synchronization
CRC32 and CRC16 blocks use little-endian order regardless of host order. This is \
a wire format change. The options were to have different endian machines unable \
to communicate, or older and newer versions unable to communicate. Note that \
there is a more general set of blocks (CRC Append and CRC Check) that are \
recommended for use wherever possible.
Packet headers use consistent bit order across machines
Floating point/rounding fix in constellation lookup table
LDPC G matrix n and k can be access from Python
LDPC matrix output size calculation corrected
CCSDS/Viterbi path metrics overflow fix
Improve UDP Source/Sink efficiency by removing a layer of buffering and using \
the GR circular buffer instead of the Boost equivalent
Fixed Python code generation for Msg CheckBox, Digital Number Control, Toggle \
Button, Toggle Switch
Sources will generate rx_time, rx_freq and rx_rate tags, as in UHD sources, \
where supported by the underlying Soapy driver
Re-enable uhd.find_devices(), in addition to uhd.find()
RFNoC: generate correct Python code when using clock/time source
RFNoC: allow specification of adapter IDs for streamers
RFNoC: enable setting of vlen and types for streamers
RFNoC: streamers pay attention to stream args
RFNoC: sync block controller with gr-ettus OOT
RFNoC:set_property() and get_property() added to the C++ and Python APIs
RFNoC: Python binds added for rfnoc_block_generic
Sinks will optionally block on full queue, providing backpressure. Previously, \
overflow data was dropped.
2023-01-22 17:28:39 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (271) |
Log message:
*: Recursive revbump from Boost 1.81.0
2023-01-03 18:38:37 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1416) |
Log message:
*: recursive bump for tiff shlib major bump
2022-11-23 17:21:30 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1878) | |
Log message:
massive revision bump after textproc/icu update
2022-10-09 09:56:11 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (30) | |
Log message:
gnuradio: updated to
Project Scope
Replace get_initial_sptr() calls with make_block_sptr() calls. There were a \
number of places the incorrect function was being used.
Use correctly typed arguments to log messages to prevent build errors.
Add xfce4-terminal and urxvt to the list of terminal emulators discovered during \
the build process.
Suppress GUI hint errors that were being shown in the terminal window.
Use integers for screenshot size (floats were causing Cairo errors).
Build system and packaging
Reformat cmake files and make cmake formatting part of the workflow.
Allow GNU Radio to be a part of other cmake-based projects.
Correct linking to libiio and libad9361 on macOS.
Update method for determining Python installation directory. This should work \
correctly now on (all?) distro releases.
New Block Interleaver/Deinterleaver interleaves blocks of symbols
Correct calculation of items_remaining in File Source, which allows seek() to \
work correctly.
Add an example for Wavefile Sink
Deprecate the CRC32 and CRC16 blocks, which will be removed in the future. There \
are more general CRC blocks which do the same thing (and more).
Fix demo for PFB channelizer
FMCOMMS2 Sink assumes CS16 data is scaled to 32768, rather than 2048.
FMCOMMS2 returns the correct samples for the second channel in 2-channel mode.
Correct Python bindings for trellis::metrics.
Range widget can now output messages when value changes.
Add C++ code generation for Time Sink
Regenerate Python bindings for some blocks when necessary.
Waterfall Sink correctly uses half spectrum for float input.
Add Python bindings for the UHD find() functino.
Support newer get() and older/deprecated getsockopt() functions in cppzmq \
depending on availability.
Parse IO signatures with or without gr:: prefix.
Update certain file lists to keep build paths out of documentation.
Update Conda recipe for Qt 5.15 and re-render CI support files.
Add testing on Ubuntu 22.04.
Link tests directly against spdlog with not linking to GR runtime.
Ignore Python "missing whitespace after keywork" formatting error.
2022-09-11 14:52:13 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (670) |
Log message:
*: bump PKGREVISION for flac shlib bump
2022-08-11 07:09:36 by David H. Gutteridge | Files touched by this commit (999) |
Log message:
Bump all dependent packages of wayland (belatedly)
The package changed with the addition of its libepoll-shim dependency.
Otherwise, we can get:
ERROR: libepoll-shim>=0.0.20210418 is not installed; can't buildlink files.