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CVS Commit History:

   2004-08-16 17:34:25 by Chris Pinnock | Files touched by this commit (5) | Package updated
Log message:
Update of mail/nail to 11.2

Changes since 11.1 include:
* A message thread-oriented mode is now optionally available; cf. the 'thread'
  and 'unthread' commands, the 'autothread' variable, and addressing changes.
* It is also possible to sort messages by various other criteria; cf. the
  'sort' and 'unsort' commands, the 'autosort' variable, and addressing
* New 'fullnames' variable: When replying to a message, full names for the
  recipients are included if it is set, instead of using the plain email
* New commands 'disconnect' and 'connect'/'online' to switch to disconnected
  IMAP mode and back while retaining the current mailbox.
* IMAP GSSAPI authentication was implemented; it has been successfully
  compiled with MIT, Solaris, and HP-UX GSS libraries. See the 'imap-auth'
  and 'imap-auth-user@host' variables.
* CRAM-MD5 authentication was implemented for IMAP and SMTP. See the
  'imap-auth' and 'smtp-auth' variables.
* POP3 APOP authentication is now supported; see 'pop3-use-apop'.
* STARTTLS is now also supported for IMAP and POP3; see 'imap-use-starttls'
  and 'pop3-use-starttls'.
* Autodetection of the terminal character set works again (did not work since
* The 'showlast' variable works again; it had no effect since version 11.0.
* Made it compile using the HP-UX C compiler again (did not work since 11.0).
* Standard input is now redirected to /dev/null in the child process that
  contacts the MTA. A result is that ssl-verify=ask has the same effect as
  ssl-verify=strict for SMTP servers, and does not put the terminal in an
  indeterminable state anymore.
* The initial connection to IMAP or POP3 servers is now made before the
  previous mailbox (if any) is quit. Thus if a server is unreachable, nail
  keeps the previous mailbox open instead of getting in a mailbox-less
* Stale cache entries for messages deleted on the server were not removed
  in some circumstances.
* The 'inc'/'newmail' commands are now ignored in disconnected mode and no
  longer display errors about hidden (uncached) messages.
* The cache now compiles and works on systems that lack fchdir(), such as
  some Cray machines (Thanks to
* The defaults for /etc/nail.rc have been updated. This will have no effect
  on existing installations unless the file is copied by hand.
* Nail does not hang anymore in disconnected mode if a message addressed
  with ^ or $ is not cached.
   2004-08-09 10:33:48 by Chris Pinnock | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update of mail/nail to 11.1.


* IMAP mailboxes can now be cached locally. See the string variable
  'imap-cache' in the manual page. The cache can also be used for
  disconnected operation mode, see 'disconnected' and also the '-D'
  command line option.
* When nail is notified by the server that messages have been expunged,
  the user is informed about this condition even if new messages have
  also arrived.
* When the group of variables for an 'account' command contains a variable
  prefixed by 'no...' and the related variable is not set, it is not an
  error to unset it.
* The 'headers' command has been made faster when operating on an IMAP
  mailbox by bundling IMAP requests.
* When a 'folder' command was executed to change from an uncompressed
  file to a compressed one, the latter was incorrectly detected as
  being read-only.
* Unless one of the 'autoinc' or 'newmail' variables is set, nail does
  not actively check for new messages in the current IMAP mailbox before
  each prompt. New messages may nevertheless be detected after any
  other IMAP command has been issued, so the effect is mostly that
  not every nail command causes an IMAP command to be sent. Also if
  'autoinc' or 'newmail' are set to the value "noimap", they are
  ignored for IMAP mailboxes but still effective for local folders.
* The 'inc' and 'newmail' commands now use the same method to determine
  the location of the current message as the 'folder' command does. That
  means if there has been new mail before that is still unread when newer
  mail arrives, the older messages are displayed first.
* Nail does not generate 'Sender:' fields anymore.
* If OpenSSL is not available, STARTTLS support is not built, and nail
  compiles again without OpenSSL.
   2004-08-02 15:05:13 by Chris Pinnock | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
Update of mail/nail to version 11.0

[11.0] released 7/30/04
* IMAP support has been added. It should considered to be in beta state
  now, but should not have any disturbing effects on other code unless
  it is actually used. (So the version jump does not require vendors to
  continue to ship older releases.)
  To get started with IMAP, see the manual page for the 'account',
  'folder', and 'imap' commands, and for the 'folder' variable, as
  well as the EXAMPLES and NOTES sections.
* Support for SMTP AUTH LOGIN was added (contributed by John Fawcett).
* It is now possible to encrypt SMTP with SSL/TLS, using the STARTTLS
  method as well as with the SMTPS variant.
* New 'account' command to set groups of variables.
* Line and column limits (used e.g. for the header summary) are updated
  when the size of the terminal is changed (handling SIGWINCH).
* If saving an outgoing message to the folder given in the 'record'
  variable fails, the message is not sent but put in 'dead.letter'
  instead. This rarely happens with local record folders, but is of
  concern if 'record' refers to an IMAP mailbox.
* For addresses specified with the ~b, ~c, ~h, and ~t tilde escapes
  or by the 'editheaders' method, if a comma, parenthesis, angle bracket,
  or quoting character appears, only the comma is accepted as an address
  separator. Otherwise, whitespace separates addresses as elsewhere. This
  allows the insertion of comments in recipient addresses and more closely
  matches the behavior of System V mailx. (Thanks to Ryan Lovett and Hilko
* An internal version of getopt() is now used to properly work around
  system defects such as the option reordering on GNU libc based
  systems. If you really prefer the libc version, remove getopt.o from
  the list of objects in the Makefile. (Note that nail already worked
  around the glibc problem, so unless _your_ patches changed its
  behavior, use the new internal getopt() to remain compatible.)
* The undocumented facility to pass sendmail options on the command
  line of nail has been removed because it was not compatible with
  POSIX and System V. If you need to pass options to sendmail, create
  a shell script which invokes it appropriately and let the nail
  variable 'sendmail' point to its location.
* Fixed the text of some usage messages (thanks to Christian Reiber).
   2004-06-29 15:42:19 by Chris Pinnock | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
Update of mail/nail to 10.8

pkgsrc changes.
* Use USE_INET6.

nail changes.

[10.8] released 6/28/04
* Support for IPv6 is not built by default anymore. There are just too
  many hosts on which it doesn't work while the IPv4 functions work
  fine. If you have use for IPv6 support and know that it works, enable
  it in the Makefile.
* autoconf and automake are no longer used for building. See the file
  'INSTALL' which describes the transition of existing build setups.
* The --enable-all-chars configuration option is no longer available. A
  run-time nail option variable 'print-all-chars' has been introduced
* Nail can now handle folders in compressed mbox format. If a file name
  given on the command line or with the 'folder', 'copy', and 'save'
  commands ends with '.gz' or '.bz2', gzip(1) or bzip2(1) are executed
  when reading and writing to it. Likewise, if a folder 'name' does not
  exist, but either 'name.gz' or 'name.bz2' are found, the compressed
  folder is used. To make use of compressed folders, just compress the
  respective mbox format file.
* If the variable SHELL is not set, the default shell is now /bin/sh
  instead of csh.
* If the variable EDITOR is not set, the default editor is now 'ed', as
  specified by SUSv3.
* Introduced an 'ssl-verify-user@host' variable as an account-specific
  variant of 'ssl-verify'.
* Introduced an 'ssl-method-user@host' variable as an account-specific
  variant of 'ssl-method'.
   2004-04-19 12:17:01 by Chris Pinnock | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
nail has moved to Sourceforge. Gunnar Ritter has requested that links
be updated.
   2004-04-18 07:47:40 by Soren Jacobsen | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Convert to buildlink3.
   2004-04-06 21:00:39 by Chris Pinnock | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update of mail/nail to 10.7.

Changes since 10.6 (see the ChangeLog supplied with the source
						for more details):

o Inclusion of POSIX documentation.
o Bug fixes and changes including:
	- exit with the correct status when sendwait is set
	- fix Base64 decoding
	- fix handling of addresses with / in them
	- fix handling of autocc and autobcc variables
	- Obey POSIX standards for ~w
	- Handling escape sequences in quoted arguments in commands
	  for compatibility with System V mailx and POSIX.
   2003-12-05 23:21:17 by Chris Pinnock | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
Update of mail/nail to 10.6. Changes since 10.5:

* A nested MIME multipart message with a sub-part piped through an external
  program (such as HTML with w3m) caused nail to abort after SIGPIPE if the
  PAGER command terminated before reading the whole message.
* A 'next' command following a 'hold' command displays the next message
  after the one the 'hold' applies to (Bugreport by Mike Sipser). This
  might not be exactly what POSIX specifies, but it makes sense and is
  consistent with traditional behavior. If you actually favor 'next'
  not to advance after 'hold', contact me and I'll add a configuration
  option for this.
* If the value of the 'record' variable started with an environment
  variable reference such as '$HOME' or with a tilde and the 'outfolder'
  variable was set, it was not expanded correctly (Bugreport by Volker
   2003-07-17 23:50:07 by grant beattie | Files touched by this commit (1504)
Log message:
   2003-04-27 22:38:36 by Chris Pinnock | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
Update of mail/nail to 10.5.

Changes since 10.4:
* A command line argument specifying a To-address can contain multiple
  recipients separated by commas (Werner Fink).
* 'showname' variable (based on code contributed by Stephen Isard).
* Display nonprintable characters in mail addresses as question marks.
* Fixed MIME encoding of user's From address with respect to quoted
* 'autobcc' and 'autocc' variables.
* The effects of the 'bsdcompat' variable are now individually configurable.
  This introduces the 'bsdflags', 'bsdheadline', 'bsdset', 'bsdannounce',
  'askatend', 'bsdorder', and 'bsdmsgs' variables.
* The current message pointer could be garbled when 'newmail' was set and
  new messages appeared (Fix by Stephen Isard).

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