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CVS Commit History:

   2009-09-23 11:54:47 by Matthias Scheler | Files touched by this commit (23)
Log message:
Remove "PYTHON_VERSIONS_ACCEPTED= 26 25 24" which is unnecessary
after Python 2.3 has been removed from "pkgsrc".

Approved by Thomas Klausner.
   2009-09-09 07:43:11 by Eric Gillespie | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
bzr 1.18

:Codename: little traveller
:1.18:    2009-08-20
:1.18rc1: 2009-08-10

This release of Bazaar marches on towards the 2.0 release in which the 2a
'brisbane-core' format becomes generally recommended.  Most of the work in
this release now focusses on bug fixes and stabilization, covering both 2a
and previous formats.  There is a new text-mode interactive merge feature,
a new guide to migration to 2a format in the user documentation, and
pushing branches to a smart server is now much faster.

The Bazaar team decided that 2.0 will be a long-term supported release,
with bugfix-only releases based on it continuing for at least six months
or until the following stable release.

There are no changes from 1.18rc1 to 1.18.

New Features

* ``bzr merge --interactive`` applies a user-selected portion of the
  merge.  The UI is similar to ``shelve``.  (Aaron Bentley)

* ``bzr reconfigure`` now takes options ``--stacked-on URL`` and
  ``--unstacked`` to change stacking of a branch.
  (Martin Pool, #391411)

Bug Fixes

* Annotating on a stacked branch will now succeed in simple scenarios.
  There are still some complex scenarios where it will fail (bug #399884)
  (John Arbash Meinel, #393366)

* A progress bar is no longer left dangling when ``bzr selftest``
  completes, and the progress bar updates with zero latency so the
  displayed test name is always the one that's actually running.
  (Martin Pool, #123688)

* Authenticating against an ssh server now uses ``auth_none`` to determine
  if password authentication is even supported. This fixes a bug where
  users would be prompted for a launchpad password, even though launchpad
  only supports publickey authentication. (John Arbash Meinel, #375867)

* BranchBuilder now accepts timezone to avoid test failures in countries far
  from GMT. (Vincent Ladeuil, #397716)

* ``bzr commit`` no longer saves the unversioning of missing files until
  the commit has completed on the branch. This means that aborting a
  commit that found a missing file will leave the tree unedited.
  (Robert Collins, #282402)

* ``bzr mv`` no longer takes out branch locks, which allows it to work
  when the branch is readonly. (Robert Collins, #216541)

* ``bzr revert .`` no longer generates an InconsistentDelta error when
  there are missing subtrees. (Robert Collins, #367632)

* ``bzr send`` now generates valid bundles with ``--2a`` formats. However,
  do to internal changes necessary to support this, older clients will
  fail when trying to insert them. For newer clients, the bundle can be
  used to apply the changes to any rich-root compatible format.
  (John Arbash Meinel, #393349)

* Cope with FTP servers that don't support restart/append by falling back
  to reading and then rewriting the whole file, such as TahoeLAFS.  (This
  fallback may be slow for some access patterns.)  (Nils Durner, #294709)

* Encode the paths in ``mbcs`` encoding on Windows when spawning an
  external diff client. This at least allows supporting filenames that are
  not ascii, but are present in the current locale. Ideally we would be
  able to pass the Unicode path, but that would be client dependent.
  (John Arbash Meinel, #382709)

* Fix a compile bug on Solaris having to do with const and
  pointer-to-pointers. (John Arbash Meinel, #408441)

* Fixed a NameError that occurs when merging or pulling from a URL that
  causes a redirection loop when bzr tries to read a URL as a bundle.
  (Andrew Bennetts, #400847)

* Fix ``AttributeError: 'TestUIFactory' object has no attribute 'tick'``
  running send and similar commands on 2a formats.
  (Martin Pool, #408201)

* Fixed export to existing directory: if directory is empty then export
  will succeed, otherwise it fails with error.
  (Alexander Belchenko, #406174)

* Fixed spurious "Source branch does not support stacking" warning when
  pushing. (Andrew Bennetts, #388908)

* Fixed spurious transport activity indicator appearing while tests are
  running.  (Martin Pool, #343532)

* Merge now correctly handles empty right-hand revision specs.
  (Aaron Bentley, #333961)

* Renames to lexographically lower basenames in trees that have never been
  committed to will no longer corrupt the dirstate. This was caused by an
  bug in the dirstate update_minimal method. (Robert Collins, #395556)

* Requests for unknown methods no longer cause the smart server to log
  lots of backtraces about ``UnknownSmartMethod``, ``do_chunk`` or
  ``do_end``.  (Andrew Bennetts, #338561)

* Streaming from bzr servers where there is a chain of stacked branches
  (A stacked on B stacked on C) will now work. (Robert Collins, #406597)

* The environment variable ``BZR_PROGRESS_BAR`` set to either ``text`` or ``none``
  always forces progress bars either on or off respectively.  Otherwise,
  they're turned on if ``TERM`` is not ``dumb`` and stderr is a terminal.
  bzr always uses the 'text' user interface when run as a command, so
  ``BZR_USE_TEXT_UI`` is no longer needed.
  (Martin Pool, #339385, #387717)

* The optional ``_knit_load_data_pyx`` C extension was never being
  imported.  This caused significant slowdowns when reading data from
  repositories.  (Andrew Bennetts, #405653)

* The ``--hardlink`` option to ``branch`` and ``checkout`` is not
  supported at the moment on workingtree formats that can do content
  filtering.  (See <>.)
  bzr now says so, rather than just ignoring the option.  (Martin Pool)

* There was a bug in ``osutils.relpath`` that was only triggered on
  Windows. Essentially if you were at the root of a drive, and did
  something to a branch/repo on another drive, we would go into an
  infinite loop while trying to find a 'relative path'.
  (John Arbash Meinel, #394227)

* ``WorkingTree4.unversion`` will no longer fail to unversion ids which
  were present in a parent tree but renamed in the working tree.
  (Robert Collins, #187207)


* Can now rename/move files even if they have been removed from the inventory.
  (Marius Kruger)

* Pushing branches with tags via ``bzr://`` and ``bzr+ssh://`` is much
  faster, using a new ``Branch.set_tags_bytes`` smart server verb rather
  than VFS methods.  For example, pushes of small branches with tags take
  11 rather than 18 smart server requests.  (Andrew Bennetts, #398608)

* Sending Ctrl-Break on Windows will now drop you into the debugger, in
  the same way that sending Ctrl-\\ does on other platforms.
  (John Arbash Meinel)


* Added Bazaar 2.0 Upgrade Guide. (Ian Clatworthy)

API Changes

* ``CLIUIFactory`` is deprecated; use ``TextUIFactory`` instead if you
  need to subclass or create a specific class, or better yet the existing
  ``make_ui_for_terminal``.  ``SilentUIFactory`` is clarified to do no
  user interaction at all, rather than trying to read from stdin but not
  writing any output, which would be strange if reading prompts or
  passwords.  (Martin Pool)

* New TransformPreview.commit() allows committing without a working tree.
  (Aaron Bentley)

* ``pb`` parameter to ``TextTestResult`` is deprecated and ignored.
  (Martin Pool)

* ProgressTasks now prefer to talk direct to their ProgressView not to the
  (Martin Pool)

* ``WorkingTree._check`` now requires a references dict with keys matching
  those returned by ``WorkingTree._get_check_refs``. (Robert Collins)


* ``CHKInventory.path2id`` uses the parent_id to basename hash to avoid
  reading the entries along the path, reducing work to lookup ids from
  paths. (Robert Collins)

* ``CHKMap.apply_delta`` now raises ``InconsistentDelta`` if a delta adds
  as new a key which was already mapped. (Robert Collins)

* Inventory delta application catches more cases of corruption and can
  prevent corrupt deltas from affecting consistency of data structures on
  disk. (Robert Collins)

* --subunit support now adds timestamps if the subunit version supports
  it. (Robert Collins)

* The Windows all-in-one installer now bundles the PyQt image format
  plugins, which allows previewing more images as part of 'qdiff'.
  (Alexander Belchenko)


* Merge directive cherrypick tests must use the same root id.
  (Martin Pool, #409684)

* Spurious failure in ``check`` tests on rich-root formats fixed.
  (Martin Pool, #408199)

* The ``bzrlib.tests.TextTestRunner`` will no longer call
  ``countTestsCases`` on the test being run. Progress information is
  instead handled by having the test passed in call ``result.progress``
  before running its contents. This improves the behaviour when using
  ``TextTestRunner`` with test suites that don't support
  ``countTestsCases``. (Robert Collins)
   2009-08-08 17:52:09 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Update to 1.17, based on patches by Jan Danielsson.

Bazaar continues to blaze a straight and shining path to the 2.0 release and
the elevation of the ``2a`` beta format to the full glory of "supported and

Highlights in this release include greatly reduced memory consumption during
commits, faster ``ls``, faster ``annotate``, faster network operations if
you're specifying a revision number and the final destruction of those
annoying progress bar artifacts.
   2009-07-02 08:08:36 by Eric Gillespie | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Oops, print-PLIST seems to be broken!  Restore ${PYSITELIB} usage.
   2009-07-02 07:23:08 by Eric Gillespie | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
bzr 1.16.1 2009-06-26

End user testing of the 2a format revealed two serious bugs. The first,
#365615, caused bzr to raise AbsentContentFactory errors when autopacking.
This meant that commits or pushes to 2a-format repositories failed

The second bug, #390563, caused the smart server to raise AbsentContentFactory
when streaming 2a stacked 2a-format branches. This particularly affected
branches stored on Launchpad in the 2a format.

Bug Fixes

* We now properly request a more minimal set of file texts when fetching
  multiple revisions. (Robert Collins, John Arbash Meinel, #390563)

* Repositories using CHK pages (which includes the new 2a format) will no
  longer error during commit or push operations when an autopack operation
  is triggered. (Robert Collins, #365615)

* ``chk_map.iter_interesting_nodes`` now properly uses the *intersection*
  of referenced nodes rather than the *union* to determine what
  uninteresting pages we still need to look at. Prior to this,
  incrementally pushing to stacked branch would push the minimal data, but
  fetching everything would request extra texts. There are some unhandled
  cases wrt trees of different depths, but this fixes the common cases.
  (Robert Collins, John Arbash Meinel, #390563)

* ``GroupCompress`` repositories now take advantage of the pack hints
  parameter to permit cross-format fetching to incrementally pack the
  converted data. (Robert Collins)

* ``Repository.commit_write_group`` now returns opaque data about what
  was committed, for passing to the ``Repository.pack``. Repositories
  without atomic commits will still return None. (Robert Collins)

* ``Repository.pack`` now takes an optional ``hint`` parameter
  which will support doing partial packs for repositories that can do
  that. (Robert Collins)

* RepositoryFormat has a new attribute 'pack_compresses' which is True
  when doing a pack operation changes the compression of content in the
  repository. (Robert Collins)

* ``StreamSink`` and ``InterDifferingSerialiser`` will call
  ``Repository.pack`` with the hint returned by
  ``Repository.commit_write_group`` if the formats were different and the
  repository can increase compression by doing a pack operation.
  (Robert Collins, #376748)

bzr 1.16 "It's yesterday in California" 2009-06-18
:Codename: yesterday-in-california
:1.16rc1: 2009-06-11
:1.16: 2009-06-18

This version of Bazaar contains the beta release of the new ``2a`` repository
format, suitable for testing by fearless, advanced users. This format or an
updated version of it will become the default format in Bazaar 2.0. Please
read the NEWS entry before even thinking about upgrading to the new format.

Also included are speedups for many operations on huge projects, a bug fix for
pushing stacked new stacked branches to smart servers and the usual bevy of
bug fixes and improvements.

Changes from 1.16rc1 to 1.16final

* Fix the nested tree flag check so that upgrade from development formats to
  2a can work correctly.
  (Jelmer Vernooij, #388727)

* Automatic format upgrades triggered by default stacking policies on a
  1.16rc1 (or later) smart server work again.
  (Andrew Bennetts, #388675)

Compatibility Breaks

* Display prompt on stderr (instead of stdout) when querying users so
  that the output of commands can be safely redirected.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #376582)

New Features

* A new repository format ``2a`` has been added.  This is a beta release
  of the the brisbane-core (aka group-compress) project.  This format now
  suitable for wider testing by advanced users willing to deal with some
  bugs.  We would appreciate test reports, either positive or negative.
  Format 2a is substantially smaller and faster for many operations on
  many trees.  This format or an updated version will become the default
  in bzr 2.0.

  This is a rich-root format, so this repository format can be used with
  bzr-svn.  Bazaar branches in previous non-rich-root formats can be
  converted (including by merge, push and pull) to format 2a, but not vice
  versa.  We recommend upgrading previous development formats to 2a.

  Upgrading to this format can take considerable time because it expands
  and more concisely repacks the full history.

  If you use stacked branches, you must upgrade the stacked branches
  before the stacked-on branches.  (See \ 

* ``--development7-rich-root`` is a new dev format, similar to ``--dev6``
  but using a Revision serializer using bencode rather than XML.
  (Jelmer Vernooij, John Arbash Meinel)

* mail_client=claws now supports --body (and message body hooks).  Also uses
  configured from address.  (Barry Warsaw)


* ``--development6-rich-root`` can now stack. (Modulo some smart-server
  bugs with stacking and non default formats.)
  (John Arbash Meinel, #373455)

* ``--development6-rich-root`` delays generating a delta index for the
  first object inserted into a group. This has a beneficial impact on
  ``bzr commit`` since each committed texts goes to its own group. For
  committing a 90MB file, it drops peak memory by about 200MB, and speeds
  up commit from 7s => 4s. (John Arbash Meinel)

* Numerous operations are now faster for huge projects, i.e. those
  with a large number of files and/or a large number of revisions,
  particularly when the latest development format is used. These
  operations (and improvements on include:

  * branch in a shared repository (2X faster)
  * branch --no-tree (100X faster)
  * diff (2X faster)
  * tags (70X faster)

  (Ian Clatworthy)

* Pyrex version of ``bencode`` support. This provides optimized support
  for both encoding and decoding, and is now found at ``bzrlib.bencode``.
  ``bzrlib.utils.bencode`` is now deprecated.
  (Alexander Belchenko, Jelmer Vernooij, John Arbash Meinel)

Bug Fixes

* Bazaar can now pass attachment files to the mutt email client.
  (Edwin Grubbs, #384158)

* Better message in ``bzr add`` output suggesting using ``bzr ignored`` to
  see which files can also be added.  (Jason Spashett, #76616)

* ``bzr pull -r 123`` from a stacked branch on a smart server no longer fails.
  Also, the ``Branch.revision_history()`` API now works in the same
  situation.  (Andrew Bennetts, #380314)

* ``bzr serve`` on Windows no longer displays a traceback simply because a
  TCP client disconnected. (Andrew Bennetts)

* Clarify the rules for locking and fallback repositories. Fix bugs in how
  ``RemoteRepository`` was handling fallbacks along with the
  ``_real_repository``. (Andrew Bennetts, John Arbash Meinel, #375496)

* Fix a small bug with fetching revisions w/ ghosts into a new stacked
  branch. Not often triggered, because it required ghosts to be part of
  the fetched revisions, not in the stacked-on ancestry.
  (John Arbash Meinel)

* Fix status and commit to work with content filtered trees, addressing
  numerous bad bugs with line-ending support. (Ian Clatworthy, #362030)

* Fix problem of "directory not empty" when contending for a lock over
  sftp.  (Martin Pool, #340352)

* Fix rule handling so that eol is optional, not mandatory.
  (Ian Clatworthy, #379370)

* Pushing a new stacked branch to a 1.15 smart server was broken due to a
  bug in the ``BzrDirFormat.initialize_ex`` smart verb.  This is fixed in
  1.16, but required changes to the network protocol, so the
  ``BzrDirFormat.initialize_ex`` verb has been removed and replaced with a
  corrected ``BzrDirFormat.initialize_ex_1.16`` verb.  1.15 clients will
  still work with a 1.16 server as they will fallback to slower (and
  bug-free) methods.
  (Jonathan Lange, Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts, #385132)

* Reconcile can now deal with text revisions that originated in revisions
  that are ghosts. (Jelmer Vernooij, #336749)

* Support cloning of branches with ghosts in the left hand side history.
  (Jelmer Vernooij, #248540)

* The ''bzr diff'' now catches OSError from osutils.rmtree and logs a
  helpful message to the trace file, unless the temp directory really was
  removed (which would be very strange).  Since the diff operation has
  succeeded from the user's perspective, no output is written to stderr
  or stdout.  (Maritza Mendez, #363837)

* Translate errors received from a smart server in response to a
  ``BzrDirFormat.initialize`` or ``BzrDirFormat.initialize_ex`` request.
  This was causing tracebacks even for mundane errors like
  ``PermissionDenied``.  (Andrew Bennetts, #381329)


* Added directory structure and started translation of docs in Russian.
  (Alexey Shtokalo, Alexander Iljin, Alexander Belchenko, Dmitry Vasiliev,
  Volodymyr Kotulskyi)

API Changes

* Added osutils.parent_directories(). (Ian Clatworthy)

* ``bzrlib.progress.ProgressBar``, ``ChildProgress``, ``DotsProgressBar``,
  ``TTYProgressBar`` and ``child_progress`` are now deprecated; use
  ``ui_factory.nested_progress_bar`` instead.  (Martin Pool)

* ``graph.StackedParentsProvider`` is now a public API, replacing
  ``graph._StackedParentsProvider``. The api is now considered stable and ready
  for external users. (Gary van der Merwe)

* ``bzrlib.user_encoding`` is deprecated in favor of
  ``get_user_encoding``.  (Alexander Belchenko)

* TreeTransformBase no longer assumes that limbo is provided via disk.
  DiskTreeTransform now provides disk functionality.  (Aaron Bentley)


* Remove ```` script for accessing internals of old weave-format
  repositories.  (Martin Pool)


* The number of cores is now correctly detected on OSX. (John Szakmeister)

* The number of cores is also detected on Solaris and win32. (Vincent Ladeuil)

* The number of cores is also detected on FreeBSD. (Matthew Fuller)

bzr 1.15
:1.15rc1: 2009-05-16
:1.15: 2009-05-22
:1.15.1: 2009-06-09

The smart server will no longer raise 'NoSuchRevision' when streaming content
with a size mismatch in a reconstructed graph search. New command ``bzr
dpush``. Plugins can now define their own annotation tie-breaker when two
revisions introduce the exact same line.

Changes from 1.15.1 to 1.15.2

* Use zdll on Windows to build ``_chk_map_pyx`` extension.
  (Alexander Belchenko)

Changes from 1.15final to 1.15.1

* Translate errors received from a smart server in response to a
  ``BzrDirFormat.initialize`` or ``BzrDirFormat.initialize_ex`` request.
  This was causing tracebacks even for mundane errors like
  ``PermissionDenied``.  (Andrew Bennetts, #381329)

Changes from 1.15rc1 to 1.15final

* No changes

Compatibility Breaks

* ``bzr ls`` is no longer recursive by default. To recurse, use the
  new ``-R`` option. The old ``--non-recursive`` option has been removed.
  If you alias ``ls`` to ``ls -R``, you can disable recursion using
  ``--no-recursive`` instead.  (Ian Clatworthy)

New Features

* New command ``bzr dpush`` that can push changes to foreign
  branches (svn, git) without setting custom bzr-specific metadata.
  (Jelmer Vernooij)

* The new development format ``--development6-rich-root`` now supports
  stacking. We chose not to use a new format marker, since old clients
  will just fail to open stacked branches, the same as if we used a new
  format flag. (John Arbash Meinel, #373455)

* Plugins can now define their own annotation tie-breaker when two revisions
  introduce the exact same line. See ``bzrlib.annotate._break_annotation_tie``
  Be aware though that this is temporary, private (as indicated by the leading
  '_') and a first step to address the problem. (Vincent Ladeuil, #348459)

* New command ``bzr dpush`` that can push changes to foreign
  branches (svn, git) without setting custom bzr-specific metadata.
  (Jelmer Vernooij)

* ``bzr send`` will now check the ``child_submit_format`` setting in
  the submit branch to determine what format to use, if none was
  specified on the command-line.  (Jelmer Vernooij)


* -Dhpss output now includes the number of VFS calls made to the remote
  server. (Jonathan Lange)

* ``--coverage`` works for code running in threads too.
  (Andrew Bennets, Vincent Ladeuil)

* ``bzr pull`` now has a ``--local`` option to only make changes to the
  local branch, and not the bound master branch.
  (Gary van der Merwe, #194716)

* ``bzr rm *`` is now as fast as ``bzr rm * --keep``. (Johan Walles, #180116)

Bug Fixes

* Adding now works properly when path contains a symbolic link.
  (Geoff Bache, #183831)

* An error is now raised for unknown eol values. (Brian de Alwis, #358199)

* ``bzr merge --weave`` will now generate a conflict if one side deletes a
  line, and the other side modifies the line. (John Arbash Meinel, #328171)

* ``bzr reconfigure --standalone`` no longer raises IncompatibleRepositories.
  (Martin von Gagern, #248932)

* ``bzr send`` works to send emails again using MAPI.
  (Neil Martinsen-Burrell, #346998)

* Check for missing parent inventories in StreamSink.  This prevents
  incomplete stacked branches being created by 1.13 bzr:// and
  bzr+ssh:// clients (which have bug #354036).  Instead, the server now
  causes those clients to send the missing records.  (Andrew Bennetts)

* Correctly handle http servers proposing multiple authentication schemes.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #366107)

* End-Of-Line content filters are now loaded correctly.
  (Ian Clatworthy, Brian de Alwis, #355280)

* Fix a bug in the pure-python ``GroupCompress`` code when handling copies
  longer than 64KiB. (John Arbash Meinel, #364900)

* Fix TypeError in running ``bzr break-lock`` on some URLs.
  (Alexander Belchenko, Martin Pool, #365891)

* Non-recursive ``bzr ls`` now works properly when a path is specified.
  (Jelmer Vernooij, #357863)

* ssh usernames (defined in ~/.ssh/config) are honoured for bzr+ssh connections.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #367726)

* Several bugs related to unicode symlinks have been fixed and the test suite
  enhanced to better catch regressions for them. (Vincent Ladeuil)

* The smart server will no longer raise 'NoSuchRevision' when streaming
  content with a size mismatch in a reconstructed graph search: it assumes
  that the client will make sure it is happy with what it got, and this
  sort of mismatch is normal for stacked environments.
  bzr 1.13.0/1 will stream from unstacked branches only - in that case not
  getting all the content expected would be a bug. However the graph
  search is how we figured out what we wanted, so a mismatch is both odd
  and unrecoverable without starting over, and starting over will end up
  with the same data as if we just permitted the mismatch. If data is
  gc'd, doing a new search will find only the truncated data, so sending
  only the truncated data seems reasonable. bzr versions newer than this
  will stream from stacked branches and check the stream to find missing
  content in the stacked-on branch, and thus will handle the situation
  implicitly.  (Robert Collins, #360791)

* Upgrading to, or fetching into a 'rich-root' format will now correctly
  set the root data the same way that reconcile does.
  (Robert Collins, #368921)

* Using unicode Windows API to obtain command-line arguments.
  (Alexander Belchenko, #375934)


API Changes

* ``InterPackRepo.fetch`` and ``RepoFetcher`` now raise ``NoSuchRevision``
  instead of ``InstallFailed`` when they detect a missing revision.
  ``InstallFailed`` itself has been deleted. (Jonathan Lange)

* Not passing arguments to ``bzrlib.commands.main()`` will now grab the
  arguments from ``osutils.get_unicode_argv()`` which has proper support
  for unicode arguments on windows. Further, the supplied arguments are now
  required to be unicode strings, rather than user_encoded strings.
  (Alexander Belchenko)


* ``bzrlib.branch.Branch.set_parent`` is now present on the base branch
  class and will call ``_set_parent_location`` after doing unicode
  encoding. (Robert Collins)

* ``bzrlib.remote.RemoteBranch._set_parent_location`` will use a new verb
  ``Branch.set_parent_location`` removing further VFS operations.
  (Robert Collins)

* ``bzrlib.bzrdir.BzrDir._get_config`` now returns a ``TransportConfig``
  or similar when the dir supports configuration settings. The base class
  defaults to None. There is a matching new server verb
  ``BzrDir.get-config_file`` to reduce roundtrips for getting BzrDir
  configuration. (Robert Collins)

* ``bzrlib.tests.ExtendedTestResult`` has new methods ``startTests``
  called before the first test is started, ``done`` called after the last
  test completes, and a new parameter ``strict``. (Robert Collins)

* ``-Dhpss`` when passed to bzr will cause a backtrace to be printed when
  VFS operations are started on a smart server repository. This should not
  occur on regular push and pull operations, and is a key indicator for
  performance regressions. (Robert Collins)

* ``-Dlock`` when passed to the selftest (e.g. ``bzr -Dlock selftest``) will
  cause mismatched physical locks to cause test errors rather than just
  reporting to the screen. (Robert Collins)

* Fallback ``CredentialStore`` instances registered with ``fallback=True``
  are now be able to provide credentials if obtaining credentials
  via ~/.bazaar/authentication.conf fails. (Jelmer Vernooij,
  Vincent Ladeuil, #321918)

* New hook ``Lock.lock_broken`` which runs when a lock is
  broken. This is mainly for testing that lock/unlock are
  balanced in tests. (Vincent Ladeuil)

* New MergeDirective hook 'merge_request_body' allows hooks to supply or
  alter a body for the message produced by ``bzr send``.

* New smart server verb ``BzrDir.initialize_ex`` which implements a
  refactoring to the core of clone allowing less round trips on new
  branches. (Robert Collins)

* New method ``Tags.rename_revisions`` that can rename revision ids tags
  are pointing at. (Jelmer Vernooij)

* Updated the bundled ``ConfigObj`` library to 4.6.0 (Matt Nordhoff)


* ``bzr selftest`` will now fail if lock/unlock are not correctly balanced in
  tests. Using ``-Dlock`` will turn the related failures into warnings.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, Robert Collins)
   2009-06-15 00:58:11 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (129)
Log message:
Remove @dirrm related logic.
   2009-06-14 19:49:18 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (454)
Log message:
Remove @dirrm entries from PLISTs
   2009-05-16 17:20:10 by Eric Gillespie | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update to bzr 1.14.1

Compatibility Breaks

* ``bzr ls`` is no longer recursive by default. To recurse, use the
  new ``-R`` option. The old ``--non-recursive`` option has been removed.
  If you alias ``ls`` to ``ls -R``, you can disable recursion using
  ``--no-recursive`` instead.  (Ian Clatworthy)

New Features

* Plugins can now define their own annotation tie-breaker when two revisions
  introduce the exact same line. See ``bzrlib.annotate._break_annotation_tie``
  Be aware though that this is temporary, private (as indicated by the leading
  '_') and a first step to address the problem. (Vincent Ladeuil, #348459)


Bug Fixes

* Non-recursive ``bzr ls`` now works properly when a path is specified.
  (Jelmer Vernooij, #357863)


API Changes



bzr 1.14
:Codename: brisbane-core
:1.14rc1: 2009-04-06
:1.14rc2: 2009-04-19
:1.14: 2009-04-28

New formats 1.14 and 1.14-rich-root supporting End-Of-Line (EOL) conversions,
keyword templating (via the bzr-keywords plugin) and generic content filtering.
End-of-line conversion is now supported for formats supporting content

Changes from 1.14final to 1.14.1

* Change api_minimum_version back to api_minimum_version = (1, 13, 0)

Changes from 1.14rc2 to 1.14final

* Fix a bug in the pure-python ``GroupCompress`` code when handling copies
  longer than 64KiB. (John Arbash Meinel, #364900)

Changes from 1.14rc1 to 1.14rc2

* Fix for bug 358037 Revision not in
  bzrlib.groupcompress.GroupCompressVersionedFiles (Brian de Alwis,
  John A Meinel)

* Fix for bug 354036 ErrorFromSmartServer - AbsentContentFactory object has no
  attribute 'get_bytes_as' exception while pulling from Launchpad
  (Jean-Francois Roy, Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

* Fix for bug 355280 eol content filters are never loaded and thus never
  applied (Brian de Alwis, Ian Clatworthy)

* -r4280  Change _fetch_uses_deltas = False for CHK repos until we can
  write a better fix. (John Arbash Meinel, Robert Collins)

* Fix for bug 361574 uncommit recommends undefined --levels and -n options
  (Marius Kruger, Ian Clatworthy)

* r4289 as cherrypicked at lp:~spiv/bzr/stacking-cherrypick-1.14
  (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

Compatibility Breaks

* A previously disabled code path to accelerate getting configuration
  settings from a smart server has been reinstated. We think this *may*
  cause a incompatibility with servers older than bzr 0.15. We intend
  to issue a point release to address this if it turns out to be a
  problem. (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

* bzr no longer autodetects nested trees as 'tree-references'.  They
  must now be explicitly added tree references.  At the commandline, use
  join --reference instead of add.  (Aaron Bentley)

* The ``--long`` log format (the default) no longer shows merged
  revisions implicitly, making it consistent with the ``short`` and
  ``line`` log formats.  To see merged revisions for just a given
  revision, use ``bzr log -n0 -rX``. To see every merged revision,
  use ``bzr log -n0``.  (Ian Clatworthy)

New Features

* New formats ``1.14`` and ``1.14-rich-root`` supporting End-Of-Line
  (EOL) conversions, keyword templating (via the bzr-keywords plugin)
  and generic content filtering. These formats replace the experimental
  ``development-wt5`` and ``development-wt5-rich-root`` formats
  respectively, but have support for filtered views disabled.
  (Ian Clatworthy)

* New ``mv --auto`` option recognizes renames after they occur.
  (Aaron Bentley)

* ``bzr`` can now get passwords from stdin without requiring a controlling
  terminal (i.e. by redirecting stdin). (Vincent Ladeuil)

* ``bzr log`` now supports filtering of multiple files and directories
  and will show changes that touch any of them. Furthermore,
  directory filtering now shows the changes to any children of that
  directory, not just the directory object itself.
  (Ian Clatworthy, #97715)

* ``bzr shelve`` can now apply changes without storing anything on the
  shelf, via the new --destroy option.  (Aaron Bentley)

* ``bzr send`` now accepts --body to specify an initial message body.
  (Aaron bentley)

* ``bzr xxx --usage`` where xxx is a command now shows a usage
  message and the options without the descriptive help sections
  (like Description and Examples). A message is also given
  explaining how to see the complete help, i.e. ``bzr help xxx``.
  (Ian Clatworthy)

* Content filters can now be used to provide custom conversion
  between the canonical format of content (i.e. as stored) and
  the convenience format of content (i.e. as created in working
  trees). See ``bzr help content-filters`` for further details.
  (Ian Clatworthy, Alexander Belchenko)

* End-of-line conversion is now supported for formats supporting
  content filtering. See ``bzr help eol`` for details.
  (Ian Clatworthy)

* Newly-blessed `join` command allows combining two trees into one.
  (Aaron Bentley)


* A new format name alias ``default-rich-root`` has been added and
  points at the closest relative of the default format that supports
  rich roots. (Jelmer Vernooij, #338061)

* Branching from a stacked branch using ``bzr*://`` will now stream
  the data when the target repository does not need topological
  ordering, reducing round trips and network overhead. This uses the
  existing smart server methods added in 1.13, so will work on any
  1.13 or newer server. (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

* ``bzr cat`` and ``bzr export`` now supports a ``--filters`` option
  that displays/saves the content after content filters are applied.
  (Ian Clatworthy)

* ``bzr ignore`` gives a more informative message when existing
  version controlled files match the ignore pattern. (Neil
  Martinsen-Burrell, #248895)

* ``bzr log`` now has ``--include-merges`` as an alias for ``--levels 0``.
  (Ian Clatworthy)

* ``bzr send`` is faster on repositories with deep histories.
  (Ian Clatworthy)

* Progress bars now show the rate of network activity for
  ``bzr+ssh://`` and ``bzr://`` connections.  (Andrew Bennetts)

* Pushing to a stacked pack-format branch on a 1.12 or older smart server
  now takes many less round trips.  (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins,

* Streaming push can be done to older repository formats.  This is
  implemented using a new ``Repository.insert_stream_locked`` RPC.
  (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

* The "ignoring files outside view: .." message has been re-worded
  to "Ignoring files outside view. View is .." to reduce confusion
  about what was being considered and what was being ignored.
  (Ian Clatworthy)

* The ``long`` log formatter now shows [merge] indicators. If
  only one level of revisions is displayed and merges are found,
  the ``long`` and ``short`` log formatters now tell the user
  how to see the hidden merged revisions.  (Ian Clatworthy)

* The ``brisbane-core`` project has delivered its beta format
  ``development6-rich-root``. This format is suitable for judicious
  testing by early adopters. In particular if you are benchmarking bzr
  performance please be sure to test using this format. At this stage
  more information is best obtained by contacting the Bazaar mailing list
  or IRC channel if you are interested in using this format. We will make
  end user documentation available closer to blessing the format as
  production ready. (Robert Collins, John Arbash Meinel, Ian Clatworthy,
  Vincent Ladeuil, Andrew Bennetts, Martin Pool)

* Tildes are no longer escaped. No more %7Euser/project/branch!
  (Jonathan Lange)

Bug Fixes

* Pushing a new stacked branch will also push the parent inventories for
  revisions at the stacking boundary.  This makes sure that the stacked
  branch has enough data to calculate inventory deltas for all of its
  revisions (without requiring the fallback branch).  This avoids
  "'AbsentContentFactory' object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as'" errors
  when fetching the stacked branch from a 1.13 (or later) smart server.
  This partially fixes #354036.  (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

* End-Of-Line content filters are now loaded correctly.
  (Ian Clatworthy, Brian de Alwis, #355280)

* Authentication plugins now receive all the parameters from the request
  itself (aka host, port, realm, path, etc). Previously, only the
  authentication section name, username and encoded password were
  provided. (Jean-Francois Roy)

* bzr gives a better message if an invalid regexp is passed to ``bzr log
  -m``.  (Anne Mohsen, Martin Pool)

* ``bzr split`` now says "See also: join" (Aaron Bentley, #335015)

* ``bzr version-info`` now works in empty branches. (Jelmer Vernooij,

* Fix "is not a stackable format" error when pushing a
  stackable-format branch with an unstackable-format repository to a
  destination with a default stacking policy.  (Andrew Bennetts)

* Fixed incorrect "Source format does not support stacking" warning
  when pushing to a smart server.  (Andrew Bennetts, #334114)

* Fix 'make check-dist-tarball' failure by converting paths to unicode when
  needed. (Vincent Ladeuil, #355454)

* Fixed "Specified file 'x/y/z' is outside current view: " occurring
  on ``bzr add x/y/z`` in formats supporting views when no view is
  defined.  (Ian Clatworthy, #344708)

* It is no longer possible to fetch between repositories while the
  target repository is in a write group. This prevents race conditions
  that prevent the use of RPC's to perform fetch, and thus allows
  optimising more operations. (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

* ``merge --force`` works again. (Robert Collins, #342105)

* No more warnings are issued about ``sha`` being deprecated under python-2.6.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #346593)

* Pushing a new branch to a server that has a stacking policy will now
  upgrade from the local branch format when the stacking policy points at
  a branch which is itself stackable, because we know the client can read
  both branches, we know that the trunk for the project can be read too,
  so the upgrade will not inconvenience users. (Robert Collins, #345169)

* Pushing a new stacked branch will also push the parent inventories for
  revisions at the stacking boundary.  This makes sure that the stacked
  branch has enough data to calculate inventory deltas for all of its
  revisions (without requiring the fallback branch).  This avoids
  "'AbsentContentFactory' object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as'" errors
  when fetching the stacked branch from a 1.13 (or later) smart server.
  This partially fixes #354036.  (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

* The full test suite is passing again on OSX. Several minor issues (mostly
  test related) have been fixed. (Vincent Ladeuil, #355273).

* The GNU Changelog formatter is slightly improved in the case where
  the delta is empty, and now correctly claims not to support tags.
  (Andrea Bolognani)

* Shelve can now shelve changes to a symlink target.
  (James Westby, #341558)

* The help for the ``info`` command has been corrected.
  (Ian Clatworthy, #351931)

* Upgrade will now use a sensible default format if the source repository
  uses rich roots.  (Jelmer Vernooij, #252908)


* Expanded the index of the developer documentation. (Eric Siegerman)

* New topic `bzr help debug-flags`.  (Martin Pool)

* The generated manpage now explicitly lists aliases as commands.
  (James Westby, #336998)

API Changes

* APIs deprecated in 1.6 and previous versions of bzr are now removed.
  (Martin Pool)

* ``CommitReporter`` is no longer called with ``unchanged`` status during
  commit - this was a full-tree overhead that bzr no longer performs.
  (Robert Collins)

* New abstract ``UIFactory`` method ``get_username`` which will be called to
  obtain the username to use when connecting to remote machines.
  (Jelmer Vernooij)

* New API ``Inventory.filter()`` added that filters an inventory by
  a set of file-ids so that only those fileids, their parents and
  their children are included.  (Ian Clatworthy)

* New sort order for ``get_record_stream`` ``groupcompress`` which
  sorts optimally for use with groupcompress compressors. (John Arbash
  Meinel, Robert Collins)

* Repository APIs ``get_deltas_for_revisions()`` and
  ``get_revision_delta()`` now support an optional ``specific_fileids``
  parameter. If provided, the deltas are filtered so that only those
  file-ids, their parents and their children are included.
  (Ian Clatworthy)

* The ``get_credentials`` and ``set_credentials`` methods of
  ``AuthenticationConfig`` now accept an optional realm argument.
  (Jean-Francois Roy)

* The ``pb`` argument to ``fetch()`` is deprecated.
  (Martin Pool)

* The ``Serializer`` class and the serializer ``format registry`` have moved
  from ``bzrlib.xml_serializer`` to ``bzrlib.serializer``. (Jelmer Vernooij)

* The smart server jail now hooks into to prevent any BzrDir
  that is not inside the backing transport from being opened.  See the
  module documentation for ```` for details.
  (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

* ``Tree.get_symlink_target`` now always returns a unicode string result
  or None. Previously it would return the bytes from reading the link
  which could be in any arbitrary encoding. (Robert Collins)


* ``bzrlib.tests.TestCase`` now fails the test if its own ``setUp``
  and ``tearDown`` weren't called.  This catches faulty tests that
  forget to upcall when overriding ``setUp`` and ``tearDown``.  Those
  faulty tests were not properly isolated.
  (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

* Fix test_msgeditor.MsgEditorTest test isolation.
  (Vincent Ladeuil, #347130)

* ``medusa`` is not used anymore as an FTP test server starting with
  python2.6. A new FTP test server based on ``pyftplib`` can be used
  instead. This new server is a soft dependency as medusa which is still
  preferred if both are available (modulo python version).
  (Vincent Ladeuil)


* Added ``chk_map`` for fast, trie-based storage of tuple to string maps.
  (Robert Collins, John Arbash Meinel, Vincent Ladeuil)

* Added ``bzrlib.chk_map`` for fast, trie-based storage of tuple to string
  maps.  (Robert Collins, John Arbash Meinel, Vincent Ladeuil)

* Added ``bzrlib.inventory_delta`` module.  This will be used for
  serializing and deserializing inventory deltas for more efficient
  streaming on the the network.  (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

* ``Branch._get_config`` has been added, which splits out access to the
  specific config file from the branch. This is used to let RemoteBranch
  avoid constructing real branch objects to access configuration settings.
  (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

* ``Branch`` now implements ``set_stacked_on_url`` in the base class as
  the implementation is generic and should impact foreign formats. This
  helps performance for ``RemoteBranch`` push operations to new stacked
  branches. (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

* ``BtreeIndex._spill_mem_keys_to_disk()`` now generates disk index with
  optmizations turned off. This only has effect when processing > 100,000
  keys during something like ``bzr pack``. (John Arbash Meinel)

* ``bzr selftest`` now accepts ``--subunit`` to run in subunit output
  mode. Requires ``lp:subunit`` installed to work, but is not a hard
  dependency. (Robert Collins)

* ``BzrDir.open_branch`` now takes an optional ``ignore_fallbacks``
  parameter for controlling opening of stacked branches.
  (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)

* ``CommitBuilder`` has a new method, ``record_iter_changes`` which works
  in terms of an iter_changes iterator rather than full tree scanning.
  (Robert Collins)

* ``DirState`` can now be passed a custom ``SHA1Provider`` object
  enabling it to store the SHA1 and stat of the canonical (post
  content filtered) form. (Ian Clatworthy)

* New ``assertLength`` method based on one Martin has squirreled away
  somewhere. (Robert Collins, Martin Pool)

* New hook ``BzrDir.pre_open`` which runs before opening ``BzrDir``
  objects, allowing better enforcement of the smart server jail when
  dealing with stacked branches. (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

* New hook ``RioVersionInfoBuilder.revision``, allowing extra entries
  to be added to the stanza that is printed for a particular revision.
  (Jelmer Vernooij)

* New repository method ``refresh_data`` to cause any repository to
  make visible data inserted into the repository by a smart server
  fetch operation. (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

* ``register_filter_stack_map`` now takes an optional fallback parameter,
  a callable to invoke if a preference has a value not in the map
  of filter stacks. This enhancement allows, for example,  bzr-svn to
  handle existing svn properties that define a list of keywords to be
  expanded.  (Ian Clatworthy)

* ``RemoteBranchConfig`` will use a new verb ``Branch.set_config_option``
  to write config settings to smart servers that support this, saving
  5 round trips on the stacked streaming acceptance test.
  (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

* ``RemoteBranch`` now provides ``_get_config`` for access to just the
  branch specific configuration from a remote server, which uses the
  already existing ``Branch.get_config_file`` smart verb.
  (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

* ``RemoteRepository`` will now negatively cache missing revisions during
  ``get_parent_map`` while read-locked. Write-locks are unaffected.
  (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

* Removed ``InterRemoteToOther``, ``InterOtherToRemote`` and
  ``InterPackToRemotePack`` classes, as they are now unnecessary.
  (Andrew Bennetts)

* ``RepositoryFormat`` as a new attribute ``fast_deltas`` to indicate
  whether the repository can efficiently generate deltas between trees
  regardless of tree size. (Robert Collins)

* ``Repository.iter_files_bytes()`` now properly returns an "iterable of
  byte strings" (aka 'chunked') for the content. It previously was
  returning a plain string, which worked, but performed very poorly when
  building a working tree (file.writelines(str) is very inefficient). This
  can have a large effect on ``bzr checkout`` times. (John Arbash Meinel)

* selftest now supports a --parallel option, with values of 'fork' or
  'subprocess' to run the test suite in parallel. Currently only linux
  machine work, other platforms need patches submitted. (Robert Collins,
  Vincent Ladeuil)

* ``tests.run_suite`` has a new parameter ``suite_decorators``, a list of
  callables to use to decorate the test suite. Such decorators can add or
  remove tests, or even remote the test suite to another machine if
  desired. (Robert Collins)

* The smart server verb ``Repository.get_parent_map`` can now include
  information about ghosts when the special revision ``include-missing:``
  is in the requested parents map list. With this flag, ghosts are
  included as ``missing:REVISION_ID``. (Robert Collins, Andrew Bennetts)

* ``_walk_to_common_revisions`` will now batch up at least 50
  revisions before calling ``get_parent_map`` on the target,
  regardless of ``InterRepository``.
  (Andrew Bennetts, Robert Collins)
   2009-03-27 20:52:19 by Eric Gillespie | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
bzr 1.13.1 2009-03-19
A couple regessions where found in the 1.13 release. The pyrex-generated C
extensions are missing from the .tar.gz and .zip files.  Documentation on how
to generate GNU ChangeLogs is wrong.


    * Change ``./bzr``'s ``_script_version`` to match ./bzrlib/
      version_info. (Bob Tanner, Martin Pool, #345232)

    * Distribution archives for 1.13 do not contain generated C extension
      modules (Jean-Francois Roy, Bob Tanner, #344465)

    * GNU ChangeLog output can now be produced by bzr log --format
      gnu-changelog is incorrect (Deejay, Bob Tanner, Martin Pool,
      Robert Collins, #343928)

    * ``merge --force`` works again. (Robert Collins, #342105)
   2009-03-20 07:49:10 by Eric Gillespie | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Add build dependency on pyrex; this isn't new, it's been needed since before I
adopted this package, oops...

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