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CVS Commit History:

   2024-03-17 15:05:34 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-markdown: update to 3.6.

## [3.6] -- 2024-03-14

### Changed

#### Refactor TOC Sanitation

* All postprocessors are now run on heading content.
* Footnote references are now stripped from heading content. Fixes #660.
* A more robust `striptags` is provided to convert headings to plain text.
  Unlike, the `markupsafe` implementation, HTML entities are not unescaped.
* The plain text `name`, rich `html`, and unescaped raw `data-toc-label` are
  saved to `toc_tokens`, allowing users to access the full rich text content of
  the headings directly from `toc_tokens`.
* The value of `data-toc-label` is sanitized separate from heading content
  before being written to `name`. This fixes a bug which allowed markup through
  in certain circumstances. To access the raw unsanitized data, retrieve the
  value from `token['data-toc-label']` directly.
* An `html.unescape` call is made just prior to calling `slugify` so that
  `slugify` only operates on Unicode characters. Note that `html.unescape` is
  not run on `name`, `html`, or `data-toc-label`.
* The functions `get_name` and `stashedHTML2text` defined in the `toc` extension
  are both **deprecated**. Instead, third party extensions should use some
  combination of the new functions `run_postprocessors`, `render_inner_html` and

### Fixed

* Include `scripts/*.py` in the generated source tarballs (#1430).
* Ensure lines after heading in loose list are properly detabbed (#1443).
* Give smarty tree processor higher priority than toc (#1440).
* Permit carets (`^`) and square brackets (`]`) but explicitly exclude
  backslashes (`\`) from abbreviations (#1444).
* In attribute lists (`attr_list`, `fenced_code`), quoted attribute values are
  now allowed to contain curly braces (`}`) (#1414).
   2024-01-13 08:10:27 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-markdown: updated to 3.5.2



* Fix type annotations for `convertFile` - it accepts only bytes-based buffers.
 Also remove legacy checks from Python 2
* Remove legacy import needed only in Python 2
* Fix typo that left the attribute `AdmonitionProcessor.content_indent` unset

* Fix edge-case crash in `InlineProcessor` with `AtomicString`
* Fix edge-case crash in `codehilite` with an empty `code` tag
* Improve and expand type annotations in the code base
* Fix handling of bogus comments
   2023-11-06 14:48:14 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-markdown: update to 3.5.1.

## [3.5.1] -- 2023-10-31

### Fixed

* Fix a performance problem with HTML extraction where large HTML input could
  trigger quadratic line counting behavior (#1392).
* Improve and expand type annotations in the code base (#1394).
   2023-10-28 21:57:26 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (516) | Package updated
Log message:
python/ simplify a lot, and switch to 'installer' for installation

This follows the recommended bootstrap method (flit_core, build, installer).

However, installer installs different files than pip, so update PLISTs
for all packages using and bump their PKGREVISIONs.
   2023-10-10 18:05:37 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-markdown: updated to 3.5



Add permalink_leading configuration option to the toc extension

A new boolean option permalink_leading controls the position of the permanent \ 
link anchors generated with permalink. Setting permalink_leading to True will \ 
cause the links to be inserted at the start of the header, before any other \ 
header content. The default behavior for permalink is to append permanent links \ 
to the header, placing them after all other header content.


Add support for cPython version 3.12 (and PyPy 3.10) and drop support for Python \ 
version 3.7
Refactor changelog to use the format defined at
Update the list of empty HTML tags
Add customizable TOC title class to TOC extension
Add API documentation of the code base which is generated by mkdocstrings
   2023-08-01 14:27:47 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-markdown: updated to 3.4.4

Bug fixes
   2023-04-03 14:06:01 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-markdown: updated to 3.4.3

version 3.4.3 (a bug-fix release).

* Restore console script.

version 3.4.2 (a bug-fix release).

* Improve standalone * and _ parsing.
* Consider `<html>` HTML tag a block-level element.
* Officially support Python 3.11.
* Switch from `` to `pyproject.toml`.
   2023-03-29 11:34:15 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (96)
Log message:
   2022-11-09 14:14:32 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (223)
Log message:
   2022-10-25 17:55:35 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-markdown: updated to 3.4.1

Python-Markdown 3.4 Release Notes

Python-Markdown version 3.4 supports Python versions 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and

Backwards-incompatible changes

The `tables` extension now uses a `style` attribute instead of an `align` \ 
attribute for alignment.

The [HTML4 spec][spec4] specifically deprecates the use of the `align` attribute
and it does not appear at all in the [HTML5 spec][spec5]. Therefore, by default,
the [tables] extension will now use the `style` attribute (setting just the
`text-align` property) in `td` and `th` blocks.

[spec5]: \
[tables]: ../extensions/

The former behavior is available by setting the `use_align_attribute`
configuration option to `True` when enabling the extension.

For example, to configure the old `align` behavior:

from markdown.extensions.tables import TableExtension

markdown.markdown(src, extensions=[TableExtension(use_align_attribute=True)])

Backslash unescaping moved to Treeprocessor.

Unescaping backslash escapes has been moved to a Treeprocessor, which  enables
proper HTML escaping during serialization. However, it is recognized that
various third-party extensions may be calling the old class at
`postprocessors.UnescapePostprocessor`. Therefore, the old class remains in the
code base, but has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The
new class `treeprocessors.UnescapeTreeprocessor` should be used instead.

Previously deprecated objects have been removed

Various objects were deprecated in version 3.0 and began raising deprecation
warnings (see the [version 3.0 release notes] for details). Any of those objects
which remained in version 3.3 have been removed from the code base in version 3.4
and will now raise errors. The relevant objects are listed below.

[version 3.0 release notes]:

| Deprecated Object                      | Replacement Object                  |
| `markdown.version`                     | `markdown.__version__`              |
| `markdown.version_info`                | `markdown.__version_info__`         |
| `markdown.util.etree`                  | `xml.etree.ElementTree`             |
| `markdown.util.string_type`            | `str`                               |
| `markdown.util.text_type`              | `str`                               |
| `markdown.util.int2str`                | `chr`                               |
| `markdown.util.iterrange`              | `range`                             |
| `markdown.util.isBlockLevel`           | `markdown.Markdown().is_block_level`|
| `markdown.util.Processor().markdown`   | `markdown.util.Processor().md`      |
| `markdown.util.Registry().__setitem__` | `markdown.util.Registry().register` |
| `markdown.util.Registry().__delitem__` |`markdown.util.Registry().deregister`|
| `markdown.util.Registry().add`         | `markdown.util.Registry().register` |

In addition, the `md_globals` parameter of
`Markdown.extensions.Extension.extendMarkdown()` is no longer recognized as a
valid parameter and will raise an error if provided.

New features

The following new features have been included in the 3.4 release:

* Some new configuration options have been added to the
  [footnotes](../extensions/ extension:

    * Small refactor of the `BACKLINK_TITLE` option; The use of `format()`
      instead of "old" `%d` formatter allows one to specify text \ 
without the
      need to have the number of the footnote in it (like footnotes on
      Wikipedia for example). The modification is backward compatible so no
      configuration change is required.

    * Addition of a new option `SUPERSCRIPT_TEXT` that allows one to specify a
      custom placeholder for the footnote itself in the text.
      Ex: `[{}]` will give `<sup>[1]</sup>`, `({})` will give \ 
      or by default, the current behavior: `<sup>1</sup>`.

* The [Table of Contents](../extensions/ extension now accepts a
  `toc_class` parameter which can be used to set the CSS class(es) on the
  `<div>` that contains the Table of Contents.

* The CodeHilite extension now supports a `pygments_formatter` option that can
  be set to a custom formatter class.

    - If `pygments_formatter` is set to a string (ex: `'html'`), Pygments'
      default formatter by that name is used.
    - If `pygments_formatter` is set to a formatter class (or any callable
      which returns a formatter instance), then an instance of that class is

    The formatter class is now passed an additional option, `lang_str`, to
    denote the language of the code block. While Pygments' built-in
    formatters will ignore the option, a custom formatter assigned to the
    `pygments_formatter` option can make use of the `lang_str` to include the
    code block's language in the output.

Bug fixes

The following bug fixes are included in the 3.4 release:

* Extension entry-points are only loaded if needed.
* Added additional checks to the `<pre><code>` handling of

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