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CVS Commit History:

   2015-07-11 17:25:13 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
Update PLIST with what I see when building on NetBSD-7.99.19/amd64.
do not even have Makefile fragments in the source tree that could build
them, AFAICT. Perhaps the PLIST was from an older version?
   2014-12-13 03:47:44 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Import mousetweaks-3.12.0 as wip/mousetweaks.

The Mousetweaks package provides mouse accessibility enhancements
for the GNOME desktop. These enhancements are:

1. It offers a way to perform the various clicks without using any
hardware button.

2. It allows users to perform a right click by doing a click&hold
of the left mousebutton. (For a left-handed mouse user, the termes
left and right have to be inverted.)

3. It provides an applet that the user can install on a panel. This
applet creates an area on the panel into which the pointer can be
captured until the user releases it with a predefined button and
modifier combination.

The options can be accessed through the Accessibility tab of the
Mouse Preferences of GNOME Control Center or through command-line.

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