Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/hugs
From: Mark Davies
Date: 2002-04-09 04:59:15
Message id:

Log Message:
Update Hugs98 to Dec 2001 version.

Changes are:

   - The incompatibilities between Hugs and the Haskell Graphics Library
     have been fixed, and binaries for the HGL are now available on the
     Hugs download page.

   - The missing standard libraries Directory, CPUTime, Time and Locale
     have been added along with a complete implementation of Haskell98 IO.

   - Hugs is now delivered with most of the hslibs libraries installed
     in the lib/exts/ directory.  The added modules cover the Edison,
     Parsec, HaXml, QuickCheck, concurrent, monad, and html subdirectories
     of hslibs.

   - The :set option now refuses the user to set a module search path
     that doesn't contain the Prelude. This is to protect users from
     accidentally rendering their Hugs setups unusable, esp. so on
     Windows machines where the options are persisted to the Registry.

   - MacOS X is now one of the supported unix ports, with pre-built
     binaries available on the download page.

   - Experimental support is provided for hierarchical module names,
     where a module name A.B.C is mapped onto the file path
     A/B/C{.hs,.lhs} and appended to each of the path prefixes in
     HUGSPATH until the name of a readable file is found.
