Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mail/nail
From: Chris Pinnock
Date: 2004-08-18 16:31:23
Message id:

Log Message:
Update of mail/nail to 11.3:

[11.3] released 8/18/04
* When an IMAP mailbox is opened in threaded/sorted mode and new messages
  arrive or old ones are deleted, the internal thread structure is now
  properly rebuilt. The previous failure to do so made nail dump core in
  most cases.
* The 'forward' command was fixed; it used an unitialized variable since
  release 11.2, possibly leading to segmentation faults (Bugreport by Bob
* The behavior of the 'autoinc'/'newmail' variables regarding IMAP folders
  was changed. If both variables are unset, announcements are printed only
  if messages have been deleted on the server.
* The 'new'/'unread' commands now also work with IMAP folders.
* When a message is deleted or saved in disconnected mode, its cache entry
  is not removed until the message is actually removed from the server in
  online mode. This in particular means that saved or 'mbox'ed messages
  are still available in IMAP inboxes in disconnected mode until they have
  reached their target folder in online mode.
* When new messages were received in an IMAP mailbox after messages had
  been deleted in a previously visited IMAP mailbox, 'Expunged x messages'
  was erroneously printed.
