Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/sun-jre15
From: David Brownlee
Date: 2009-07-23 19:14:40
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated lang/sun-jre15 to 5.0.19

Changes in 1.5.0_19

The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_19-b02 (where \ 
"b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u19.
OlsonData 2009g

This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009g. For more information, \ 
refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .

Security Baseline

This update release specifies the following security baseline:
JRE Family Version 	Java SE
Security Baseline 	Java SE for Business
Security Baseline 1.4.2 	1.4.2_19 	1.4.2_20

In December, 2008, Java SE 1.4.2 reached its end of service life with the \ 
release of 1.4.2_19. Future revisions of Java SE 1.4.2 (1.4.2_20 and above) \ 
include the Access Only option and are available to Java SE for Business \ 

For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets \ 
With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer .

Additional Supported System Configurations

As of this update, support has been added for the following system configurations:

    * Internet Explorer 8
    * Windows Server 2008
    * SLES 11

Refer to the Supported System Configurations page.
Service Tag Support

Service Tag support on Solaris, Linux, and Windows is add in this release. If \ 
Service Tag software has been installed on a system where JRE 1.5.0_19 is being \ 
installed, a unique service tag is automatically created for that particular JRE \ 
instance. There is no change in the JDK/JRE installation instruction, and there \ 
is no change in the Java runtime.

Service Tag software can be downloaded from Sun Inventory. JDK and JRE service \ 
tags allow installed instances of the JDK and JRE to be discovered and \ 
registered under a user's account on Sun Connection.
Known Issues

    IE 8 Hangs with OBJECT Tag

    When an OBJECT tag is used to specify an applet, and the browser does not \ 
receive any mouse button events or keyboard events before the browser gets to \ 
the point of interpreting (executing) the OBJECT> tag, then IE 8 hangs.

    This bug is seen when an html file containing OBJECT tag is specified as a \ 
command line parameter while launching IE. For example:

    iexplorer.exe  file.html

    In this case, there is no mouse button event between invocation of IE and \ 
OBJECT tag execution.

    A workaround is to force the user to use a mouse or keyboard before IE8 \ 
reaches the tag. For example, if applet.html contains an OBJECT tag, then the \ 
following command line invocation hangs the browser:

    iexplorer.exe applet.html

    However, if you specify applet.html in another html file, as follows, then \ 
the user is forced to use the keyboard or mouse button, and the hang does not \ 

    <HTML><BODY><A href="file:applet.html"> click \ 
</A> </BODY></HT

    Refer to CR 6825659 for further information.

Bug Fixes

Bug fixes are listed in the following table.
	BugId 	Category 	Subcategory 	Description 6260293 	hotspot 	compiler2 	fix \ 
set_ctrl() inconsistencies in loopopts
6394438 	hotspot 	compiler2 	crash in C2 compiler in \ 
MachSpillCopyNode::implementation on 5.0_U4
6435614 	hotspot 	compiler2 	code fails with impossible ArrayIndexOutOfBounds \ 
6754146 	hotspot 	compiler2 	1.5.0_15 C2 compiler crashes in PhaseChaitin::Split()
6788347 	hotspot 	compiler2 	C2Compiler crash 6u7
6798785 	hotspot 	compiler2 	Crash in OopFlow::build_oop_map: incorrect \ 
comparison of 64bit pointers
5081701 	hotspot 	garbage_collector 	CMS: ATG crash with perm gen collection enabled
6415354 	hotspot 	garbage_collector 	CMS: \ 
assert(thisOop->is_oop_or_null(true),"expected an oop or NULL")
6722112 	hotspot 	garbage_collector 	CMS: Incorrect encoding of overflown object \ 
arrays during concurrent precleaning
6722113 	hotspot 	garbage_collector 	CMS: Incorrect overflow handling during \ 
precleaning of Reference lists
6739357 	hotspot 	garbage_collector 	CMS: Switch off CMSPrecleanRefLists1 until \ 
6722113 can be fixed
6786503 	hotspot 	garbage_collector 	Overflow list performance can be improved
6787254 	hotspot 	garbage_collector 	Work queue capacity can be increased \ 
substantially on some platforms
6751861 	hotspot 	jvmti 	Memory leak occurs in JVMTI(jdk5.0u16)
6447157 	hotspot 	other 	Crashdump (hs_err_pid*.log) does not contain the crash time
6320309 	hotspot 	runtime_system 	symbol resolution -- wait() vs interrupt -- \ 
can result in IE being thrown from unexpected locations
6680485 	hotspot 	runtime_system 	Wrong error-handling with Solaris-specific \ 
interruptible I/O (Solaris)
6821003 	hotspot 	runtime_system 	Update hotspot windows os_win32 for windows 7
6277781 	idl 	serialization 	Serialization of Enums over IIOP is broke.
6614558 	idl 	serialization 	jmx interop JDK5 - JDK6 issue when calling getMBeanInfo
6529796 	java 	char_encodings 	Support JIS X 0213:2004 in existing JDK versions, \ 
especially for Windows Vista
6710199 	java 	char_encodings 	SJIS_0213 does not handle "unmappable" \ 
encoding operation correctly
4744405 	java 	classes_2d 	RFE: lookupPrintServices() to refresh the printers \ 
list dynamically
6358622 	java 	classes_2d 	hotspot crash when printing to non-available network \ 
6428762 	java 	classes_2d 	RHEL5: Sazanami Mincho Font rendering quality is poor
6574633 	java 	classes_2d 	native printDialog crashes when changing printer
6633656 	java 	classes_2d 	Cross platform print dialog doesn't check for \ 
orientation being unsupported.
6524352 	java 	classes_awt 	support for high-resolution mouse wheel
6668385 	java 	classes_awt 	Java applet crashes IE 6 in \ 
6675956 	java 	classes_awt 	REGRESSION : Different behavior of \ 
Container.findComponentAt in jdk5
6707023 	java 	classes_awt 	Chinese Characters in JTextPane Cause Pane to Hang
6219755 	java 	classes_io 	PipedOutputStream.write() remains blocked after \ 
PipedInputStream was closed
6242664 	java 	classes_lang 	String.offsetByCodePoints doesn't work for Strings \ 
returned by String.substring
6819886 	java 	classes_lang 	System.getProperty("") reports \ 
Vista on Windows 7
6651382 	java 	classes_management 	The Java JVM SNMP provider reports incorrect \ 
stats when asked for multiple OIDs
6598160 	java 	classes_net 	Windows IPv6 Socket implementation doesn't set the \ 
handle to not inherit
6648001 	java 	classes_net 	Cancelling HTTP authentication causes subsequent \ 
6693244 	java 	classes_net 	Java Web Start app fails on 6u10 beta w/ \ 
AssertionError in AuthenticationInfo.requestCompleted
5100121 	java 	classes_nio 	(se) select not immune to EINTR
6497734 	java 	classes_nio 	(dc) assert "JNI handle should not be \ 
null" under Java_sun_nio_ch_FileDispatcher_preClose0()
6552236 	java 	classes_security 	PolicyFile not synchronized during refresh
6699856 	java 	classes_swing 	Creating text in a JTextPane using Chinese text \ 
causes undesired behavior
6735259 	java 	classes_swing 	NPE at \ 
4823811 	java 	classes_text 	[Fmt-Da] SimpleDateFormat patterns don't allow \ 
embedding of some literal punctuation
6576792 	java 	classes_util_concurrent 	ThreadPoolExecutor methods leak \ 
interrupts when run in pool threads
6409997 	java 	classes_util_i18n 	Default locale/encoding detection for Windows Vista
6834474 	java 	classes_util_i18n 	(tz) Support tzdata2009g
6740278 	java 	dragndrop 	An image(256 colors) in clipboard should be displayed \ 
6404011 	java 	imageio 	IllegalArgumentException: "Invalid ICC Profile \ 
Data" when reading certain JPEGs
6687968 	java 	imageio 	PNGImageReader leaks native memory through an Inflater.
6541870 	java 	serialization 	NullPointerException in ObjectInputStream with \ 
6608975 	java 	serviceability 	HeapDumpPath option is ignored for dumps written \ 
by HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak functionality
6745217 	java 	serviceability 	jmap throws \ 
sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.AssertionFailure: BitMap index out of bounds \ 
6754987 	java 	serviceability 	Crash triggering Heapdump via \ 
-XX:+HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak AND -XX:+UseParallelOldGC
6803304 	java 	sunservicetags 	Service Tag support for JRE for solaris/linux/windows
6680432 	java_deployment 	security 	Display only Digital Signature key usage \ 
certificate in client authentication dialog box.
6567254 	java_plugin 	ns6 	Stack stomp in CSecureJNIEnv
6603064 	java_plugin 	other 	Legacy_lifecycle:Exception getting thrown on while \ 
making LiveConnect calls once applet is refreshed
6595618 	java_plugin 	plugin 	Intermittent problems with signed applet \ 
certificate verification
6618901 	java_plugin 	plugin 	6.0 JRE applet running on Vista limits heap to 64 MB
6696175 	javawebstart 	jnlp_file 	javaws not recognizing properties which \ 
contains % character
6809409 	jaxp 	sax 	jaxp Issue 56 SAXException doesn't do the exception chaining \ 
6809019 	jaxp 	xslt 	Performance degradation for fix to: 6537909 in 1.5.0_14
6796140 	jets 	other 	Further ORB changes after 6725987
6176036 	jndi 	ldap 	Require a way to specify read timeout for LDAP operations

Changes in 1.5.0_18

The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_18-b02 (where \ 
"b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u18.
Security Baseline

This update release specifies the following security baseline:
	JRE Family Version 	Security Baseline 1.4.2 	1.4.2_20

For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets \ 
With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer .

OlsonData 2009a

This release contains Olson time zone data version 2009a. For more information, \ 
refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) API Change

The behavior of the JNDI feature to store and retrieve Java objects in an LDAP \ 
directory has been slightly modified.

When storing a Java object in an LDAP directory, the location of the object's \ 
class file (its codebase) may be specified. Later, when restoring the original \ 
object, its codebase along with additional object data is retrieved from the \ 
directory and used by the class loader.

An object's codebase is no longer implicitly trusted. Instead, a new system \ 
property called com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustURLCodebase must explicitly be set \ 
to the string value true in order for a codebase to be used. Otherwise, the \ 
codebase will be ignored by the class loader when restoring a Java object, and \ 
only those class files that appear on the classpath will be recognized.

Java Management Extensions(JMX) Change
In a JMX access property file, the readwrite access no longer allows the remote \ 
createMBean and unregisterMBean operations. These must now be provided \ 
explicitly via new clauses.

The default jmxremote.access file of the JRE \ 
($JRE_HOME/lib/management/jmxremote.access) shows what this looks like:

monitorRole  readonly
controlRole  readwrite \
            create*,* \

CORBA Memory Leak Fix - Special Note

This update release and revision 5.0u16-rev-b12 and subsequent updates and \ 
revisions contain a fix for 6725987. When using updates and revisions prior to \ 
these, an ORB may contain valid references (that is, a memory leak) even after \ 
calling its shutdown() and destroy() methods, and it may respond to some method \ 

With this fix, the ORB correctly cleans up and the Garbage Collector can free up \ 
the memory held by such references. Incorrect accesses to such references or \ 
methods are likely to result in a NullPointerException to the application.

Root Certificates Included

Root Certificates are included in this release. The following root certificates \ 
have been added:

    * VeriSign TSA Root Cert to the JDK (Refer to 6732157.)
    * Two additional T-systems root CA certs (Refer to 6803022.)
    * Two Unizeto root certs (Refer to 6803036.)

Bug Fixes

This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more \ 
information, please see Sun Alerts 254569, 254570, 254571, 254608, and 254611.

Other bug fixes are listed in the following table.
	BugId 	Category 	Subcategory 	Description 6676016 	hotspot 	garbage_collector \ 
	ParallelOldGC leaks memory
6461933 	java 	classes_awt 	To adjust system boot time in nowMillisUTC() frequently
6637607 	java 	classes_awt 	1st char. is discarded after a modal dialogue shows \ 
up and disappears
6677578 	java 	classes_awt 	Print dialog doesn't come up when brower window is \ 
6571589 	java 	classes_lang 	(thread) Thread.getStackTrace() returns null
6446855 	java 	classes_net 	https connections failing when connecting through a proxy
6687282 	java 	classes_net 	URLConnection for HTTPS connection through Proxy w/ \ 
Digest Authentication gives 400 Bad Request
6720866 	java 	classes_net 	Slow performance using HttpURLConnection for upload
6732157 	java 	classes_security 	Add VeriSign TSA Root Cert to the JDK
6803022 	java 	classes_security 	Add T-systems root CA certs to the JRE
6803036 	java 	classes_security 	Add Unizeto root certs to the JRE
6639183 	java 	classes_util_concurrent 	Scheduling large negative delay hangs \ 
entire ScheduledExecutor
6725789 	java 	classes_util_concurrent 	ScheduledExecutorService does not work \ 
as expected in jdk7/6/5
6598520 	java 	classes_util_i18n 	(tz) Windows time zone mapping table needs to \ 
be updated for KB933360
6650748 	java 	classes_util_i18n 	(tz) Java runtime doesn't detect VET time zone \ 
correctly on Windows
6743394 	java 	classes_util_i18n 	(tz) tzmappings must be updated for Windows
6783139 	java 	classes_util_i18n 	(tz) Windows time zone mapping table needs to \ 
be updated for KB955839
6796489 	java 	classes_util_i18n 	(tz) Support tzdata2009a
6487638 	java 	classes_util_logging 	Calling LogManager.addLogger() and \ 
Logger.getLogger() cause deadlock
6719011 	java_plugin 	ocx 	Applet isn't started when it's outside of the visible \ 
area of a browser window
6643769 	java_plugin 	other 	Applet main windows steals focus on Popup windows \ 
which is running Applet.
6784894 	java_plugin 	other 	Regression: applets loaded from local disk can not \ 
access co-located resources
6591117 	jce 	pkcs11_csp 	Poor preformance of PKCS#11 security provider compared \ 
to Sun default provider
6725987 	jets 	other 	ORB.destroy() does not cleanup correctly and ORB object \ 
instances are not garbage collected.

Changes in 1.5.0_17

The full internal version number for this update release is 1.5.0_17-b04 (where \ 
"b" means "build"). The external version number is 5.0u17.
Security Baseline

This update release specifies the following security baseline:
	JRE Family Version 	Security Baseline 1.4.2 	1.4.2_19

For more information about the security baseline, see Deploying Java Applets \ 
With Family JRE Versions in Java Plug-in for Internet Explorer .

OlsonData 2008i

This release contains Olson time zone data version 2008i. For more information, \ 
refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software .

Updated UTF-8 Charset Implementation

Due to security concerns, the UTF-8 charset implementation in the JRE has been \ 
updated to handle the non-shortest form of UTF-8 byte sequences, and this \ 
introduces an incompatibility from previous releases. For example, the byte \ 
sequence of 0xc0 0xaf for U+002f, which has the shortest form of 0x2f, is a \ 
malformed input to the decoding operation. More details regarding the \ 
Non-shortest form of UTF-8 can be found at:

    * UTF8-Shortest Form
    * UTF8 Specification

Root Certificates Included

Root Certificates are included in this release. The following root certificates \ 
have been added:

    * Camerfirma root certificates
    * T-systems root CA certificate (Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2)
    * SwissSign root certificates

Bug Fixes

This release contains fixes for one or more security vulnerabilities. For more \ 
information, please see Sun Alerts 244986, 244987, 244988, 244990, 244991, \ 
244992, 245246, 246266, 246286, 246346, 246386, and 246387.

Other bug fixes are listed in the following table.
	BugId 	Category 	Subcategory 	Description 6403625 	hotspot 	compiler2 	crash in \ 
compiled code when using profiler agent
6519515 	hotspot 	compiler2 	Loop-opts incorrectly removed a safepoint poll from \ 
a loop with an early exit
6606675 	hotspot 	compiler2 	Crash in CodeBuffer resize in 1.4.2_15
6676462 	hotspot 	compiler2 	JVM sometimes would suddenly consume significant \ 
amount of memory
6704367 	hotspot 	runtime_system 	Stack sizes error with 1.5.0_14
6372405 	idl 	orb 	Server thread hangs when fragments don't complete because of \ 
connection abort
5005426 	java 	char_encodings 	Buffered stream data is discarded by \ 
IllegalStateException in 1.4.2 and Tiger
6359722 	java 	classes_2d 	Uncatchable recursive NullPointerException at \
6448405 	java 	classes_2d 	static HashMap cache in LineBreakMeasurer can grow \ 
wihout bounds
6525150 	java 	classes_2d 	Printer has "paper out" status and won't \ 
print due to a PrinterException
6638533 	java 	classes_2d 	Layout should not apply shaping to precomposed arabic \ 
presentation form glyphs.
6532373 	java 	classes_awt 	xcb_xlib.c:50: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion \ 
'c->xlib.lock' failed.
6678061 	java 	classes_awt 	undefined keycodes for certain keyboard layouts
6689088 	java 	classes_awt 	Focus traversal doesn't work in the reverse order / \ 
related to the SR 70175950 / CR 6684528
6446990 	java 	classes_net 	HttpURLConnection#available() reads more and more \ 
data into memory
6448457 	java 	classes_nio 	(ch) Channels.newOutputStream().write() does not \ 
write all data
6728890 	java 	classes_security 	Add SwissSign root certificates to the JDK
6754779 	java 	classes_security 	Add Camerfirma root certificates to the JDK
6768559 	java 	classes_security 	Add t-systems root CA certificate (Deutsche \ 
Telekom Root CA 2) to the JRE
6438246 	java 	classes_swing 	File name field is mislabeled when JFileChooser is \ 
6581899 	java 	classes_swing 	JTextField & JTextArea - Poor performance with \ 
JRE 1.5.0_08
6648714 	java 	classes_swing 	JScrollPane repaints incorrectly on larger monitor \ 
of dual monitor system (5.0)
6466476 	java 	classes_util_i18n 	(tz) Introduction of tzdata2005r can introduce \ 
incompatility issues with some JDK1.1 3-letter TZ Ids
6764308 	java 	classes_util_i18n 	(tz) Support tzdata2008i
6623981 	java 	compiler 	javac StackOverFlowError in 1.4.1/1.4.2
6709709 	java 	javadoctool 	javadoc does not get compilation errors after type \ 
6536107 	java_plugin 	iexplorer 	GDI leak detected by opening the Print Dialog \ 
6746185 	javawebstart 	other 	Malformed URL Exception: JWS regression introduced \ 
in 1.5.0_16
6578538 	jce 	classes_crypto 	com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE instance leak using \ 
KRB5 and LoginContext
6697180 	jmx 	classes 	JMX query results in Illegal state - \ 
also a deadlock can also be seen
6618387 	jsse 	runtime 	SSL client sessions do not close cleanly. A TCP reset \ 
occurs instead of a close_notify alert.
6668231 	jsse 	runtime 	Presence of a critical subjectAltName causes JSSE's \ 
SunX509 to fail trusted checks
