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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/varnish
From: Zafer Aydogan
Date: 2011-04-01 20:59:42
Message id:
Log Message:
Updated to 2.1.5, provided by Matthew Sporleder in PR 44520.
Summary of changes from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5
* Two bugs relating to Content-Length and possible duplication of \
Content-Length headers have been resolved.
* Support for bourne-like "here"-documents in the command line \
interface, allowing <<__EOF__ and similar schemes.
* Fixed an issue with re-using connections after Chunked-Encoding.
* Fix a bug that would inflate the "lost header" count and could \
cause problems during heavy traffic over a single connection, typically seen by \
load testing.
* Use the time of cache-insertion for "If-Modified-Since" requests \
if a "Last-Modified" header isn't provided by the backend.
* Merge multi-line Vary and Cache-Control headers from clients, which Google \
Chromium seem to split up.
* Various build fixes and documentation improvements
* Various bug fixes.