Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/news/pan
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2012-06-15 15:40:00
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.138:

0.138 "Der Geraet"
* Hotkey for showing/hiding signatures in the article body. (Heinrich Müller,
* Keep position on selected item on re-order. (Heinrich Müller, #443702)
* Remember last read post. (Heinrich Müller, #448416)
* Open url in browser. (Heinrich Müller, #464335)
* Signature printed double when line needs to be wrapped. (Heinrich Müller,
* Tasks marked "Stopped" should also remain stopped when pan restarted.
  (Heinrich Müller, #543319)
* "Save at" options other then %g and %G. (Heinrich Müller, #550007)
* Filter Cross-posters. (Heinrich Müller, #587585)
* 136 using secure ssl and get continuous popups for certs but no connection.
  (Heinrich Müller, #673927)
* PO message very difficult to translate. (Heinrich Müller, #675953)
* Pan crashes while fetching new headers. (Heinrich Müller, #677741)
* Updated translations: Spanish (Daniel Mustieles), French (Bruno Brouard),
  Czech (Petr Kovar), Slovenian (Martin Srebotnjak, Andrej Žnidaršič, Matej
