Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/security/opensc
From: Greg Troxel
Date: 2012-11-30 15:44:35
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 0.12.2.

Thanks to manu@ for testing and resolving pcsc-lite ptthread leakage

Note that pcsc-lite and openct should be an options group.

Disable some obsolete CONFIGURE_ARGS.

Work around assumption that either getopt_long_only is present or
allgetopt functions must be provided.

Finnish EID patches have been applied upstream (from whence they came,

From upstream NEWS:

Complete change history is available online:

New in 0.12.2; 2011-07-15
* Builds are now silent by default when OpenSC is built from source on Unix.
* Using --wait with command line tools works with 64bit Linux again.
* Greatly improved OpenPGP card support, including OpenPGP 2.0 cards
  like the one found in German Privacy Foundation CryptoStick.
* Fixed support for FINeID cards issued after 01.03.2011 with 2048bit keys.
* #256: Fixed support for TCOS cards (broken since 0.12.0).
* Added support for IDKey-cards to TCOS3 driver.
* #361: Improved PC/SC driver to fetch the maximum PIN sizes from the open
  source CCID driver. This fixes the issue for Linux/OSX with recent driver.
* WindowsInstaller now installs only static DLL-s (PKCS#11, minidriver) to
  system folder.
* Fix FINeID cards for organizations.
* Several smaller bugs and compiler warnings fixed.

New in 0.12.1; 2011-05-17
* New card driver: IAS/ECC 1.0.1
* rutoken-tool has been deprecated and removed.
* eidenv and piv-tool utilities now have manual pages.
* pkcs11-tool now requires the use of --module parameter.
* All tools can now use an ATR as an argument to --reader, to skip to the
  card with given ATR.
* opensc-tool -l with -v now shows information about the inserted cards.
* Creating files have an enforced upper size limit, 64K
* Support for multiple PKCS#15 applications with different AID-s.
  PKCS#15 applications can be listed with pkcs15-tool --list-applications.
  Binding to a specific AID with PKCS#15 tools can be done with --aid.
* Hex strings (like card ATR or APDU-s) can now be separated by space, in
  addition to colons.
* Pinpad readers known to be bogus are now ignored by OpenSC. At the moment
  only "HP USB Smart Card Keyboard" is disabled.
* Windows installer is now distributed as a statically built MSI, for both
  x86 and x64.
* Numerous compiler warnings, unused code and internal bugs have been

New in 0.12.0; 2010-12-22
* OpenSC uses a single reader driver, specified at compile time.
* New card driver: Italian eID (CNS) by Emanuele Pucciarelli.
* New card driver: Portuguese eID by João Poupino.
* New card driver: westcos by François Leblanc.
* pkcs11-tool can use a slot based on ID, label or index in the slot list.
* PIN flags are updated from supported cards when C_GetTokenInfo is called.
* Support for CardOS 4.4 cards added.
* Fature to exclude readers from OpenSC PKCS#11 via "ignored_readers"
  configuration file entry.
* #229: Support semi-automatic fixes to cards personalized with older and
  broken OpenSC versions.
* Software keys removed from pkcs15-init and the PKCS#11 module. OpenSC
  can either generate keys on card or import plaintext keys to the card, but
  will never generate plaintext key material in software by itself.
  All traces of a software token (PKCS#15 Section 7) shall be removed.
* Updates to PC/SC driver to build with pcsc-lite >= 1.6.2
* Build script for a binary Mac OS X installer for 10.5 and 10.6 systems.
  Binary installer includes OpenSC.tokend for platform integration.
  10.6 installer includes engine_pkcs11.
* Modify Rutoken S binary interfaces by Aktiv Co.
* Support GOST R 34.10-2001 and GOST R 34.11-94 by Aktiv Co.
* CardOS driver now emulates sign on rsa keys with sign+decrypt usage
  with padding and decrypt(). This is compatible with old cards and
  card initialized by Siemens software. Removed "--split-key" option,
  as it is no longer needed.
* Improved debugging support: debug level 3 will show everything
  except of ASN1 and card matching debugging (usualy not needed).
* Massive changes to libopensc. This library is now internal, only
  used by and command line tools. Header files are
  no longer installed, library should not be used by other applications.
  Please use generic PKCS#11 interface instead.
* #include file statements cleaned up: first include "config.h", then
  system headers, then additional libraries, then headers in opensc
  (but from other directories), then header files from same directory.
  Fix path to reference headers, remove src/include/ directory.
* Various source code fixes and improvements.
* OpenSC now depends on xsltproc utility and docbook-xsl to build docs and man
* Remove iconv dependency. EstEID driver now uses the commonName from the
  certificate for card label.
* Possibility to change the default behavior for card resets via
