Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/js_of_ocaml/patches
From: Jaap Boender
Date: 2016-02-06 15:01:13
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated package to latest version, 2.7. Changes include:
===== 2.7 (2016-01-25) =====

 * Features/Changes
 ** Syntax: ppx_deriving
 ** Compiler: Add custom_header ability to jsoo generate file (Edgar Aroutiounian)
 ** Compiler: Bytecode parsing, improved performance
 ** Lib: add geolocation API (Stéphane Legrand)
 ** Lib: add Mutation observers API (Stéphane Legrand)
 ** Lib: add Jstable module (Drup)
 ** Lib: add WebWorker API (Grégoire Henry)
 ** Lib: Allow to customize 'in_channel' with specific 'refiller' (Grégoire Henry)
 ** Lib: Synchronized tyxml 3.6.0

 * BugFixes
 ** Compiler: Fix compilation of the [match with exception] construct
 ** Compiler: fix compat with the upcoming ocaml 4.03
 ** Lib: Tyxml_js, discrepancy between Firefox and Chromium
 ** Lib: various small fixes
 ** Runtime: Fix Big_int.square_big_int
 ** Runtime: graphics, fix draw_image with transparent pixel
 ** Ppx: fix for merlin

===== 2.6 (2015-07-15) =====

 * Features/Changes
 ** Compiler: Findlib is optionnal
 ** Compiler: improvement of sourcemap support (ie: inlinned sourcemap)
 ** Compiler: Support for separate compilation (compile cm{o,a} -> js)
 ** Compiler: more inlining
 ** Syntax: new ppx syntax
 ** Syntax: js object literal (camlp4 + ppx)
 ** Runtime: support for Dynlink
 ** Runtime: Support for upcomming release of Bin_prot, Core_kernel, Async_kernel
 ** Lib: add requestAnimationFrame
 ** Lib: complete Js.Math
 ** Lib: complete xmlHttpRequest

 * Misc
 ** Drop support for 3.12

 * BugFixes
 ** Runtime: Fix caml_hash
 ** Lib: fix tyxml + svg
 ** Lib: various Api fixes
