Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/js_of_ocaml/patches
From: Jaap Boender
Date: 2016-06-20 16:01:53
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated package to latest version, 2.8. Changes include:

 * Features/Changes
 ** Compiler: allow dynlink of precompiled javascript file
 ** Compiler: Improve tailcall optimization
 ** Compiler: Improve pretty mode
 ** Compiler: More inlining and static evaluation
 ** Compiler: Better source map support, to leverage resolve_variable_names
   in chrome DevTools
 ** Compiler: preserve as much as possible the initial OCaml variable names
 ** Lib: synchronize with tyxml 4.0.0
 ** Lib: convert string/bigstring to/from typed_array
 ** Lib: add Tyxml_js.Register API.
 ** Lib: Support for Core_kernel and Async_kernel (32bit only).
 ** Lib: Mutation observer.
 ** Runtime: bigstring, caml_int32_bits_of_float, ..
 ** Runtime: better nodejs integration

 * Misc
 ** Support for OCaml 4.03
 ** Toplevel with ppx syntax

 * Bug fixes
 ** Compiler: Fix float printing
 ** Compiler: fix separate compilation
