Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/fonts/dejavu-ttf
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2016-07-31 14:09:59
Message id:

Log Message:
Updated fonts/dejavu-ttf to 2.37 (from NEWS file with UTF-8 coding)
Changes from 2.36 to 2.37

* Fix issue with empty glyphs in condensed typefaces in the released source files.

Changes from 2.35 to 2.36

* Math: added DejaVu Math Tex Gyre by B. Jackowski, P. Strzelczyk and
  P. Pianowski (on behalf of TeX users groups)
* Sans: removed dot of U+06BA in all forms
* Sans: fixed position of three dots of U+06BD in init and medi forms (by
  Denis Jacquerye)
* Sans: corrected direction of contours in U+05E7 (by Lior Halphon)
* Sans: added U+1F643  (by Olleg Samoylov)
* Serif: moved up U+0360-0361 (by Gee Fung Sit 薛至峰)
* Serif: increased spacing of Roman numerals U+2161-2163, U+2165-2168,
  U+216A-216B (by Gee Fung Sit 薛至峰)
* Serif: fixed anchor position of U+00E6 (by Gee Fung Sit 薛至峰)
* Sans: fixed vertical position of U+20BA (by Gee Fung Sit 薛至峰)
* Sans, Serif: fixed glyph height of Block Elements (by Gee Fung Sit \ 
* Sans, Serif: added U+A698-A699 (by Gee Fung Sit 薛至峰)
* Sans, Mono, Serif: added U+037F (by Gee Fung Sit 薛至峰)
* Mono: added U+0376-0377, U+037B-037D (by Gee Fung Sit 薛至峰)
* Serif: removed duplicate point from U+1D05 (by Gee Fung Sit 薛至峰)
* Mono: added U+20BA, U+20BD (by Gee Fung Sit 薛至峰)
* Sans: added moon symbols U+1F311-1F318 (by Ben Laenen)
