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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/cad
From: Kamil Rytarowski
Date: 2016-10-09 05:15:58
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Update MyHDL from 0.8.1 to 0.9.0
pkgsrc packages altered:
- cad/MyHDL-gplcver
- cad/MyHDL-iverilog
- cad/py-MyHDL
pkgsrc changes:
- Add common Makefile.common for MyHDL packages
- 0.9.0 supports now Python 3.x
- update LICENSE to gnu-lgpl-v2.1
- replace local patch in MyHDL-gplcver and use MAKE_FLAGS to enforce INCS
- set CC in MyHDL-gplcver
- setup test target in cad/py-MyHDL
- share common distinfo
- switch MASTER_SITES to GitHub
upstream changelog
Whatâs new in MyHDL 0.9
Python 3 support
Experimental Python 3 support has been added to MyHDL 0.9. This was a major \
effort to modernize the code. As a result, Python 2 and 3 are supported from a \
single codebase.
See Python 3 Support for more info.
Interfaces (Conversion of attribute accesses)
Complex designs often have many signals that are passed to different levels of \
hierarchy. Typically, many signals logically belong together. This can be \
modelled by an interface: an object that has a number of Signal objects as its \
attributes. Grouping signals into an interface simplifies the code, improves \
efficiency, and reduces errors.
The following is an example of an interface definition:
class Complex:
def __init__(self, min=-2, max=2):
self.real = Signal(intbv(0, min=min, max=max))
self.imag = Signal(intbv(0, min=min, max=max))
Although previous versions supported interfaces for modeling, they were not \
convertible. MyHDL 0.9 now supports conversion of designs that use interfaces.
The following is an example using the above Complex interface definition:
a,b = Complex(-8,8), Complex(-8,8)
c = Complex(-128,128)
def complex_multiply(clock, reset, a, b, c):
@always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
def cmult(): = (a.real*b.real) - (a.imag*b.imag) = (a.real*b.imag) + (a.imag*b.real)
return cmult
The proposed solution is to create unique names for attributes which are used by \
MyHDL generators. The converter will create a unique name by using the name of \
the parent and the name of the attribute along with the name of the MyHDL module \
instance. The converter will essentially replace the â.â with an \
â_â for each interface element. In essence, interfaces are supported \
using hierarchical name expansion and name mangling.
Note that the MyHDL convertor supports interfaces, even though the target HDLs \
do not. This is another great example where the convertor supports a high-level \
feature that is not available in the target HDLs.
See also
For additional information see the original proposal mep-107.
Other noteworthy improvements
ConcatSignal interface
The interface of ConcatSignal was enhanced. In addition to signals, you can now \
also use constant values in the concatenation.
std_logic type ports
toVHDL() has a new attibute std_logic_ports. When set, only std_logic type ports \
are used in the interface of the top-level VHDL module.
Development flow
The MyHDL development flow has been modernized by moving to git and github for \
version control. In addition, travis has set up so that all pull requests are \
tested automatically, enabling continuous intergration.
The Python 3 support effort was coordinated by Keerthan Jaic, who also \
implemented most of if. Convertible interfaces were championed by Chris Felton, \
and implemented by Keerthan Jaic.
MyHDL development is a collaborative effort, as can be seen on github. Thanks to \
all who contributed with suggestions, issues and pull requests.