Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/consul
From: Filip Hajny
Date: 2017-08-17 09:33:28
Message id:

Log Message:
Update sysutils/consul to 0.9.2.

## 0.9.2 (August 9, 2017)


- agent: Fixed an issue where the old `-retry-join-{ec2,azure,gce}`
  command line flags were not being honored.
- server: Reverted the change that made unauthorized KV queries return
  403 instead of 404 because it had a minor bug that affected the
  operation of Vault, and in addition to fixing the bug, we identified an
  additional case that needed to be covered.

## 0.9.1 (August 9, 2017)


- Secure ACL Token Introduction: It's now possible to manage Consul's
  ACL tokens without having to place any tokens inside configuration
    * A new `/v1/agent/token` API allows an agent's ACL tokens to be
    * introduced without placing them into config files, and to update
    * them without restarting the agent.
    * A new `/v1/acl/bootstrap` allows a cluster's first management
    * token to be created without using the `acl_master_token`
    * configuration.
- Metrics Viewing Endpoint: A new `/v1/agent/metrics` API displays the
  current values of internally tracked metrics.


- agent: Retry Join for Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and
  (new) SoftLayer is now handled through the library.
- agent: Reports a more detailed error message if the LAN or WAN Serf
  instance fails to bind to an address.
- agent: Added NS records and corrected SOA records to allow Consul's
  DNS interface to work properly with zone delegation.
- agent: Added support for sending metrics with labels/tags to supported
- agent: Added a new `prefix_filter` option in the `telemetry` config to
  allow fine-grained allowing/blocking the sending of certain metrics by
- cli: Added a `-child-exit-code` option to `consul lock` so that it
  propagates an error code of 2 if the child process exits with an
- docs: Added a new Geo Failover Guide showing how to use prepared
  queries to implement geo failover policies for services.
- docs: Added a new Consul with Containers Guide showing critical
  aspects of operating a Consul cluster that's run inside containers.
- server: Added a `RemoveEmptyTags` option to prepared query templates
  which will strip out any empty strings in the tags list before
  executing a query.
- server: Implemented a much faster recursive delete algorithm for the
  KV store.


- agent: Clean up temporary files during disk write errors when
  persisting services and checks.
- agent: Fixed an issue where DNS and client bind address templates were
  not being parsed via the go-sockaddr library.
- agent: Fixed status code on all KV store operations that fail due to
  an ACL issue. They now return a 403 status code, rather than a 404.
- agent: Fixed quoting issues in script health check on Windows.
- agent: Fixed an issue where `consul monitor` would exit on any empty
  log line.
- server: Updated raft library to fix issue with machine crashes causing
  snapshot files to not get saved to disk
