Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/ruby-capybara
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2018-05-06 04:24:54
Message id:

Log Message:
www/ruby-capybara: update to 3.0.3

# Version 3.0.3
Release date: 2018-04-30

### Fixes

* Issue in `check` where the locator string could not be omitted
* Selenium browser type detection when using remote [Ian Ker-Seymer]
* Potential hang when waiting for requests to complete [Chris Zetter]

# Version 3.0.2
Release date: 2018-04-13

### Fixes

* Fix expression filter descriptions in some selector failure messages
* Fix compounding of negated matechers - Issue #2010

# Version 3.0.1
Release date: 2018-04-06

### Changed

* Restored ability for `Capybara.server=` to accept a proc which was \ 
accidentally removed in 3.0.0

# Version 3.0.0
Release date: 2018-04-05

### Changed

* Selenium driver only closes extra windows for browsers where that is known to \ 
work (Firefox, Chrome)
* "threadsafe" mode is no longer considered beta

### Fixes

* Multiple file attach_file with Firefox
* Use Puma::Server directly rather than Rack::Handler::Puma so signal handlers \ 
don't prevent test quitting

# Version 3.0.0.rc2
Release date: 2018-03-23

### Changed

* Visibile text whitespace is no longer fully normalized in favor of being more \ 
in line with the WebDriver spec for visible text
* Drivers are expected to close extra windows when resetting the session
* Selenium driver supports Date/Time when filling in date/time/datetime-local inputs
* `current_url` returns the url for the top level browsing context
* `title` returns the title for the top level browsing context

### Added

* `Driver#frame_url` returns the url for the current frame
* `Driver#frame_title` returns the title for the current frame

# Version 3.0.0.rc1
Release date: 2018-03-02

### Added
* Support for libraries wrapping Capybara elements and providing a \ 
`#to_capybara_node` method

### Changed

* `first` now raises ElementNotFound, by default, instead of returning nil when \ 
no matches are found  - Issue #1507
* 'all' now waits for at least one matching element by default.  Pass `wait: \ 
false` if you want the previous
  behavior where an empty result would be returned immediately if no matching \ 
elements exist yet.
* ArgumentError raised if extra parameters passed to selector queries

### Removed

* Ruby < 2.2.2 support
* `Capybara.exact_options` no longer exists. Just use `exact: true` on relevant \ 
actions/finders if necessary.
* All previously deprecated methods removed
* RSpec 2.x support
* selenium-webdriver 2.x support
* Nokogiri < 1.8 support
* `field_labeled` alias for `find_field`
