Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-attrs
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2018-09-03 09:40:18
Message id:

Log Message:
py-attrs: updated to 18.2.0

Comparing subclasses using <, >, <=, and >= is now deprecated. The \ 
docs always claimed that instances are only compared if the types are identical, \ 
so this is a first step to conform to the docs.
Equality operators (== and !=) were always strict in this regard.

attrs now ships its own PEP 484 type hints. Together with mypy’s attrs plugin, \ 
you’ve got all you need for writing statically typed code in both Python 2 and \ 
At that occasion, we’ve also added narrative docs about type annotations in attrs.
Added kw_only arguments to attr.ib and attr.s, and a corresponding kw_only \ 
attribute to attr.Attribute. This change makes it possible to have a generated \ 
__init__ with keyword-only arguments on Python 3, relaxing the required ordering \ 
of default and non-default valued attributes.
The test suite now runs with hypothesis.HealthCheck.too_slow disabled to prevent \ 
CI breakage on slower computers.
attr.validators.in_() now raises a ValueError with a useful message even if the \ 
options are a string and the value is not a string.
attr.asdict() now properly handles deeply nested lists and dictionaries.
Added attr.converters.default_if_none() that allows to replace None values in \ 
attributes. For example attr.ib(converter=default_if_none("")) \ 
replaces None by empty strings.
Fixed a reference leak where the original class would remain live after being \ 
replaced when slots=True is set.
Slotted classes can now be made weakly referenceable by passing \ 
Added cache_hash option to @attr.s which causes the hash code to be computed \ 
once and stored on the object.
Attributes can be named property and itemgetter now.
It is now possible to override a base class’ class variable using only class \ 
