Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/radare2
Date: 2019-08-04 16:30:13
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 3.6.0



    Fix syscall resolutions for s110 operating system
    wzr/zr/xzr register on arm64 is wired to ground
    Fix naming of entrypoint symbols in files with class information (DEX/C++)
    Fix #13668 - Implement a* as an alias for afl*;ah*;ax*
    Fix and improve ESIL for arm64
    Fix #10567 - Implement afl. command
    Fix afl* not saving function bits
    Add experimental `axm command
    Implement refs for iget/iput Dalvik instructions
    Implement esil for OR and MUL dalvik instructions
    RAnalOp.Type.CAST.toString() and implicit refptr init
    Improve af performance affected by `aflc
    Honor R_ANAL_OP_MASK_ESIL in anal.dalvik
    Improvements in dalvik analysis
    Add Stackframe Anal Hint
    Add opcode mask field in ao and aoj
    Add opcode description in ao
    Show pseudo in ao and aoj
    Improve anal and parse plugins for Thumb
    Implement ESIL for stxb and stxh THUMB instructions
    Fix issue when analyzing the last DEX method


    Handle LEA operand rip in


    Fix code section size in dex files
    Handle mod_init/mod_fini as word sections in mach-o
    Handle the interpos section as words in the disasm
    Fix ObjC detection in macho binaries
    Get rid of the ELF-specific C++ detection
    Add -O a/l/ for macho to add libraries
    Honor more segments vs sections, for jmptbl, fatmacho, zeropage
    Fix iS/iSS in macho and kernelcache
    For #14268: Implement ob= listing bin map coverage
    A couple of fixes for base address support
    Add missing ARM64v8 and ARM64e defines for the mach0 parser
    Kill RBinFile.objs RList
    Implement and make it work with e
    Fix some RBin file format crashes
    Speedup loading fuzzed ELF files with huge nrel field
    Faster macho loading by reusing symbol parsing for getMain()
    Remove symbol table size hard limit in macho
    Fix regressions in dyldcache and xnu_kernelcache plugins
    Completely eliminate the bytes apis in RBin
    Fix #14147 - Honor -qq for classes and imports
    Initial extermination of the *_bytes methods in RBin
    Fix #12600 - Implement .ic** command to import bin.class info as anal.class
    Handle DEX files with no entrypoint properly
    Properly handle ELFs with no entrypoint defined
    Little ELF segment labelling change UNKNOWN -> NONE


    Continuous Fuzzing Integration with Fuzzit
    Add sys/ and fix static builds


    Improve the list of supported decompilers in e cmd.pdc=?


    Little va_list leaking
    Fix #14046 - Don't use ansi with aaa notifications if no ansicon
    Add bold to eco bright items that were originally bold in default palette
    Fix #14254 - Add eco bright (r2 default palette but with bright colors for all)
    Add bright colors to the colors table
    Fix #14101 - Fix non-ansicon UTF printing
    Fix THE glitch affecting panels box colors
    Default to scr.color=COLOR_MODE_16 for Alacritty on Windows
    Dfferent color for up and down in disasm reflines
    Implement reset command to reset the terminal settings
    Enable color prompt on Windows
    Fix Color_GRAY/BGGRAY
    palloc return checks


    Fix #14335 - Add sort, join and uniq
    Simplify RConfig.eval and improve e with e, for csv
    Add r_sys_exit to proper quit
    Honor hashbang and PATH when interpretting extension-less scripts
    Honor ^C in @@@F and @@@s
    Implement $O variable pointing at cursor
    Implement |. (alias for .)


    Improvements to windows heap parsing
    Set cmd.gprompt=.dr* when cfg.debug=true
    Initial implementation GetSingleBlock for Windows heap
    Initial implementation of heap parsing for Windows (#14218)


    Improvements to windows heap parsing


    Avoid printing nulls on invalid code or missing bin info for Dalvik
    Add asm.movlea configuration option
    Improve comments alignment in the disassembly
    Fix arm64 parse for BL instructions
    fix, improve and add some sh pseudo
    Support asm.hint.pos=-1 for leftish key hints
    Initial cleanup in RParse, delete mreplace plugin
    Toggle asm.dwarf in V# and pds
    Add support for base64 in CL command
    Faster dtd (trace disassembling) using API instead of RCore.cmd
    Fix #14258: Issue with upgoing refline at XREFS
    Fix CL command and make asm.dwarf work without source files
    Fix asm.varsub in a hacky way to fix the disasm output
    Fix project's asm.cpu behaviour
    Priorize strings in case multiple metas match
    Set the RBinSection.format as dwords for the constpool in DEX
    Initial import of the RISCV capstone plugins for asm and anal


    Skip {urc}{jmp,call,ret} in aesou
    Fix issues with negative esil.timeout values
    Fixes related to ARM64 ESIL emulation
    Make $r{} work without the debugger
    Add cmd.esil.stepout to run r2 commands (before and after emulation)
    Fix recursivity issue when calling aes in cmd.esil.step
    Fix cmd.esil.step handling of return value


    Implement fg command to create a graph of flags (WIP)
    Implement graph.ntitles to toggle graph title nodes


    Initial implementation of pasasword generators under /Cc
    Fixes for fletcher8
    Add support for fletcher8, 16, 32 and 64 hash algorithms


    Implement GetSingleSegmentBlock for LFH and VS Windows heap


    Use asserts in pj api to catch this issue earlier


    Fix CC-, CC-* and CCf- commands to work as expected


    Handle R2_CURL env var in RSocket.httpGet


    Add more configs for disassembly are supported in the menu
    Emulate menu is added
    Settings menu is added, and decompiler is configurable in there
    Something like Ctrl w + T in vim implemented
    Almighty menu has got debug items too if it is in debug mode
    Search->Cursor->Xref/Ref enabled
    Cursor works better in many panels
   item from the list in " widget
    New item can be created and inserted to the '"' widget.
    Centered the '"' widget plus v and h commands are added to it.
    Added l command to the console which works like Ctrl l and Refactoring
    dwm style default   Cursor is available in strings panel
    Cursor is supported in Symbols panel


    More code cleanup in RBin, speedup method resolution


    Honor hex.section in prc and pxa
    Implement pV command - like pv but for bytes instead of)
    Add Kotlin, Java and Swift pc sub-commands


    Honor the 2nd arg of R2PM_TGZ with ZIP files


    Change the signature of r_str_trim to avoid confusions
    Deprecate the field
    Rewrite the RBuffer API to make it saf   Breakpoints can be added with the \ 
cursor (#14404)
    Simplify ds_begin_nl_comment()
    Use a thread to prevent hang
    Add some checks and fix some bugs
    Fix an unrelated json for the greens
    Fix pdJ for asm.cmt.right=0+asm.cmt.refs
    Fix some color and newline issues
    Fix ds_begin_nl_comment()
    Do not assert when cursor is disabled
    Fix #14286 - Initial implementation of the pp (print-pattern) command
    Some tweaks related to pj/disasm
    Fixes #13628: cmd.hexcursor now works with selections! (#14394)
    Fix asm.lines.right in disasm
    Fix trailing space in MOV disasm comments
    by pancake and kazarmy
    Remove dup ds_align_simple()
    Remove unnecessary ds_align_comment()
    ds_align_simple -> ds_begin_nl_comment
    ds_comment (ds, true, ...) for comment start
    Remove blank line before flag comment when asm.cmt.right=0
    Remove blank line before refaddr comment when asm.cmt.right=0
    Fix comment color when asm.cmt.right=1
    Use ds_pre_xrefs() instead of ds_pre_line()
    Fix null name issue in axtj
    Improve r_sys_setenv on Windows
    (cherry picked from commit fd43d41)
    Upgrade spp from git
    Also put r2.bat under \bin on Windows install
    Fix io/self vm mapping late calculations.
    Calculation must be done before getting the aligned data, most likely missing few
    fixed regression on !!!foo
    Fix Warnings
    Handle more dalvik invokes via esil
    Drop precision to double before comparing (#14379)
    Upgrade capstone-next
    Wrong path
    Add mingw to PATH in the Appveyor test script
    Fix esil harder, thx @radare
    Return bool instead of ints in esil-ops
    Fix esil
    add type information to esil-ops
    add meta-information to esil-ops
    Add more registers for Dalvik, despite that should be dynamic (#14375)
    Fix null cmd.esil.stepout issue on som ESIL initializers
    Add path completion for join, uniq, sort (#14373)
    Fix r2pm -H output
    Fix UB ASAN crash in 'pv'
    More spelling fixes in the code

        "e cmd.esil.step=sr PC;aepc ?v $$;q 0"

    if q == 0 { successful replacement, do not emulate }
    } else { emulate the instruction with esil }
    Ignore anal.gpfixed fo non-mips in disasm
    Add anal.gpfixed instead of anal.gp2 and use in aae
    Honor scr.wideoff in $?
    I recommend reading SH operands right-to-left
    tst is checking for zero (!)
    Add a space or two
    autocomplete when there's a space between the eval var and the = char
    !!!$eval and !!! $eval are invalid
    added afn as flags
    Fix UAF in e asm.cpu=
    Fix visual bug on Windows
    Rename r_cons_get_ansicon() since it's confusing (#14347)
    Fix more grammar
    Fix grammar across the code
    Add codespell script
    Fix Appveyor (#14346)
    Add afn. command for consistency
    Fix #14215 - invalid JSON in pdJ with Cf #14342
    Arm64: Handling of XZR registers in assembler (#14343)
    Handle ^C in pz which may be holding on slow IO backends
    Fixed oob in rgb.c (#14339)
    Fix crash when obj && !obj->info is null
    Fix #14334 - Double-free in ms command
    Implement r2p r2pipe commandline tool and !* as an alias for #!pipe (#14336)
    Also voidify and boolify anal, parse, cons, bin, ..
    Fix build
    Rename r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile_obj to r_bin_file_set_obj
        add ESIL for LDURSW instruction
        fix ESIL shift for TBZ, TBNZ
        fix condition computation for LE, LS
    Trim before comparing pseudo asm (#14313)
    The almighty modal is available even when it is in the menu mode, and \ 
refactoring (#14318)
    Call r_anal_op_free after acquiring RAnalOp pointer (#14317)
    Use id16 instead of id256 for color id (#14316)
    Fix color after piping on Windows (#14314)
    Enable r_stdin_slurp on Windows (#14312)
    Restyling (#14311)
    Open disas panel if it is not there when the cursor selects some offset (#14310)
    Reset inverse video first before anything else (#14309)
    Fix #14296 - Segfault in ragg2 (#14308)
    Fix #14303 - oob crash in RParse api usage, needs API redesign (#14307)
    Fix eip inverse under cmd.exe (#14304)
    verify that maps is a list before trying to deref the pointer
    This fixes cases where saving and loading a project of a mixed-mode
    binary (e.g. ARM with Thumb parts) reverted functions back to only one
    of the modes.
    WIP: Really basic implementation of esil.timeout. (#14297)
    Really basic implementation of esil.timeout.
    Fixed style issues
    Converted timing to r_sys_now() to keep consistency with other timing based \ 
solutions throughtout src
    Fixed spacing issue and removed use of CLOCKS_PER_SEC const
    Shift right to equate to seconds
    Fix linehl color for Windows ecd (#14301)
    Refactoring (#14298)
    Fixed crash on CL (#14299)
    s/CORELIB/R2_PLUGIN_INCORE/g (#14295)
    Move some R_ANAL_OP_MASK_DISASM outside RCore (#14294)
    Fix linehl color for eco bright and ecd (#14292)
    Fix crash in macho parser with bin with md5=0e32e7e3b8c2895bbdeb986eedda3dd6
    That should fix the MSVC build
    Fix ARM64 MOVK shift boundaries to 48 instead of 47
    Fix small bug fix in trace (#14291)
    Use a less dark color scheme by default on scr.color=3 on non-Windows (#14289)
    Add also bold to default palette items that are bright
    Handle segment sections in dyldcache
    Fix masked check
        avoid emitting malformed r2 commands in z*, by adding the n type for the \ 
realname field
        use bytes:mask format instead of combining the mask with bytes, to \ 
support sub-nibble masks
        fix and improve anal_mask() for arm64
    Fixed a critical issue of the almighty menu
    Minor tweak for maps changes and aav
    Fix iSS= iS=, iSS* and iS* issues
    Symptom: Search often failes when hexpairs are separated by spaces, e.g. \ 
"01 02 03" vs. "010203".
    Affected: radare2 and rafind2 at least
    Description: While parse-function r_hex_str2bin handles whitespace, \ 
auto-generated binmask
    (function r_hex_str2binmask, called when no mask is provided) does not, \ 
creates oversized mask,
    increases byte count, finally causing search for additional undefined bytes.
    Self documentation in ob= (#14272)
    Added r_listinfo_new and refactored to use it
    ignore ccls cache
    Code cleanup in RCons
    Split types-windows.sdb.txt and add cc info
    Refactoring panels (#14181)
    Little memory usage fixes in esil
    Fix asserts and memleak in RBin.classses
    Upgrade capstone from git
    Fix #14233 - Fix 1byte oobread in wasm analysis
    Bring back the old behaviour but add some warning messages for debugging
    Fix local var clobbering regression
    Fix class initialization and simplify some paths (-10LOC)
    More RBin refactoring and cleanup
    Mark r_bin_class_new/free as internal (#14239)
    Add a parenthesis
    Honor asm.var.submin in disasm.c and use RNum.get instead of .math
    Fix build and add snprintf_chk function signature
    Fix assert in objc demangler and kill r_core_bin_cur
    Fix another UB in flitcher32
    Fix UB issue in fletcher hash
    Fix crash in zo
    Use bright colors instead of bold in default palette (#14232)
    Fix cmd_ah asan crashes
    Fix #14228 - oob-read by one in wasm disasm/analysis
    Fix crash when parsing 1 byte truncated omf files (#14227)
    Add bright color support to scr.ansicon=0 (#14224)
    Fix OOB Write in langFromHashbang (#14222)
    Fix a bug in panels with disasm (#14221)
    Refactoring (#14216)
    Avoid an assert regression that must be checked back at some point
    patch #14211 heap buffer overflow in large ragg2
    inputs. this should be refactored to use an RBuffer to enable dynamic
    resizing, but for now just patching it to bail out if we are about to
    overwrite the allocated statically sized buffer
    Completely kill all the check_bytes (-100LOC)
    Fix grep sorting (#14207)
    Fix warning when using r2frida (#14201)
    Fix the BG glitch ()
    Add usec precission for RSocket.blocTime() and improve r2web:// a bit
    Remove last load/load_bytes methods (#14196)
    Fix r2web block times
    Colors menu should be moved under Edit parent menu (#14194)
    Fix #14186 - aarj was throwing invalid json
    Fix some compiler warnings (#14191)
    Minor fixes for the white themes
    Fix typo (#14192)
        it will match zignatures which similarity is >= the given threshold
        different thresholds for bytes and graph
        by default thresholds are 1.0, which means it matches only if it’s the \ 
exact same
        zign.diff.gthresh and zign.diff.bthresh are the new eval configs to \ 
control that
        the output of zc[n!] now contains the similarity value as well
    Use st64 and ut64 instead of size_t
    Fix mach0 parsing issue
    Fix OOB write in PE parsing
    Fix crash in bin_xbe parser
    Fix crash in bin_java
    Fixes clusterfuzz-testcase-minimized-ia_fuzz-5740477602594816.dms
    Set bin_obj on bios_bin load_buffer method (#14188)
    Fix a few bugs and the speed in the graph (#14187)
    Added python utility to convert from "dumpbin /exports" output \ 
file format, to the .sdb.txt formatted files that radare2 uses.
    First run 'dumpbin /exports your_file.dll/.lib > your_file_dumpbin.txt'
    Then run 'python your_file_dumpbin.txt \ 
> your_file.sdb.txt'
    #define ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING if it's not defined (#14185)
    Old behaviour: if you bump asm.arch it resets asm.cpu to default of that arch
    New behaviout: if you bump asm.arch it keeps asm.cpu if it is set and valid \ 
for that architecture
    Refactoring (#14181)
    Clean up the part of the code that fixed the glitch in ansi code (#14180)
    Fix r_cons_get_ansicon leak (#14179)
    Add r2preload demo program
    Add missing =SN in the dalvik reg profile
    Update capstone from Git (#14175)
    Fix string ref regression in dalvik
    More refactoring in panels (#14169)
    Fix invoke-virtual method+X dalvik to be UCALL
    Solve xrefs to address 0
    Fix Windows build (#14167)
    Fix ansicon detection with UTF enabled (#14166)
    Huge bytes->buffer on almost all the plugins, break API and ABI \o/
    Changed the way RBinFiles are created
    Changed the structure of the Sdb instance
    Improve ELF and MZ detection mechanisms to reduce false positives
    Change all the free/destroy methods to return void
    Fix "ks" shell
    Simplify and change the way RBinWrite apis work
    Fix #14157 - Fix buf regression in debugger (#14162)
    A few bug fixes and refactoring for panels
    Use shorter esc seqs for fg and bg gray (#14155)
    Fix a few bugs of the widget (#14156)
    Fix a few bugs of the widget
    A hack for the smoother move in the widget
    Implement r_cons_show_cursor for Windows (#14151)
    The current panel can be added to the list in '"' widget (#14145)
    scr.ansicon: Set/unset flags that enable ANSI esc seq support in Windows \ 
console (#14137)
    Refactor and Complete Anal Hint Printing (#14138)
    Support scr.fps on non-ansicon Windows
    Fix assert in wai trying to write an empty buffer
    Fix null deref in rasm2 -L
    Do not close IO when RBuffer is freed (#14123)
    Given the RBuffer_io does not open the file itself, it does not make
    sense to close it. It's not its responsability to do it.
    Use r_cons_win_printf instead in dietline.c (#14127)
    Fix uninitialized bytes issue in 'ao' command when seeking around
    Minor code cleanup
    Fix UTF r_sys_pid_to_path Windows (#14121)
    Fix selection widget on Windows (#14118)
    Update doc/capstone
    Update capstone5 from git
    Fix is.j and implement Cs.j to please r2dec (#14113)
    Add funny fortune
    Do not double define typedef RBuffer (#14112)
    It should be enough to define struct r_buf_t, since the typedef to
    RBuffer is already specified.
    scr.ansicon updates r_line_singleton as well (#14111)
    Fix inverse video esc handling in r_cons_w32_print (#14110)
    Fix 786af1f
    It apparently was causing strange keyboard behaviour and crashing Windows.
    Removed some spaces and spaces->tabs in output.c
    Use bool instead of int in calls to r_cons_w32_print
    Fix bg esc handling in r_cons_w32_print (#14106)
    Use r_cons_w32_printf instead in dietline.c (#14105)
    Wait ~10s for response to qSupported packet. Send another qSupported (#14104)
    packet on timeout. Do this 5 times, and then bail out.
    A few fix for hexdump and disassembly
    Small typo in =? output
    Initial band-aid fix for a UAF with two seperate desc pointers (#14094)
    Also add zcn, zcn! to compare only signatures with the same name.
    r_socket_connect_unix() is false on non-Unix
    Fixes AppVeyor build.
    Refactoring and fix a bug concerned with the cursor (#14089)
    Deprecate the is_valid_offset() anal callback, that's task for IO!
    WIP: Fix the Dalvik analysis by skipping fields and imports
    Fix #14082 - dte output to RCons, not stderr
    Fix rip-relative lea tests (#14083)
    Fix and reorder bindings languages
    Rephrase the README
    Honor rap.loop on the tcp server when an invalid packet is received
    Fix 2 problematic format strings on 32bit systems for asm.rsp
    Upgrade cs5 to fix the arm64 disasm crash
    Reimplement r_buf_fread/fwrite
    Add slice buffer and introduce readonly field
    Do nothing if size is 0
    Prevents an overflow when 8 is subtracted from size.
    Fix ragg2 when patching outside currently existing buffer
    Implement r_mem_mmap_resize for systems where mremap is not defined
    r_buf_buffer can be called with no size arg as well
    Use size_t instead of ut64
    Fix rpush regression
    Track pushed register (note: immediately after lea/mov) to resolve push-ret \ 
    For mov reg, , only track if is immediate value
    Changed so that "rpush" is printed instead of "upush" in \ 
case of register push
    Post release version bump

3.5.1 - Dismay2

@radare radare released this on May 15 · 706 commits to master since this release


    Fixed hardware breakpoints in the native Windows debugger
    Introduce the new scr.prompt.popup and honor it in all the color themes
    ESIL emulation is now 2x faster
    Fixed a huge performance regression when generating zignatures on big binaries
    Fix iOS, Android (non-arm64) builds with new NDK
    r2frida comes with Frida 12.5.3 (v8 enabled by default and working on iOS + \ 
    Upgrade capstone and capstone5 dependencies
    Improved cursor mode in panels
    Initial ESIL emulation for RISC-V
    Fixed C output for nested structs/enums/unions from pf strings

3.5.0 - Dismay


    Initial support for src/dst RAnalOps for ARM
    Add anal.ex option, cleanup and improve the Java support
    Add aae in aaaa
    Add disasm field to ao command output
    Fix the arm/thumb switch emulation bug spotted in capstone5
    Stop analyzing call to reloc and fix pifcj to honor asm.jmpsub
    Fix aaft Stack isn't initialized and run aaft after aaaa
    Fix regression
    Fill op->src[0] and op->dst in x86 and improve arg analysis with it
    Include aap in aaaa
    Add the ability to set some registers readonly
    Fix #12867 - Identify BP usage in x86 functions to improve var analysis
    Initialize GP on MIPS when no symbols found with ESIL
    Implement ESIL for CPUID on x86.cs
    Implement /am and add initial support for PAC instructions
    Honor more anal hints in the anal loop
    Add anal.ignhintbits to only obey asm.bits and ignore hints
    Optimize r_anal_try_get_fcn by removing fixed size buffer
    Add an option for anal.loads
    Load instructions now set a data meta
    Fix #13596 - Implement afb= and afl= and do some refactor
    Add more fcn types, new api r_str_fmtargs and af- is af-$$
    Add instruction refs array in pdj and agj, for r2dec
    Make agj work in any offset inside a function, not just the first instruction


    Asm assemble, mem leak fixes
    Fix assembler for the rip-relative LEA
    Mips asm mem leak


    Fix isStripped() bit for PE bins
    Seek to the first executable section if there's no entrypoint
    Implement COFF imports and honor no-entry0 case
    Implement mw command and fix segfault on old fs support
    mdmp: fix incorrect data setting in pe sections
    Use HtPP instead of Sdb in r_bin_filter_sym function
    Optimize class_get() to make demangling and objc/dex registration O(1)
    Restore io buffer creation in dyldcache
    Fix rahash2 -B and -b regression not printing partial hashes
    Fix heap overflow in macho parser
    Add 'oba [addr] [baddr]' command handler when m != b
    Fix oba command when called with only one argument
    Improvements for rabin2 -H and pfo in macho
    Fix ELF main detection for ARM binaries
    Add ELF Identification fields to elf64 pfo


    Automatically choose wget/curl/git depending on availability
    Fix #13765 - asm/anal cant be build in parallel
    Do not use system-wide capstone when building with sys/


    Code cleanup in RConfig and bring back 'e asm.' for listing


    Fix #13980 - Glitch in panels with bgcolor
    Code refactoring for the theme based colorization to reduce derefs - dmh \ 
commands set
    Use RPVector in RLineAutocompletion
    Make p= bars dont use the background color
    Code refactoring the theme based colorization to reduce derefs
    Fix #13738 - Autocomplete $aliases


    Few mem leak fixes
    Implement yq,yj,y*,y! and b*
    Fix binary number to ut64 conversion
    Implement @@@Strings iterator
    Fix #13823 - Implement ftj and ft* commands
    Fix 'e cmd.gprompt=dr=' becaues of the strtok approach
    Fix bug when quoting a comment
    Add scr.confirmquit to actually "Confirm on quit"
    Implement fq. fj. and f*. - show flag in current offset commands
    Implement the missing bits in the triple-at
    Add ooc, o., o.q and rename old o. into o:
    Print "Task finished" only if interactive


    Implement aesuo and add help for all those step until subcommands
    Initial implementation of dr. and ar. commands
    Implement drc k=v to set conditional flags by type
    Fix dg in Linux by using r_debug_ptrace instead of ptrace


    Added missing c2 command + theme support for comparison commands
    Initial import of the WIP zdiff algorithm


    Enable capstone5 at configure time option
    Fix #13975 - aho issue not showing bytes
    Honor asm.pseudo in 'pi'
    Add asm.optype
    Honor ec flag in colorized disasm for names vs numbers
    Do not switch to v8 by default
    Implement 'piu' by deconstructing 'pdp'
    Demangle relocs and add asm.flags.{inline|limit|maxname}
    Fix asm.meta issues when asm.flags.inbytes is set
    Fix another bug in asm.jmpsub
    Fix #13672: Display variables value in the disasm view
    Add asm.xrefs.code option to show/hide code references in
    Add some more x86 instructions for pseudo
    Honor anal.ignhintbits for hintbits
    Honor fcn->bits in disassembly
    Update capstone to use the NEXT branch
    Enable asm.jmpsub by default
    Add asm.fcnsig instead of making function signature depend on asm.var


    Remove unnecessary RPICK in avr.esil
    Few UAF fixes
    Add esil_weak_eq and make an operation


    Add json output to "fd."
    Call remove_offsetmap only if the flagItem is not new
    Add realname flag command
    More improvements in the current flagtags and ftl->ftw
    Implement ftl and add more flag tags


    Improve the RFS API to support write and unlink operations
    Implement mlj to list files in json
    Implement mj and improve 'm / io' vs 'm io /'


    Fix agfg - GML output format fails with high-ids because of Java
    Improve the graphviz output for traced bbs


    oob [arg] sets bin.baddr, then seeks to new entry0


    Naming tabs is supported
    Fix dc and F9
    Status should be shown on top of the screen
    Improvements in panels for usability
    Filter is supported with command f/F
    Decompiler default off for everything especially tabs working better this way
    Better key allocations for tabs
    Initial support for tabs
    n/N should behave like the ones in visual which are for go next nkeys
    Auto update synced with every mode change is supported
    A panel will be allocated for each help msg when it is called
    Help menu is classified better and help panels are implemented
    t key is supported in both window and zoom mode
    n/N commands are supported in window mode
    t key is supported in Function panel
    Better algo for t and it is supported in hexdump too
    t key support for entropy
    t key instead of tab key is supported in Disassembly panel
    Comments work in Disassembly panel
    Interactive message for cursor and insert mode
    ioCache menu works
    Do not ask yesno for decompiler if it is not even available
    Show meaningful messages for invalid operations
    n/N splitting a panel vertically/horizontally with new user input cmd
    Show if the cache is on or not on each panel
    Fix some potential memory leaks
    Toggle cache boolean of a panel by &
    Default positioning was not just right
    instead of [x] to honor the command of deleting a panel
    C in panel should behave like the one in visual too
    Add summary and Entropy fire added in the menu
        Entropy fire added in the menu
        add Summary under View menu as well
    Better page scrolling for JK
    Refactoring plus a little tweak for HL and some fixes
    Auto update decompiler
    v!g instead of v!o for consistency
    Refactoring for performance issue part1
    undo/redo seek enabled.
    Opt the decompiler in panels
    Fixed a few bugs
    SAKURA instead of SNOW since it is April:P
    Handle rotateAsmEmu via ')' in Panels


    Add p=a, p=A (and p==a, p==A, prc=a and prc=A)
    Fix hex.cols usage in prc and pxA and add pxAv for visual
    Fix #13880: Add dt=
    Implement pfc normalized types and values
    Add scr.bgfill config option
    Honor color theme in p==
    Fix p== in debugger (only processes current map)
    Add scr.square and implement the prc= command ala pz,p=..
    Implement 'less' command and add 'l?' command
    Move pava from core to print and honor it in pxa
    Implement pfc C struct format command
    Fix large disasm issue with invalids and handle @{xfs}
    Hide switch/case refs from pds
    pf z honors scr.strconv and str.escbslash


    Add support for r2pipe shellscripts


    Fix #13988 - Add JSON output format to rafind2
    End of archive detection in rafind2 -m
    Avoid scanning the whole -1 address space. Fixes aap in debugger
    Android magic numbers until Android 9.x
    Add and solve io.maps.x issue happening with aap
    Fix #13321 - Make /ci [from] [to] find immediates in range
    Fix search asm boundaries issue


    Make zignatures database more flexible, add realname, comments and xrefs


    Initial rework towards bringing back remoting commands


    Introduce dtdi and update help message


    Add vvs command to edit function signature from visual
    Implement more tx subcommands (type-xrefs)
    Implement afs! to edit current function signature with cfg.editor
    Added a command to edit types using cmd.editor
    tfc->tcc and tcc in sync with t*c
    Fix afs command, parsing, behaviour and help message
    Add more basic types from libc
    Fix null deref in types when invalid db and add more basic libc


    Improve visual mark
    Implement graph neighbourhood navigation with i and I keys
    Move the esil debugger into vbE
    Improve the visual ropchain editor
    Fix cursor jk in disasm and debugger visual modes
    Make scr.gadgets true by default
    Make 'o' do the inverse of 'O'
    Fix #13673: Sort column results in vbg
    Fix #13713 - vr rotates between JMP, CALL and DATA reference hints
    Fixes for flagzones and scr.scrollbar
    Add scr.scrollbar.bottom
    Fix callgraph browsing and node folding glitches
    Handle /* in reg/stack cursor in debugger view
    Handle +- keys to increase/decrease register value
    Honor scr.scrollbar in visual graph


    Convert Windows error message to utf8
    sys/ Create r2.bat as alias to radare2.exe

Other commits

    Release 3.5.0 - Dismay
    Upgrade to use sdb 1.4.0 (#14045)
    wget/curl downloads use CS_ARCHIVE
    Code cleanup in
    afu: improve usage text and argument handling (#14044)
    Tweak documentation for afu to indicate its argument is mandatory.
    Detect missing argument in afu: Error out if afu is called without its \ 
mandatory argument.
    Improve argument parsing in af, afr and afn. (#14042)
    We now skip leading whitespace when looking for the first argument
    to these commands (the function's name). Previously, the following
    af @ 0x000affe
    would try to define a function with an empty name at offset
    " @ 0x000affe".
    Improve error messages used by afn and afr. (#14039)
    When renaming a function fails because no such function exists
    at the given address, don't include the new name in the error message
    as it is unrelated to the cause of the error.
    Couple of mem leak fixes proposals. (#14038)
    Trim spaces in pfo
    Special symbols $a,$d,$t could also have a '.' + a number
    Let's ignore the number for now, it shouldn't cause too much issues.
    Fix PPC regressions
    Update capstone v4 and next branches
    Fix pifcj issue
    Hide esil warning under esil.verbose to please users
    Fixed missing parameter for linux i386 (#14026)
    Honor the entry0 flag and other bug fixes
    Fix crash in -n
    In fs_r2: /seek and /bsize and fix flags and config writes supports echo and redirections '>'
    Fix some warnings
    Fix LGTM builds
    Add LGTM configuration file
    Ability to download capstone git as zip
    Add ?|? to root help
    Fix ASAN crash (1byte oobread in dex)
    Use SPCL instead of SPECIAL_SYM
    Fix issues related to meta.range management
    Fixes #133660: Dword in the middle
    Current java implementation of the analysis is not working well
    RBin.Java doesnt updates the vsizes because it seems to break things. wip \ 
for another PR
    Added anal.ex option to use extensions or not
    Install r_agraph.h with meson (#14005)
    Improve |? (#14003)
    Minor code cleanup in flags and bin (#14000)
    Fix appveyour thing
    Call remove_offsetmap only if the flagItem is not new
    It does not have sense to call that function on new FlagItems, it just
    slows down things for nothing, since item->offset has not been set yet.
    force and is_new must be two separate things
    When setting a flag (which may be even a set of some properties of an
    existing flagitem) we want to force the update of all the RFlag
    properties, but remove_offsetmap should not be called when the flagitem
    is new. So we need to track the two properties separately.
    Fix some warnings in the linux-debugger code
    Revert "Fix crash in r2panels config" (#13995)
    This reverts commit 9a1965f.
    Fix crash in r2panels config
    Fix a bug (#13992)
    #include sdb/ht_uu.h after r_types.h (#13989)
    Fix capstone5 meson build
    Fix crash in swift demangler
    Add --with-capstone5 configure flag
    Add use_capstone5 meson option
    Add prc=a in visual
    So pointers get rebased transparently during buffer reads. This makes objc \ 
class parsing work again.
    Fix #11385 - load offset from project
    Fixes for ppc analysis with capstone5
    ADD BP and SN for the ppc reg profile. Also fix some null derefs on invalid \ 
esil expressions
    Hide warnings
    Fix vvs and make :> work again to create empty files
    Fix bugs of cursor for hexdump in panels (#13978)
    Fixed a few things (#13974)
    Fix tons of bugs of cursor for disassembly in panels
    Improve visual panels interaction
    " to create a new panel without using window mode
    X must always close a window, use xX to access refs
    Implement v!t- to delete last tab
    Implement graph.dummy for toggling the creation of dummy nodes
    include uint32/64 in JSON output
    add uint32 and uint64 to ? output
    Improve help msg for "." (#13961)
    Refactoring (#13955)
    Fix wtff + argument 0 size issue
    Fix lang_pipe_run hang in Windows (#13960)
    Fix lang pipe hang in Windows
    Fix hang and double-free
    Fix ml/mL/Lm inconsistency
    Fix warnings on Windows (#13954)
    Fix comments in panels (#13953)
    Add macos pkg uninstallaton script instructions
    Fix a small bug
    Fix prc text color Fix typo
    Typo in "Begin" fixed
    enable ctrl-r to perform backward search
    fix up/down array backward search
    Fix a bug of colors menu
    Show which ascii char is in drr output
    Fix null deref in canal.c
    Fix crash in dmh on Frida
    Fix a bug
    Sign hash, possible mem leak fix. (#13942)
    Avoiding creating an entry if the type is not known (at the moment).
    Fix ms double free crash (#13938)
    Fix missing newline
    Fix #13931 - Do not memref mmxwords in LEA
    Fix wa* command
    Prevent extra blank line from stderr when using @@= with backticked prz (#13935)
    Colors menu improved a lot in panels (#13936)
    Improve the bold theme a bit more after testing on another projector
    Fix a bug in menu and remove unused code (#13933)
    Add help msg for tn-
    Do not psuedo the visual ropchain
    Fix null deref
    Tabs in panels work heaps faster now (#13929)
    Refactoring and fix a stupid regression (#13928)
    Refactoring more (#13926)
    Fixes #12100: wtf! warns when file size is unknown (#13925)
    Restore the seek when doing aggv to fix a random bug
    Fix UB in esil shift
    Use our own instance of RAnalEsil to fix a crash in aeg
    Refactoring tabs (#13924)
    The bit editor is now accessible via the visual browse mode
    Improve visual assembler usability
    Remove dup aae
    Add help msg for om-*
    Fix glitch in 0 width frames in panels (#13912)
    Sample: clusterfuzz-testcase-minimized-ia_fuzz-5651817880354816.dms
    Fix #13907 - pd 1;pdj 100;pd 1 bug
    Merge pull request #13910 from Vane11ope/vane11ope/panels_1
    Refactoring and improving help msg, Fixing a few bugs etc
    Fix null deref in vbg
    Fix help msg for $dis?
    Expose r_core_autocomplete() to the API
    Decouple Autocompletion from RLine
    Fix more bugs and add some missing functionalities to the window mode
    Fix a small bug (#13896)
    Fix pf? <fmt_name> (#13892)
    Initial work on refactoring RParse
    Fix r_vector.h for C++ build (#13890)
    Use RPVector in RLineAutocompletion
    Fix argc+argv init and clear in RLineCompletion
    Minor changes for RLineCompletion
    Check for completion
    Make r_line_completion_set_weak use argc+argv
    Use only RPVector in RLineCompletion
    Reserve in r_line_completion_set
    Add r_pvector_data() and r_pvector_index_ptr()
    Remove r_pvector_set_free()
    Fix pfs handling of {times} (#13884)
    Fix naming of the public RLine autocompletion callbacks
    Fix code injection issue in ir* and is*
    Fixed help text for 'o' and 'G' keys in v! mode (#13875)
    Use more current enum elf_machine (#13874)
    Win PE format, mem leak fix (#13873)
    remove PICK/RPICK from esil
    remove last use of PICK
    remove one use of PICK from sh-esil
    Set overflow flag if pfj z string overflows (#13865)
    Little mem leaks fixes (#13866)
    Make couple of keys toggle-able (#13864)
    Fix 1oobread crash in fire bars
    list all types in current function
    list all types in program
    create a types graph
    list all functions using the given type
    Something gone wrong with t key in the stack panel (#13851)
    pf z, io.unalloc=true: Abort map check loop if the size-0 map is encountered \ 
    Fix inappropriate if checks in panels
    Fix a bug when pressing t in decompiler (#13838)
    Changed can_affect_bp a little
    Fixed xor reg, reg issue
    Small fix in rargs detection
    This is more like a workaround
    In graph, = sets cmd.gprompt and | changes layout, step centers graph
    t key is supported for register panel
    Mark pf z strings that overflow into unallocated memory with "ovf" \ 
    Mark pf z strings that overflow into unallocated memory with "ovf"
    Use RIOBind instead
    Put cheaper test first
    Check map read permission as well
    $ r2 -c '"w hello # world"' -qcps -
    Add s110 to list of OS in asm.os=?
    Fix b command parsing (show help if subcommand is invalid)
    aa* -> aaS
    Do not run aap twice in aaaa
    Add missing help for aaf?
    Add missing entry in the flag/d/meson
    Minor fixes
    Fixing most likely a typo (#13817)
    A few refactoring in panels
    Fix build
    Do not use defines
    mach0 dylib: addr + 16 was the right address
    Fix r_buf_get_string implementation
    no_null -> overflow
    Improve the lima theme
    This LC_SYMTAB handling is wrong
    Initial import of the esil-graph command by @condret
    Also fix ob command to switch between different objid
    Press Enter on menu is properly fixed
    Fix print_string for Windows (#13800)
    Fix coredump PC not being considered (#13793)
    Fix infinite loop and memleak in dex (#13794)
    obL is an alias for iL
    Rotate between call/jmp/lea in graph and panels with 'r'
    "char* " -> "char *" in format.c
    Add to pfj z TODO comment
    Fix esil test that I broke yesterday (#13777)
    Fix #13674 - Graph nodes doesn't need to be updated if there aren't any
    Added missing help text for 'db*' command (#13774)
    Fixing possible dangling pointer for str empty macro (#13769)
    #if-0 out some not-working-as-expected code
    pfj z honors size (#13761)
    Improve r_buf_buffer and remove r_buf_get_at (#13676)
    Make r_buf_buffer return a ut8 and the associated size of the buffer
    Remove r_buf_get_at uses and make it static
    @b: overrides the anal hints again (#13756)
    "char * " -> "char *" in format.c
    No bgcolor in the sepia calls
    @@@ # foreach offset+size iterator command:
    x @@@= [addr] [size] ([addr] [size] ...)
    x @@@b basic blocks of current function
    x @@@c:cmd Same as @@@=cmd, without the backticks
    x @@@C:cmd comments matching
    x @@@i imports
    x @@@r registers
    x @@@s symbols
    x @@@s sections
    x @@@m io.maps
    x @@@m dbg.maps (See ?$?~size)
    x @@@f flags
    x @@@f:hit* flags matching glob expression
    x @@@f functions (set fcn size which may be incorrect if not linear)
    x @@@f:glob functions matching glob expression
    x @@@t threads
    x @@@r regs
    Fix elf-arm-main regression
    Fixed help text for visual seek ('o' ->'g') (#13748)
    Remove use of RPICK in sh-esil (#13747)
    Fix RAnalOpMask.ALL (#13743)
    Fixing aab (#13741)
    Fixing aab
    Update blaze.c
    Fix pfj z when z is not at struct start (#13740)
    Preventing two little segfaults in zdiff
    Use r_str_escape_utf8_for_json() for pfj z (#13734)
    Remove all remaining uses of RPICK in avr-esil (#13733)
    Fix memleak in aef
    Fixed help text for 'Z' in visual graph mode (#13732)
    Put pfj z string in value field (#13729)
    Fix crash in rasm2 -a 8051 -d
    Add value and label (if available) to pfj enum (#13728)
    Fix pfj enum when label is not available
    Remove some spaces in format.c
    Fix potential DF and irrelevant resource freeing
    Rollback to capstone4 until all bugs get fixed
    /am is like /c but only search for instructions and uses R_ANAL_MASK_DISASM
    Added new op family: R_ANAL_OP_FAMILY_PAC; (see /af)
    Fix meson build of capstone
    added bswap to esil in x86
    more RPICK removal from avr esil (fmuls and fmulsu)
    more RPICK removal from avr esil (mul and fmul)
    Handle comment, prompt and other keys in visual, zoom, cursor modes
    Do not show the anoying 'cannot undo/redo seek' in panels
    Several usability improvements for panels
    More refactorings and bug fixes for panels
    Replace pointer with an array of variable size (#13706)
    The elements are directly after the headers, there is no pointer
    Also, use r_buf_read_at instead of r_buf_get_at in mdmp.
    HL for move horizontally by a page (10 chars) in panels
    Zeroize oldslide when leaving top-level pf
    Couple of new fortunes.
    Use NESTEDSTRUCT instead
    Add tsd/tud/ted/tcd subcommands
    Add newlines to tsc/tuc/tec
    Honor asm.jmpsub in pdj output (#13701)
    scr.scrollbar (0=no,1=right,2=top,3=bottom)
    Cleanup avr-esil for inc and dec (also RPICK-removal) (#13693)
    pfj: Remove errorneous ]}, after struct nested to 1 level (#13691)
    Fix random crash on x86.cs on exit when used with r2frida (#13692)
    better leak on exit than crash in capstone/frida
    More RPICK removal in avr esil (#13687)
    Fix #13653 - crash reproduced randomly in graph with white2 theme (#13685)
    arm: Remove redundant op->type assignment (#13683)
    Fix menu focus colors in panel menus
    Rename Pseudo -> Decompiler in panels
    Deprecate esil_write_internal
    $z, $b, $c, $p, $o, $s, $ds, $jt, $js, $r, $$ are now ops
    Fix segfault and trim whitespaces to fix pd @x:9090
    Use maps and to make it work instead of hacky memcpys
    Fix p8f and bring back core->fixedblock to make pd/pD@x:/len work again
    When in cursor mode in the debug visual view select the reg with tab+arroows
    arm: Improve glibc entry point signatures
    Two changes:
        Add signature for old gcc (4.6) that uses ldr/str instead
    of push/pop.
        Mask out the Thumb bit from main's vaddr.
    arm: Cleanup br instruction handling
    The cleaned up code fixes the following issues:
        "bx pc" should always change to ARM mode (bits=32), never
    Thumb mode (bits=16), since PC is always even.
        Use (addr & ~3LL) + pcdelta for all PC-relative arithmetic.
    and removes checks for "b reg"/"bl reg"/"bx \ 
imm"/"bxj imm" as
    these instructions don't exist.
    arm: Move brace postfixing to bottom of function
    The analop_esil/analop64_esil functions have to wrap braces around the
    ESIL expression if there's a condition code. Instead of only printing
    the closing brace on certain instructions (which may differ from
    arm_prefix_cond one day), print it regardless of the instruction.
    arm: Move op analysis from anop_esil to anop
    This matches how other archs do it, such as x86.
    Sync elf_machine enum in elf.c with elf_enums pfo
    Increase autocompletion to 4096 (#13662)
    Blindfix #13659 - crash in aao with a fuzzed macho
    Add version information to libr_main
    Add workaround to fix pfj test output
    elf.c: Update -nn header format (#13657)
    Use more r_return and a lot of code cleanup, but still not finished, more \ 
PRs to come
    meson: Change completions installation directory (#13647)
    meson: Fix deprecation warning in libcore (#13646)
    cconfig.c: Remove dup line and capitalize for consistency (#13645)
    Hide one more emulation warning under esil.verbose
    Invalid asr shift of 32 at 0xdbb6
    Fix 2 crashes found with asan in the hexdump
    Done some TODO refactorings in panels (#13630)
    Thanks to anal.types.verbose
    Fixed crash when doing aac and bin->cur is NULL (#13621)
    Needed for r2dec
    Add types for android-log apis
    Add function signature for memmem
    Add r2white doc/img
    Improve the gentoo theme
    Add gentoo theme
    After release version bump

    Fix static, ios and android builds

3.4.0 - Codename: "hufflepuff"


    Add more function sorting methods and reduce unnecessary resorts
    Fix #13466 - Adjust thumb xrefs on aae
    Fix axf without args
    anal_riscv: Implement get_reg_profile
    Fix #13451 - make afs work
    Show destination in axf
    Analyze symbols of type STATIC
    Add R_ANAL_OP_MASK_DISASM for r_core_anal_op() for now
    Reduce false positives in aav honoring align and skipping code blocks
    Remove CALL_IS_EOB, it was experimental in r1, not useful
    Add warning message when jump table size is invalid
    Fix #13077 - calling convention args to start from 0 instead of 1
    Add avrr and aao in aaa
        m68k architecture is always 32 bits and big endian
    Implement jmptbl for Thumb TBB and TBH instructions
    Fix m68k analysis issues
    Add support for Thumb jmptbl based on TBH
    Fix glitch found in analyzing jmptbl in debug
    Avoid passing fixed size buffers in RAnal.fcn, reducing the use of
    Fix r_reg asserts issues spotted in the mips emulation
    Remove redundant key in anal/cc
    Simplify function guessing
    Add missing ESIL for ARM64's LDRH instruction
    Fix null string issue in afi and add afcf in afij
    Use ARM special syms as analysis hints (#13249)
    Use fcn->meta.min instead of fcn->addr in fcn rbtree code
    Fill ptrsize for TBH and TBB Thumb/ARM instructions
    Update register profile for m68k
    Update Windows type db
    x86: add ESIL for BSF/BSR instructions
    Implement new aesou and abte commands
    x86 afb+: Update size in fcn rbtree after adding bb
    Support another type of jmptbl for x86-64
    Add fp register as BP in mips analysis
    Improve CHIP-8 analysis
    Add Windows types from synchapi.h
    Add Windows Crypto API types
    Update Registry API types


    New command: 'wai' write assembly inside the current instruction
    Initial implementation of the .offset RAsm directive
    Updated ppc's libvle with latest fixes
    Add asm.refptr eval variable
    Implement rasm2 -x to output in hex dwords
    Add CHIP-8 asm descriptions
    Fix #13208 - Initial import of the asm.null plugin


    Add dex.h and cdex.h for header structs
    Parse segment name in -H, deprecate 2 old load methods
    Adding symbols for 32bit version of mfc140u.dll
    Fail kernelcache check for non-arm64 kernels
    Use entrypoint from LC_UNIXTHREAD for the Kernelcache
    Fix integer overflow that leads to a crash in the DEX parser
    ELF: returning the full compilation toolchain info
    Added load_buffer and check_buffer for qnx (#13446)
    Rebase strings when necessary
    Rbin remove old load_bytes callbacks
    bin_art: avoid double free
    Compute file hashes on request via it and compare if has changed
    Add bin_qnx.c in
    Add Homewbrew detection
    Import the XNU kernelcache RBin plugin
    Add initial support for QNX executables
    Adding OpenBSD elf sections
    Fix #13157 - Invalid read in r_bin_demangle_swift
    Parse objc categories
    Fix mach0 relocs when no symtab is there


    AppVeyor - Update MSVC to 2017, Ninja to 1.9.0
    Fix compilation on Android
    Fix offline build: Remove duplicated curl line


    Change anal.maxreflines to asm.lines.maxref
    Fix  + wx sections are highlighted
    Added missing flags & file paths autocompletions
    Add more file paths autocompletions
    Added missing autocompletions for breakpoints related commands
    Add prompt handling in r_cons_gets
    Add missing autocompllter} -> bin.str.{purge,filter}
    Rename asm.bbline to and disable it in graph
    Create libr_main and make all binaries use it
    Introduce anal.verbose and set http.verbose and bin.verbose to false
    Make function to allow grabbing ther
    Displaying chunk flags as bits
    Implement dbg.skipover and fix dss for esil
    Documentate and fix 'afa' and 'afal' commands
    Implement V$ to set the program counter
    ASLR settings little refactor, available as util mean
    Initial impleming unified
    Fix #13541 - Automatic radiff2 -p when no bininfo is found


    Call to same relocs must have same name instead of appending number
    Improve pf visualization via Cf in pd
    Fix #13502 - alignment of .dword things
    Remove reflines2
    Fix bugs on E_MASK_D and BD24 (343eeb9) powerpc/vle
    Fix printing consecutive type links in pd
    Support asm.pseudo=1 in pad command
    Sync with libvle (bugfixing & new instructions)
    Fix #13412 - Improve folded-bb message
    Fix asm.stackptr when disassembling in the middle of a function
    Add support to fold basic blocks in graph, disasm and commandline
    Add chip8 pseudo support
    Implement UJMP/UCALL color and update themes
    Fix #13326 - Implement of asm.regsub to replace register names with their \ 
role alias
    Implement visual decompiler and fix the RConfigHold API
    Show function signature on tailcall jumps
    On ARM, labeeling the unwind address segment a bit more accurately


    Updating which assert version to be used


    Add cmd.esil.step


    Add symbols.objects and symbols.sections flag spaces


    Fix #12041 - fix truncated pf output
    Add pfo dex|macho and bind structs to offsets with Cf via .iH*


    Rename mg to mc and implement 'mg' properly


    Handle b key in graph, doing the same as in visual
    Improve interactive graph title with function signature
    Implement graph.trace and improve dt+ with dt++ for abt
    Trim decompiler text in graph nodes
    Implement support for decompiler graphs in 'v #'


    Support colors in prx (abusing px)


    Consider the map sorting when two map_events are the same


    Add Homewbrew detection


    Add an early-out optimization for r_isprint (2%-30% speedup)
    Optimize r_str_bounds by removing an unnecessary strdup
    Avoid unnecessary RConfig.get('cmd.times') in RCore.cmdSubst


    pP rotate panels
    ROP gadgets work properly when in-n-out
    Fix some crashes
    bunch of menus work which had been broken such as ROP, etc
    Submenu is also highlighted
    Menu should not be highlighted when it's not focused
    Fixed some critical issue in resizing
    Panels move more flexibly with HJKL
    Remove some useless messages on the menu


    Remove redundant section lookup in get_strings_range
    Improve console rendering times
    Make analysis use io instead of fixed size buffer
    Optimize analysis by adding more fine-grained levels


    prc honors io.unalloc
    Implement p-e (entropy bar)
    Fix #13323 - Skip nulls in pxr
    Show negative reference in pxr, honoring asm.bits


    Fix #13252 - Fix path with spaces in projects


    Change printf to println


    Fix #11133 - Remove buf_hex frield from RAsmOp
    Pass RAnal instead of rbtree to fcn rbtree api


    Fix infinite loop in /r, and optimize by not resolving vars when not needed
    Make -x behave like /x unless mask is provided


    Fix #13234 - Allow reopening of webserver
    Fix debug rap reg profile setup


    Fix #13585 - Changes to tl
    Load basic types on startup instead of onload
    Add the ability to open .h files with the 'pfo'
    Add txf and txf. commands
    Add a command to list all used types in current function
    Add err* noreturn functions for Linux, iOS and macOS
    Fix #13247 - tn and tn- commands


    asm.var.summary should be on if the screen is too small
    Fix #13333 - Show flag zones in scr.scrollbar
    ^F,B in visual is used to scroll pages not bytes
    Add Vvvt - visual function var types
    Improvements in vbg
    Vpp"c now properly rotates
    Visual 'k' honors asm.flags.middle
    Fix visual mountpointss, move it into Vb
    Save changed bytes after modifying their bits in vd1
    Several improvements in vbg
    Fix #13283 - Swap g<->o in visual and graph
    Improve visual tabs switch with decompilation mode
    Fix graph.layout=1 issue when zoom < 1


    Refresh on resize and fix mouse input on visual foor Windows
    Fixes pipes implementation on windows
    Add support for UTF console input in Windows (#13338)
    Fix #13301 - Fix crash when unicode support is enabled
    Alias /dev/null to NUL in Windows
    Fix dll_ symbols not being analyzed with aa

Other Changes

    Add a call to r_search_kw_reset in r_search_prelude to fix arbitrary heap \ 
oob write (#13605)
    Enforce 32bit and jumps for VLE-PPC
    ec* shows bgcolor too for fgbg color (#13602)
    Asan fixes 3.4.0 (#13603)
    Fix OOB writes in bin_qnx
    the formats specified in buf_fread were wrong
    fixed some memory leaks in bin_qnx
    Another tcc crash fixed (#13599)
    Fix wrong chopping issue in Cf (#13584)
    "Cf 1 xxx" <- spaces was not trimmed
    Should be aliased under the c command
    prc: Don't Color_RESET if scr.color=0 (#13594)
    aflsa, aflsb, aflsn, aflss - sort by addr, bbs, name or size
    Fix help message for rabin2 -h | grep str.filter
    Fix uaf in config hold (#13591)
    Fix aflm crash (#13592)
    Fix oobread in aao
    Fix Visual jk - prc interaction (#13578)
    Fix iCj for PE (#13579)
    Fix #13491 - Handle $aliasFiles in 'cat' and 'rm'
    Remove some whitespace from cmd_print.c
    Add get_reg_profile call for RISC-V. In this profile, include the
    integer and floating point registers. Use the ABI register naming
    instead of the architectural one as this was chosen in the disassembler.
    This is straightforward as the user-level ISA only specifies these
    registers. In RV-I there are no flags, and only a few read-only
    counter CSRs are accessible from user mode which (I think) don't need to
    be in this structure. In RV-F/D there is one 32-bit CSR containing a few
    This addition is not quite enough to get analysis or debugging working,
    but can be a step towards that, and prevents warnings about being unable
    to import the register profile from isil during launch on RISC-V.
    Also update bits to 32|64 instead of 16|32—there is no 16-bit
    Fix arm thumb endianess (#13572)
    Fix assert in format print when trynig to retrieve a null register name (#13569)
    Fix warnings when SN is not defined for a specific arch (#13568)
    Fix #13552 - Crashes in tcc parser (#13566)
    Fix some warnings and remove unused code
    Revert "[WIP] Added jump and fail info to pdJ"
    This reverts commit 20f875b.
    from #13481
    Remove dead r_core_save_parsed_type() declaration (#13564)
    Build arch detection for RISC-V (#13560)
    Make sure that asm.arch and anal.arch is set correctly when starting
    radare on RISC-V.
    Remove unused CMP_END_GT()
    Include aap in aaa (#13543)
    Include aap in aaa
    Added aap only if file.type is unknown
    extracted them to method
    Add ut*/st* type shortcuts (#13550)
    Fix io.unalloc off-by-one (#13535)
    Fix newline after axj output (#13533)
    Add support to multiline assembly patching (#13526)
    For example, this line 'OFFSET : nop;nop;nop' (provided in the example \ 
patchfile at binr/rabin2/patch.txt) now actually works
    Fix a minor bug in panels (#13531)
    Fix build
    Fix build
    Fix #13511 - pqz -> pqs and psq as an alias for pqs
    Rewrite kernelcache check_bytes (#13518)
    Parse load commands to extract 3 metrics (kudos to @Siguza for suggesting):
        use of LC_UNIXTHREAD
        absence of any library linked against
        addresses in the upper half of the address space
    If those are met, then it’s a kernelcache. This just needs to parse all \ 
load commands types and vmaddr from LC_SEGMENT_64 (but nothing more) from the \ 
    Run aav after aac in aaa
    When using debugger the file assumed path for the auxillary script
    was dbg://.r2, without debugger it's just .r2.
    This patch cuts out the 'dbg://' prefix if found before looking for the
    auxillary script.
    Make buf field private in RBuffer (#13473)
    Fix pemixed build (and include it in meson build)
    Do not use base_priv in yank, it was wrongly used.
    Fix jump/fail for Java ops
    [WIP] Added jump and fail info to pdJ (#13481)
    Added jump and fail info to pdJ
    tired of waiting
    pxA > pCA
    Fix dt+ command parsing
    Fix build on capstone3
    Fix .travis to build release/prereleases branches too
    Fix regressiono
    Handle more X86 instructions to, at least fill the ->type
    Fix #13367 - last line glitch in r_cons_strcat_at
    Fix #13367 - Fix offbyone alignment in line printing
    Improves graph generation times. But it's still called too many times
    Update capstone-master (#13496)
    Fix #13485 - Crash in anal_tp (null deref) (#13497)
    Do not compute asm.stackptr when not requested, fixes slow disasm issue
    Save aliases in projects
    Fixing aflqj (#13483)
    pd 10 > $foo # save the output of pd 10 into $foo
    $foo # print the contents of $foo (the output)
    $* # values are now printed in base64
    $foo=base64: # is now supported
    Removing debug output from top of vbg screen (#13479)
    af+ sets meta.min (#13484)
    Random fixes and improvements for visual debug traces
    Add "return" and deindent
    Fix mulss pseudo (#13470)
    SP was declared as 'sp' in the register profile which doesn't exist. Stack \ 
pointer is a7.
    Most C compilers for m68k (e.g. LatticeC) use a6 as stack frame pointer via \ 
LINK and UNLK instructions, declare a6 as BP
    Fix clusterfuzz-testcase-minimized-ia_fuzz-5636199282114560.dms
    Move compiler line to the right place
    Fix build on newer RISC-V compilers (#13459)
    On gcc 9.x, __riscv__ is no longer defined but __riscv is.
    This is documented under C/C++ preprocessor definitions on
    Fix ft command crash on Windows (#13457)
    Change 'sanitiz' from bininfo to be according to alphabetical order (#13456)
    Fix invalid json regression for compilerr
    mach-0 empty value for now
    Optimize slightly r_core_visual_disasm_down() (#13450)
    Clean up of PR #13441 (#13455)
    Chip8 pseudo fixes (#13453)
    Fix #1179 - itj hashes calculation command has fixed (#13441)
    Fixes #1179 - itj command has fixed, small refactoring on hashes storage, \ 
removed obsolete file.sha1 usage
    Show all the different hashes on it and itj
    it and itj refactoring.
    PJ optimizations have made, added more arguments checks
    Fixes pipes implementation on windows (pipe data was treated as a string \ 
instead of binary data so first \0 truncates it)
    Make other RBuffer fields "private" (#13444)
    Use r_buf_size to get the size of a buffer, not the private field
    Use r_buf_seek instead of adjusting the private cur RBuffer field
    use r_buf_read instead of r_buf_read_at(.., cur, ..)
    other r_buf_read_at/r_buf_read
    Fix RBuffer usage in REgg
    Wrong replace with r_buf_resize
    Other r_buf_resize fixes
    style fixes
    other style fixes
    Introduce r_buf_tell API instead of using seek
    other style fixes
    style 2
    write_at(cur) == write
    avoid changing test
    Make most RBuffer fields private
    Add some fixme comments
    still use base_priv in some places
    Simplify WASM code by avoiding duplications (#13443)
    Simplify code by avoiding duplications
    Use r_return in consume_r
    Fix MSVC warning (#13434)
    Fixes crash in the disasm and assert for the folded bb feature (#13440)
    Change order of ? And i output (#13418)
    Completely kill the msvc/ directory and the unix-specific includes workarounds
    RBuffer should not be const (#13432)
    Improve Makefile on macOS (#13431)
    OS can have already be set to other values on user machines, OS= fits better \ 
    FreeBSD get thread name support only from 12.x flavor (#13428)
    Fix #13000 (#13083)
    Fix musl compatibility - ARM_VFPREGS_SIZE is defined in asm/ptrace.h (#13427)
    Fix bug in print_flag_json() (#13425)
    Make pid.c use PJ (#13424)
    Fix invalid instruction warning (#13417)
        store cmpval and cmpreg in every basic block
        lookup cmpval from predecessors considering TBH’s index register
        Fill op->jump and op->fail for all branch and jump instructions
        Handle short and word variants of BSR (BSR.S and BSR.W)
        DBxx instructions treated as conditional branches
        Handle PC relative variant of JMP & JSR
        Bugfix for the decoding of long instructions (code in asm_m68k_cs.c \ 
assumed a maximum of 8 bytes, but maximum is 10 bytes)
    Hide the CC=E warning when no anal.verbose is set
    Fix Meson build
    Update sdb from git
    Add support for UTF console input in Windows
    Convert ANSI input to UTF-8
    Convert UTF-8 to acp when calling ANSI version of functions
    Determine if Windows console output is UTF-8 on the fly
    Add afbF and handle Z key in visual disasm and graph to toggle basic blocks
    Correct visual graph help to actual behavior (#13406)
    Fix aclj
    Fix #13357 - vG and v^ work again as an alias for vgg and vgG
    Little warning cleanups (#13398)
    Add C64 Fortune (#13397)
    Remove noisy and useless warning
    Remove many uses of max_bb_size
    Use anal.verbose in more places
    Fix 2 crashes in the graphs and the analysis
    Implement and use experimental read_ahead for anal
    Introduce read_ahead approach for testing io usage and performance in analysis
    More cleanup and expose a new api for RAnalOp
    Kill FCN_SDB and some more code cleanup
    Add bytes_read var, convert some addr + idx -> at and reinstate some \ 
len-based checks
    Ensure invalid insn handling doesn't check invalid data
    Move "Truncated instruction" err msg to r_anal_fcn_add_bb()
    Remove gotoBeachRet macro and just use the goto statement
    /by @kazarmy @radare @ret2libc
    Fix anal jmp eob code (#13387)
    Move RAnalOpMask into parameter
    Use r_buf_size to get the size of a buffer, not the private field (#13380)
    Use r_buf_size to get the size of a buffer, not the private field
    Use r_buf_seek instead of adjusting the private cur RBuffer field
    use r_buf_read instead of r_buf_read_at(.., cur, ..)
    Fix RBuffer usage in REgg
    Introduce r_buf_tell API instead of using seek
    write_at(cur) == write
    Fix http webserver regression introduced in 81ad0fe
    UAF/memroy leak fixes proposal.
    esil_sub should manipulate esil->old and esil->cur
    otherwise, tests get broken...
    Drop weird esil_sub implementation, and use the same
    implementation as esil_add (and esil_mul, and esil_div)
    esil_add: fail on invalid dst, as well as src
    Consider the map sorting when two map_events are the same.
    When two maps start at the same address, it's important to consider the
    initial priority of the maps, which is given by the id field.
    Be more explicit in comparison between boolean and integers
    Remove CYGWIN & MINGW remnants (#13377)
    The 'display' routine of the malloc_chunk should display each field of
    flag field as bits.
    So prior to this proposal, dmhc could yield following information:

    struct malloc_chunk @ 0x7f5462ed4000 {
    prev_size = 0x0,
    size = 0x1112000,
    flags: |N:4 |M:2 |P:1,

    The flags should be displayed as: flags: |N:1 |M:1 |P:1
    Update sdb (#13373)
    Show call hints and propagate types for indirect calls to imp symbols (#13350)
    Few code cleanups (#13369)
    Remove dupe api in r_cons
    bin_bootimg: load_buffer/check_buffer
    bin_cgc/bin_elf/bin_elf64: remove load_bytes/load + load_buffer
    Implement check_buffer in bin_cgc
    bin_coff: load_buffer/check_buffer
    bin_dex: load_buffer/check_buffer
    bin_dol: load_buffer/check_buffer
    bin_dyldcache: load_buffer/check_buffer
    ao->kv's ownership is moved to RBin through the get_sdb method of
    RBinPlugin, thus the plugins should not free it themselves.
    Further usage of thread debug (#13359)
    Add r_cons_gets() API
    Fix crash when executing om (#13362)
    Implement load_buffer/check_buffer in RBinPlugins (#13353)
    Fix memleaks in MACH0 bin plugin
    Add check_buffer method to RBinPlugin
    Add r_buf_read8_at API
    bin_any: remove load and fix mem leaks
    bin_art: implement load/check_buffer, remove load_bytes/load
    bin_avr: add load/check_buffer and remove load/load_bytes
    bin_bf: load_buffer/check_buffer
    bin_bflt: load_buffer/check_buffer
    bin_bios: load_buffer/load_bytes
    This improves performance especially when there are thousands of sections.
    Update capstone from git
    Add r_th API to rename threads in r2
    Fix esil assert
    Added missing autocompletions for project management commands (#13340)
    Remove extraneous space for scd instruction for chip8
    Fix msvc build
    Remove parenthesis from class size listing (#13238)
    Cleanup the use of getopt with our wrapper
    Fix relocations in ET_REL ELF (#12694)
    Get the section name for SECTION/LOCAL ELF symbols
    Do not print warning messages if ELF is ET_REL
    In that case, it's a normal thing that dynamic sections and program
    headers are not present.
    Fix the address of the fake PLT table
    Do not use + symbols if there is no name
    To be able to add tests for nintendo DS r_bin plugin
    Add LGTM alerts badge
    Requires -F kernelcache for now
    Fix warnings in bin.qnx
    Add missing noreturn definition for darwin
    Set hints for ARM special symbols $t and $a
    Do not set $d metadata
    Fix #13297 proposal (#13299)
    Fix #13244 - Assembler support for x86 bsf and bsr instructions (#13303)
    Avoid assertion in esil traces, speedup some paths (#13300)
    Fix #13302 - Add .* as an alias for #!pipe but trimming in first space
    Fix microsoft cc (#13298)
    Fix pdJ for cmt.right=1 + pseudo=1
    Changed http.verbose to false (#13292)
    Use fcn->meta.min instead of fcn->addr in fcn rbtree code
    Maintain 2nd rbtree and reinstate _fcn(_addr)_tree_find_addr()
    Use r_rbtree_insert ⧸ delete as appropriate
    Remove set_meta_min_if_needed from _fcn_tree_probe⧸iter_next
    Fix memory leak in strbuf. (#13273)
    Fix memory leak in strbuf.
    sb->ptr was set to NULL without freeing the underlying data.
    Use R_NEW instead of R_NEW0, as the memory is
    initialized immediately afterwards.
    Call r_*_op_init in r_asm_disassemble/r_anal_op.
    Avoid splitting obj.* flags into their own flagspace (#13286)
    Little code cleanups (#13277)
    Use pj in canal.c
    Fix hang after ctrl-c
    use relsub addr
    kill i2, grab top of list when not in preferred spaces
    Add r_core_flag_get_by_spaces
    Remove r_flag_get_i2 and use r_core_flag_get_by_spaces
    Fix fcn name from flag
    Better consistency: flag_get instead of get_flag
    Quickpath for just one flag
    added annotation to the set_reg_profile for documentation completeness, the \ 
FPU registers are really too small and should be 5 words minimal(80bits) TBH. SR \ 
is only 16bit but it having 32bits is okay, CCR should be folded in but IDK how \ 
this would affect access.
    Update anal_m68k_cs.c (#13274)
    EXG (EXchanGe register) is an valid instruction for R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_MOV \ 
because it only moves from RegN to RegN.
    Fix leak in RIO: free iter after removing it from list
    ls_append/ls_prepend will create a new iter, so we need to free the
    iter that was removed from the list.
    Fix some leaks from unit tests
    PoC: Implement aCef to emulate all calls in the function and add comments \ 
    This PoC requires more refinement to use the API and clean the code
    Add '$' in v! to set the program counter
    Honor asm.indent and only toggle in disasm
    Remove SLOW_IO from core/anal.c
    Fix crash in canvas, some leaks and random code cleanup (#13254)
    Filter out special symbols in ELF (#13173)
    Filter out special symbols in ELF
    No need to add the special case '\0'
    Keep special symbols, but do not process them
    Make sure s->type is not NULL
    Do not print special symbols in rad mode
    Avoid double check
    Fix PR's comments
    Warn when invalid use of r_buf_buffer (#13240)
    Update list of supported architectures (#13250)
    Change old references to aC to ac (#13243)
    $ rasm2 -x 'nop;nop;mov eax, 33;push ebx;int 0x80;nop;mov rbx,48484;nop'
    0x21b89090 0x53000000 0x489080cd 0xbd64c3c7 0x00900000
    As suggested in
    BSF: \
    BSR: \
    MIPS elf renaming proper sections + little typo.
    recurseAt: Also update size in fcn rbtree
    Prerelease travis release (#13189)
    Add additional tests for release/prereleases
    Test different plugins configurations
    Add some libraries to docker image
    Disable SYS_CAPSTONE for now because there is only 3.0.5
    Fix html magic file to respect libmagic's format too
    < can be used with string so it should be escaped if we want to match
    the exact string ""
    Use plugin License when printing rasm2 plugins in JSON format
    Build with system capstone, but do not run tests because they would fail
    Fix tiny plugins file to use xtr_fatmach0 instead of just fatmach0
    Use clang to compile with ASAN
    Use b_lundef=false
    Just test if different plugins configuration build, no r2r
    Use sys openssl as well
    Introduce aess to fix the regression confusing step-over and step-skip
    Properly specify esil step over/or-not in the API to fix regression
    Initial implementation of aCe
    no assert on free, also fixes warning
    Added missing include (#13198)
    Fix few warnings
    After release version bump for 3.4.0-git
    refactored cmd_print.c to use pj.c (#13174)
    Refactored cmd_print.c to us pj.c
    Changed to r_str_trim_ro
    Few code changes, possible errors. (#13192)
    asm.strenc -> bin.str.enc (#13180)
    Added missing incude (#13184)
        Default to unknown type
        Detect RET
        Remove fail from always succeeding jump/call
        Move keypad commentary to LD Vx, K, add to SKP/SKNP
        Annotate skips correctly
        Annotate more instructions
    Refactor p-j using pj.c (#13170)
    Use macros for common flagspaces names instead of hardcoding them (#13175)
    Fix NULL pointer dereference in data references analyzer (#13178)
    Data references analyzer assumes that each function reference maps
    to a certain section, but this is not the case for raw binary files
    like shellcodes/firmware images/etc.
    This bug was introduced in #10117.
    Fix null ptr deref in axg* (#13177)
    Flush before closing pipe
    Change eprintf to rowlog
    If the user already provides a capstone tarball, the buildsystem should not try
    to download it again.
    Use r_str_ncpy instead of strlcpy
    Make Lisp fortune work with Clojure(Script) (#13161)
