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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-fakefs
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2020-01-03 13:37:54
Message id:
Log Message:
py-fakefs: updated to 3.7.1
Version 3.7.1:
This version adds support for Python 3.7.6 and 3.8.1.
* Adapted fake `pathlib` to changes in Python 3.7.6/3.8.1
Version 3.7:
This version adds support for Python 3.8.
_Note:_ This is the last pyfakefs version that will support Python 2.7
and Python 3.4 (possible bug fix releases notwithstanding).
* added support for Python 3.8
* added preliminary support for Windows-specific `os.stat_result` attributes
`tst_file_attributes` and `st_reparse_tag`
* added support for fake `os.sendfile` (Posix only, Python 3 only)
* support `devnull` in Windows under Python 3.8
* fixed side effect of calling `DirEntry.stat()` under Windows (changed
* fixed problem of fake modules still referenced after a test in modules
loaded during the test
* correctly handle missing read permission for parent directory
* raise for `os.scandir` with non-existing directory
* fixed CI tests scripts to always propagate errors