Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/rclone
From: Leonardo Taccari
Date: 2020-10-12 19:31:32
Message id:

Log Message:
rclone: Update to 1.53.1

## 1.53.1
* Bug Fixes
    * accounting: Remove new line from end of --stats-one-line display
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * check
        * Add back missing --download flag (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Fix docs (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * docs
        * Note --log-file does append (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Add full stops for consistency in rclone --help (edwardxml)
        * Add Tencent COS to s3 provider list (wjielai)
        * Updated mount command to reflect that it requires Go 1.13 or newer
	  (Evan Harris)
        * jottacloud: Mention that uploads from local disk will not need to
	  cache files to disk for md5 calculation (albertony)
        * Fix formatting of rc docs page (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * build
        * Include vendor tar ball in release and fix startdev (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Fix "Illegal instruction" error for ARMv6 builds (Nick \ 
        * Fix architecture name in ARMv7 build (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix spurious error "vfs cache: failed to _ensure cache EOF"
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Log an ERROR if we fail to set the file to be sparse (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Local
    * Log an ERROR if we fail to set the file to be sparse (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Drive
    * Re-adds special oauth help text (Tim Gallant)
* Opendrive
    * Do not retry 400 errors (Evan Harris)

## 1.53.0
* New Features
    * The VFS layer was heavily reworked for this release - see below for
      more details
    * Interactive mode -i/--interactive for destructive operations (fishbullet)
    * Add --bwlimit-file flag to limit speeds of individual file transfers
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Transfers are sorted by start time in the stats and progress output
      (Max Sum)
    * Make sure backends expand `~` and environment vars in file names they
      use (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add --refresh-times flag to set modtimes on hashless backends
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * build
        * Remove vendor directory in favour of Go modules (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Build with go1.15.x by default (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Drop macOS 386 build as it is no longer supported by go1.15
	  (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Add ARMv7 to the supported builds (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Enable `rclone cmount` on macOS (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Make rclone build with gccgo (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Make rclone build with wasm (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Change beta numbering to be semver compatible (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Add file properties and icon to Windows executable (albertony)
        * Add experimental interface for integrating rclone into browsers
	  (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * lib: Add file name compression (Klaus Post)
    * rc
        * Allow installation and use of plugins and test plugins with
	  rclone-webui (Chaitanya Bankanhal)
        * Add reverse proxy pluginsHandler for serving plugins
	  (Chaitanya Bankanhal)
        * Add `mount/listmounts` option for listing current mounts
	  (Chaitanya Bankanhal)
        * Add `operations/uploadfile` to upload a file through rc using
	  encoding multipart/form-data (Chaitanya Bankanhal)
        * Add `core/copmmand` to execute rclone terminal commands.
	  (Chaitanya Bankanhal)
    * `rclone check`
        * Add reporting of filenames for same/missing/changed (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Make check command obey `--dry-run`/`-i`/`--interactive`
	  (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Make check do `--checkers` files concurrently (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Retry downloads if they fail when using the `--download` flag
	  (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Make it show stats by default (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * `rclone obscure`: Allow obscure command to accept password on STDIN
      (David Ibarra)
    * `rclone config`
        * Set RCLONE_CONFIG_DIR for use in config files and subprocesses
	  (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Reject remote names starting with a dash. (jtagcat)
    * `rclone cryptcheck`: Add reporting of filenames for same/missing/changed
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * `rclone dedupe`: Make it obey the `--size-only` flag for duplicate detection
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * `rclone link`: Add `--expire` and `--unlink` flags (Roman Kredentser)
    * `rclone mkdir`: Warn when using mkdir on remotes which can't have empty \ 
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * `rclone rc`: Allow JSON parameters to simplify command line usage
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * `rclone serve ftp`
        * Don't compile on < go1.13 after dependency update (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Add error message if auth proxy fails (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Use refactored library for binary shrink
	  (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * `rclone serve restic`: Expose interfaces so that rclone can be used as a
      library from within restic (Jack)
    * `rclone sync`: Add `--track-renames-strategy leaf` (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * `rclone touch`: Add ability to set nanosecond resolution times
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * `rclone tree`: Remove `-i` shorthand for `--noindent` as it conflicts
      with `-i`/`--interactive` (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Bug Fixes
    * accounting
        * Fix documentation for `speed`/`speedAvg` (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Fix elapsed time not show actual time since beginning
	  (Chaitanya Bankanhal)
        * Fix deadlock in stats printing (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * build
        * Fix file handle leak in GitHub release tool (Garrett Squire)
    * `rclone check`: Fix successful retries with `--download` counting
      errors (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * `rclone dedupe`: Fix logging to be easier to understand (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Mount
    * Warn macOS users that mount implementation is changing (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * to test the new implementation use `rclone cmount` instead of
	  `rclone mount`
        * this is because the library rclone uses has dropped macOS support
    * rc interface
        * Add call for unmount all (Chaitanya Bankanhal)
        * Make `mount/mount` remote control take vfsOpt option
	  (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Add mountOpt to `mount/mount` (Nick Craig-Wood)
        * Add VFS and Mount options to `mount/listmounts` (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Catch panics in cgofuse initialization and turn into error messages
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Always supply stat information in Readdir (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add support for reading unknown length files using direct IO (Windows)
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix On Windows don't add `-o uid/gid=-1` if user supplies `-o uid/gid`.
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix macOS losing directory contents in cmount (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix volume name broken in recent refactor (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Implement partial reads for `--vfs-cache-mode full` (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add `--vfs-writeback` option to delay writes back to cloud storage
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add `--vfs-read-ahead` parameter for use with `--vfs-cache-mode full`
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Restart pending uploads on restart of the cache (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Support synchronous cache space recovery upon ENOSPC (Leo Luan)
    * Allow ReadAt and WriteAt to run concurrently with themselves (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Change modtime of file before upload to current (Rob Calistri)
    * Recommend `--vfs-cache-modes writes` on backends which can't stream
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add an optional `fs` parameter to vfs rc methods (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix errors when using > 260 char files in the cache in Windows
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix renaming of items while they are being uploaded (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix very high load caused by slow directory listings (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix renamed files not being uploaded with `--vfs-cache-mode minimal`
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix directory locking caused by slow directory listings (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix saving from chrome without `--vfs-cache-mode writes`
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Local
    * Add `--local-no-updated` to provide a consistent view of changing
      objects (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add `--local-no-set-modtime` option to prevent modtime changes (tyhuber1)
    * Fix race conditions updating and reading Object metadata
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Cache
    * Make any created backends be cached to fix rc problems (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix dedupe on caches wrapping drives (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Crypt
    * Add `--crypt-server-side-across-configs` flag (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Make any created backends be cached to fix rc problems (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Alias
    * Make any created backends be cached to fix rc problems (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Azure Blob
    * Don't compile on < go1.13 after dependency update (Nick Craig-Wood)
* B2
    * Implement server side copy for files > 5GB (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Cancel in progress multipart uploads and copies on rclone exit
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Note that b2's encoding now allows \ but rclone's hasn't changed
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix transfers when using download_url (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Box
    * Implement rclone cleanup (buengese)
    * Cancel in progress multipart uploads and copies on rclone exit
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Allow authentication with access token (David)
* Chunker
    * Make any created backends be cached to fix rc problems (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Drive
    * Add `rclone backend drives` to list shared drives (teamdrives)
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Implement `rclone backend untrash` (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Work around drive bug which didn't set modtime of copied docs
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Added `--drive-starred-only` to only show starred files (Jay McEntire)
    * Deprecate `--drive-alternate-export` as it is no longer needed
    * Fix duplication of Google docs on server side copy (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix "panic: send on closed channel" when recycling dir entries
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Dropbox
    * Add copyright detector info in limitations section in the docs
      (Alex Guerrero)
    * Fix `rclone link` by removing expires parameter (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Fichier
    * Detect Flood detected: IP Locked error and sleep for 30s
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add explicit TLS support (Heiko Bornholdt)
    * Add support for `--dump bodies` and `--dump auth` for debugging
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix interoperation with pure-ftpd (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Google Cloud Storage
    * Add support for anonymous access (Kai Lüke)
* Jottacloud
    * Bring back legacy authentification for use with whitelabel versions
    * Switch to new api root - also implement a very ugly workaround for the
      DirMove failures (buengese)
* Onedrive
    * Rework cancel of multipart uploads on rclone exit (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Implement rclone cleanup (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add `--onedrive-no-versions` flag to remove old versions
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Pcloud
    * Implement `rclone link` for public link creation (buengese)
* Qingstor
    * Cancel in progress multipart uploads on rclone exit (Nick Craig-Wood)
* S3
    * Preserve metadata when doing multipart copy (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Cancel in progress multipart uploads and copies on rclone exit
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add `rclone link` for public link sharing (Roman Kredentser)
    * Add `rclone backend restore` command to restore objects from GLACIER
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add `rclone cleanup` and `rclone backend cleanup` to clean unfinished
      multipart uploads (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add `rclone backend list-multipart-uploads` to list unfinished multipart
      uploads (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add `--s3-max-upload-parts` support (Kamil Trzciński)
    * Add `--s3-no-check-bucket` for minimising rclone transactions and perms
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add `--s3-profile` and `--s3-shared-credentials-file` options
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Use regional s3 us-east-1 endpoint (David)
    * Add Scaleway provider (Vincent Feltz)
    * Update IBM COS endpoints (Egor Margineanu)
    * Reduce the default `--s3-copy-cutoff` to < 5GB for Backblaze S3
      compatibility (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix detection of bucket existing (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Use the absolute path instead of the relative path for listing for
      improved compatibility (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Add `--sftp-subsystem` and `--sftp-server-command` options (aus)
* Swift
    * Fix dangling large objects breaking the listing (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix purge not deleting directory markers (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix update multipart object removing all of its own parts
      (Nick Craig-Wood)
    * Fix missing hash from object returned from upload (Nick Craig-Wood)
* Tardigrade
    * Upgrade to uplink v1.2.0 (Kaloyan Raev)
* Union
    * Fix writing with the all policy (Nick Craig-Wood)
* WebDAV
    * Fix directory creation with 4shared (Nick Craig-Wood)
