Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/py-aiohttp
From: Jonathan Schleifer
Date: 2020-10-24 20:49:21
Message id:

Log Message:
Update www/py-aiohttp to 3.7.0

This fixes py-yarl in pkgsrc being too new for py-aiohttp.

3.7.0 (2020-10-24)


- Response headers are now prepared prior to running ``on_response_prepare`` \ 
hooks, directly before headers are sent to the client.
  `#1958 <>`_
- Add a ``quote_cookie`` option to ``CookieJar``, a way to skip quotation \ 
wrapping of cookies containing special characters.
  `#2571 <>`_
- Call ``AccessLogger.log`` with the current exception available from \ 
  `#3557 <>`_
- `web.UrlDispatcher.add_routes` and `web.Application.add_routes` return a list
  of registered `AbstractRoute` instances. `AbstractRouteDef.register` (and all
  subclasses) return a list of registered resources registered resource.
  `#3866 <>`_
- Added properties of default ClientSession params to ClientSession class so it \ 
is available for introspection
  `#3882 <>`_
- Don't cancel web handler on peer disconnection, raise `OSError` on \ 
reading/writing instead.
  `#4080 <>`_
- Implement BaseRequest.get_extra_info() to access a protocol transports' extra info.
  `#4189 <>`_
- Added `ClientSession.timeout` property.
  `#4191 <>`_
- allow use of SameSite in cookies.
  `#4224 <>`_
- Use ``loop.sendfile()`` instead of custom implementation if available.
  `#4269 <>`_
- Apply SO_REUSEADDR to test server's socket.
  `#4393 <>`_
- Use .raw_host instead of slower .host in client API
  `#4402 <>`_
- Allow configuring the buffer size of input stream by passing ``read_bufsize`` \ 
  `#4453 <>`_
- Pass tests on Python 3.8 for Windows.
  `#4513 <>`_
- Add `method` and `url` attributes to `TraceRequestChunkSentParams` and \ 
  `#4674 <>`_
- Add ClientResponse.ok property for checking status code under 400.
  `#4711 <>`_
- Don't ceil timeouts that are smaller than 5 seconds.
  `#4850 <>`_
- TCPSite now listens by default on all interfaces instead of just IPv4 when \ 
`None` is passed in as the host.
  `#4894 <>`_
- Bump ``http_parser`` to 2.9.4
  `#5070 <>`_


- Fix keepalive connections not being closed in time
  `#3296 <>`_
- Fix failed websocket handshake leaving connection hanging.
  `#3380 <>`_
- Fix tasks cancellation order on exit. The run_app task needs to be cancelled \ 
first for cleanup hooks to run with all tasks intact.
  `#3805 <>`_
- Don't start heartbeat until _writer is set
  `#4062 <>`_
- Fix handling of multipart file uploads without a content type.
  `#4089 <>`_
- Preserve view handler function attributes across middlewares
  `#4174 <>`_
- Fix the string representation of ``ServerDisconnectedError``.
  `#4175 <>`_
- Raising RuntimeError when trying to get encoding from not read body
  `#4214 <>`_
- Remove warning messages from noop.
  `#4282 <>`_
- Raise ClientPayloadError if FormData re-processed.
  `#4345 <>`_
- Fix a warning about unfinished task in ````
  `#4408 <>`_
- Fixed 'deflate' compression. According to RFC 2616 now.
  `#4506 <>`_
- Fixed OverflowError on platforms with 32-bit time_t
  `#4515 <>`_
- Fixed request.body_exists returns wrong value for methods without body.
  `#4528 <>`_
- Fix connecting to link-local IPv6 addresses.
  `#4554 <>`_
- Fix a problem with connection waiters that are never awaited.
  `#4562 <>`_
- Always make sure transport is not closing before reuse a connection.

  Reuse a protocol based on keepalive in headers is unreliable.
  For example, uWSGI will not support keepalive even it serves a
  HTTP 1.1 request, except explicitly configure uWSGI with a
  ``--http-keepalive`` option.

  Servers designed like uWSGI could cause aiohttp intermittently
  raise a ConnectionResetException when the protocol poll runs
  out and some protocol is reused.
  `#4587 <>`_
- Handle the last CRLF correctly even if it is received via separate TCP segment.
  `#4630 <>`_
- Fix the register_resource function to validate route name before splitting it \ 
so that route name can include python keywords.
  `#4691 <>`_
- Improve typing annotations for ``web.Request``, ``aiohttp.ClientResponse`` and
  ``multipart`` module.
  `#4736 <>`_
- Fix resolver task is not awaited when connector is cancelled
  `#4795 <>`_
- Fix a bug "Aiohttp doesn't return any error on invalid request methods"
  `#4798 <>`_
- Fix HEAD requests for static content.
  `#4809 <>`_
- Fix incorrect size calculation for memoryview
  `#4890 <>`_
- Add HTTPMove to _all__.
  `#4897 <>`_
- Fixed the type annotations in the ``tracing`` module.
  `#4912 <>`_
- Fix typing for multipart ``__aiter__``.
  `#4931 <>`_
- Fix for race condition on connections in BaseConnector that leads to exceeding \ 
the connection limit.
  `#4936 <>`_
- Add forced UTF-8 encoding for ``application/rdap+json`` responses.
  `#4938 <>`_
- Fix inconsistency between Python and C http request parsers in parsing \ 
pct-encoded URL.
  `#4972 <>`_
- Fix connection closing issue in HEAD request.
  `#5012 <>`_
- Fix type hint on BaseRunner.addresses (from ``List[str]`` to ``List[Any]``)
  `#5086 <>`_
- Make `web.run_app()` more responsive to Ctrl+C on Windows for Python < 3.8. \ 
It slightly
  increases CPU load as a side effect.
  `#5098 <>`_

Improved Documentation

- Fix example code in client quick-start
  `#3376 <>`_
- Updated the docs so there is no contradiction in ``ttl_dns_cache`` default value
  `#3512 <>`_
- Add 'Deploy with SSL' to docs.
  `#4201 <>`_
- Change typing of the secure argument on StreamResponse.set_cookie from \ 
``Optional[str]`` to ``Optional[bool]``
  `#4204 <>`_
- Changes ``ttl_dns_cache`` type from int to Optional[int].
  `#4270 <>`_
- Simplify README hello word example and add a documentation page for people \ 
coming from requests.
  `#4272 <>`_
- Improve some code examples in the documentation involving websockets and \ 
starting a simple HTTP site with an AppRunner.
  `#4285 <>`_
- Fix typo in code example in Multipart docs
  `#4312 <>`_
- Fix code example in Multipart section.
  `#4314 <>`_
- Update contributing guide so new contributors read the most recent version of \ 
that guide. Update command used to create test coverage reporting.
  `#4810 <>`_
- Spelling: Change "canonize" to "canonicalize".
  `#4986 <>`_
- Add ``aiohttp-sse-client`` library to third party usage list.
  `#5084 <>`_


- `#2856 <>`_, `#4218 \ 
<>`_, `#4250 \ 
