Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2020-12-02 08:57:19
Message id:

Log Message:
sqlite3: updated to 3.34.0

SQLite Release 3.34.0

Added the sqlite3_txn_state() interface for reporting on the current transaction \ 
state of the database connection.
Enhance recursive common table expressions to support two or more recursive \ 
terms as is done by SQL Server, since this helps make queries against graphs \ 
easier to write and faster to execute.
Improved error messages on CHECK constraint failures.
CLI enhancements:
The .read dot-command now accepts a pipeline in addition to a filename.
Added options --data-only and --nosys to the .dump dot-command.
Added the --nosys option to the .schema dot-command.
Table name quoting works correctly for the .import dot-command.
The generate_series(START,END,STEP) table-valued function extension is now built \ 
into the CLI.
The .databases dot-command now show the status of each database file as \ 
determined by sqlite3_db_readonly() and sqlite3_txn_state().
Added the --tabs command-line option that sets .mode tabs.
The --init option reports an error if the file named as its argument cannot be \ 
opened. The --init option also now honors the --bail option.
Query planner improvements:
Improved estimates for the cost of running a DISTINCT operator.
When doing an UPDATE or DELETE using a multi-column index where only a few of \ 
the earlier columns of the index are useful for the index lookup, postpone doing \ 
the main table seek until after all WHERE clause constraints have been \ 
evaluated, in case those constraints can be covered by unused later terms of the \ 
index, thus avoiding unnecessary main table seeks.
The new OP_SeekScan opcode is used to improve performance of multi-column index \ 
look-ups when later columns are constrained by an IN operator.
The BEGIN IMMEDIATE and BEGIN EXCLUSIVE commands now work even if one or more \ 
attached database files are read-only.
Enhanced FTS5 to support trigram indexes.
Improved performance of WAL mode locking primitives in cases where there are \ 
hundreds of connections all accessing the same database file at once.
Enhanced the carray() table-valued function to include a single-argument form \ 
that is bound using the auxiliary sqlite3_carray_bind() interface.
The substr() SQL function can now also be called "substring()" for \ 
compatibility with SQL Server.
The syntax diagrams are now implemented as Pikchr scripts and rendered as SVG \ 
for improved legibility and ease of maintenance.
