Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/misc/py-tqdm
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2020-12-18 10:01:03
Message id:

Log Message:
py-tqdm: updated to 4.45.1

tqdm v4.54.1 stable

drop py3.4 (no longer tested)
misc CI updates
update snap build & deploy method
bot releases

tqdm v4.54.0 stable

get rid of get_new
minor CI framework optimisations

tqdm v4.53.0 stable

provide get_new() helper for mixed subclasses in nested mode
fix nested asyncio
document async break hazard
add tests
drop py2.6/3.2/3.3 and distutils (no longer tested)
drop py2.6
drop distutils in favour of setuptools/setup.cfg
CI framework overhaul
drop appveyor (Windows already tested by GHA)
skip devel PRs
automate linting comments on failure
use setuptools_scm
fix & update tests
fix & upgrade snap build
update CONTRIBUTING docs

tqdm v4.52.0 stable

allow delaying display() to a different notebook cell
add notebook argument display=True (use display=False with \ 
add keras.TqdmCallback support for initialiser arguments (use display=False with \ 
add documentation
add CI on windows
enable CI on OSX
migrate CI Travis => GHA
add tests for MacOS & Windows
add tests for py3.9
update documentation
minify docker build
update tests
misc tidy

tqdm v4.51.0 stable

add {eta} datetime bar_format argument
e.g. bar_format='{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{rate_fmt} ETA:{eta:%y-%m-%d \ 
fix py3 CLI --update & --update_to
replace nosetests with pytest
add & update tests
