Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/chat/ejabberd
Date: 2021-01-16 21:24:33
Message id:

Log Message:
ejabberd: Update to 20.12

pkgsrc changes:
  * This update is mainly justified by the fact that OTS 23 breaks a lot
    of dependencies which are very old.

upstream changes:
Version 20.12

    Add support for SCRAM-SHA-{256,512}-{PLUS} authentication
    Don't use same value in cache for user don't exist and wrong password
    outgoing_s2s_ipv*_address: New options to set ipv4/ipv6 outbound s2s out \ 
    s2s_send_packet: this hook now filters outgoing s2s stanzas
    start_room: new hook runs when a room process is started
    check_decoded_jwt: new hook to check decoded JWT after success authentication


    Docker: Fix DB initialization
    New sql_odbc_driver option: choose the mssql ODBC driver
    Rebar3: Fully supported. Enable with ./configure --with-rebar=/path/to/rebar3
    systemd: start ejabberd in foreground


    MAM: Make sure that jid used as base in mam xml_compress is bare
    MAM: Support for MAM Flipped Pages
    MUC: Always show MucSub subscribers nicks
    MUC: Don't forget not-persistent rooms in load_permanent_rooms
    MUC Admin: Better error reporting
    MUC Admin: Fix commands with hibernated rooms
    MUC Admin: Many improvements in rooms_unused_list/destroy
    MUC Admin: create_room_with_opts Store options only if room starts
    Pubsub: Remove 'dag' node plugin documentation
    Push: Fix API call return type on error
    Push: Support cache config changes on reload
    Register: Allow for account-removal-only setup again
    Roster: Make roster subscriptions work better with invalid roster state in db
    Vcard: Fix vCard search by User when using Mnesia
    WebAdmin: Allow vhost admins to view WebAdmin menus
    WebAdmin: Don't do double utf-8 conversion on translated strings
    WebAdmin: Mark dangerous buttons with CSS
    WebSocket: Make websocket send put back pressure on c2s process

Version 20.07

    Changes in this version

    Add support for using unix sockets in listeners.
    Make this version compatible with erlang R23
    Make room permissions checks more strict for subscribers
    Fix problem with muc rooms crashing when using muc logger with some locales
    Limit stat calls that logger module issues
    Don't throw errors when using user_regexp acl rule and having non-matching host
    Fix problem with leaving old data when updating shared rosters
    Fix edge case that caused failure of resuming old sessions with stream \ 
    Fix crash when room that was started with loging enabled was later changed \ 
to logging disabled
    Increase default shaper limits (this should help with delays for clients \ 
that are using jingle)
    Fix couple compatibility problems which prevented working on erlang R19
    Fix sending presence unavailable when session terminates for clients that \ 
only send directed presences (helps with sometimes not leaving muc rooms on \ 
    Prevent supervisor errors for sockets that were closed before they were \ 
passed to handler modules
    Make stun module work better with ipv6 addresses

Version 20.03

    Changes in this version

    Add support of ssl connection when connection to mysql database (configured \ 
with sql_ssl: true option)
    Experimental support for cockroachdb when configured with postgres connector
    Add cache and optimize queries issued by mod_shared_roster, this should \ 
greatly improve performance of this module when used with sql backend
    Fix problem with accessing webadmin
    Make webadmin work even when url is missing trailing slash
    When compiling external modules with ext_mod, use flags that were detected \ 
during compilation of ejabberd
    Make config changed to ldap options be updated when issued reload_config command
    Fix room_empty_destory command
    Fix reporting errors in send_stanza command when xml passed to it couldn't \ 
be passed correctly

Version 20.02

    Changes in this version

    Fix problems when trying to use string format with unicode values directly \ 
in xmpp nodes
    Add missing oauth_client table declaration in
    Improve compatibility with CocroachDB
    Fix importing of piefxis files that did use scram passwords
    Fix importing of piefxis files that had multiple includes in them
    Update jiffy dependency
    Allow storage of emojis when using mssql database (Thanks to Christoph Scholz)
    Make ejabberd_auth_http be able to use auth_opts
    Make custom_headers options in http modules correctly override built-in values
    Fix return value of reload_config and dump_config commands

Version 20.01

    New features

    Implement OAUTH authentication in mqtt
    Make logging infrastructure use new logger introduced in Erlang (requires OTP22)
    New configuration parser/validator
    Initial work on being able to use CockroachDB as database backend
    Add gc command
    Add option to disable using prepared statements on Postgresql
    Implement routine for converting password to SCRAM format for all backends \ 
not only SQL
    Add infrastructure for having module documentation directly in individual \ 
module source code
    Generate man page automaticaly
    Implement copy feature in mod_carboncopy


    Make webadmin work with configurable paths
    Fix handling of result in xmlrpc module
    Make webadmin work even when accessed through not declared domain
    Better error reporting in xmlrpc
    Limit ammount of results returned by disco queries to pubsub nodes
    Improve validation of configured JWT keys
    Fix race condition in Redis/SQL startup
    Fix loading order of third party modules
    Fix reloading of ACL rules
    Make account removal requests properly route response
    Improve handling of malformed inputs in send_message command
    Omit push notification if storing message in offline storage failed
    Fix crash in stream management when timeout was not set

Version 19.09


    The minimum required Erlang/OTP version is now 19.3
    Fix API call using OAuth (#2982)
    Rename MUC command arguments from Host to Service (#2976)


    Don't treat 'Host' header as a virtual XMPP host (#2989)
    Fix some links to Guide in WebAdmin and add new ones (#3003)
    Use select fields to input host in WebAdmin Backup (#3000)
    Check account auth provided in WebAdmin is a local host (#3000)


    Improve ACME implementation
    Fix IDA support in ACME requests
    Fix unicode formatting in ACME module
    Log an error message on IDNA failure
    Support IDN hostnames in ACME requests
    Don't attempt to create ACME directory on ejabberd startup
    Don't allow requesting certificates for localhost or IP-like domains
    Don't auto request certificate for localhost and IP-like domains
    Add listener for ACME challenge in example config


    JWT-only authentication for some users (#3012)


    Apply default role after revoking admin affiliation (#3023)
    Custom exit message is not broadcast (#3004)
    Revert "Affiliations other than admin and owner cannot invite to \ 
members_only rooms" (#2987)
    When join new room with password, set pass and password_protected (#2668)
    Improve rooms_* commands to accept 'global' as MUC service argument (#2976)
    Rename MUC command arguments from Host to Service (#2976)


    Fix transactions for Microsoft SQL Server (#2978)
    Spawn SQL connections on demand only


    Add support for XEP-0328: JID Prep
    Added gsfonts for captcha
    Log Mnesia table type on creation
    Replicate Mnesia 'bosh' table when nodes are joined
    Fix certificate selection for s2s (#3015)
    Provide meaningful error when adding non-local users to shared roster (#3000)
    Websocket: don't treat 'Host' header as a virtual XMPP host (#2989)
    Fix sm ack related c2s error (#2984)
    Don't hide the reason why c2s connection has failed
    Unicode support
    Correctly handle unicode in log messages
    Fix unicode processing in ejabberd.yml

Version 19.08


    Improve ejabberd halting procedure
    Process unexpected erlang messages uniformly: logging a warning
    mod_configure: Remove modules management


    Use new configuration validator
    ejabberd_http: Use correct virtual host when consulting trusted_proxies
    Fix Elixir modules detection in the configuration file
    Make option 'validate_stream' global
    Allow multiple definitions of host_config and append_host_config
    Introduce option 'captcha_url'
    mod_stream_mgmt: Allow flexible timeout format
    mod_mqtt: Allow flexible timeout format in session_expiry option


    Fix SQL connections leakage
    New authentication method using JWT tokens
    extauth: Add 'certauth' command
    Improve SQL pool logic
    Add and improve type specs
    Improve extraction of translated strings
    Improve error handling/reporting when loading language translations
    Improve hooks validator and fix bugs related to hooks registration
    Gracefully close inbound s2s connections
    mod_mqtt: Fix usage of TLS
    mod_offline: Make count_offline_messages cache work when using mam for storage
    mod_privacy: Don't attempt to query 'undefined' active list
    mod_privacy: Fix race condition


    Add code for hibernating inactive muc_room processes
    Improve handling of unexpected iq in mod_muc_room
    Attach mod_muc_room processes to a supervisor
    Restore room when receiving message or generic iq for not started room
    Distribute routing of MUC messages accross all CPU cores


    Fix pending nodes retrieval for SQL backend
    Check access_model when publishing PEP
    Remove deprecated pubsub plugins
    Expose access_model and publish_model in pubsub#metadata

Version 19.05


    The minimum required Erlang/OTP version is now 19.1
    Provide a suggestion when unknown command, module, option or request handler \ 
is detected
    Deprecate some listening options: captcha, register, web_admin, http_bind \ 
and xmlrpc
    Add commands to get Mnesia info: mnesia_info and mnesia_table_info
    Fix Register command to respect mod_register's Access option
    Fixes in Prosody import: privacy and rooms
    Remove TLS options from the example config
    Improve request_handlers validator
    Fix syntax in example Elixir config file


    Correctly support cache tags in ejabberd_auth
    Don't process failed EXTERNAL authentication by mod_fail2ban
    Don't call to mod_register when it's not loaded
    Make anonymous auth don't {de}register user when there are other resources


    Rename listening callback from start/2 to start/3
    New hook called when room gets destroyed: room_destroyed
    New hooks for tracking mucsub subscriptions changes: muc_subscribed, \ 
    Make static hooks analyzer working again


    Service admins are allowed to recreate room even if archiv is nonempty
    New option user_mucsub_from_muc_archive
    Avoid late arrival of get_disco_item response
    Handle get_subscribed_rooms call from mod_muc_room pid
    Fix room state cleanup from db on change of persistent option change
    Make get_subscribed_rooms work even for non-persistant rooms
    Allow non-moderator subscribers to get list of room subscribers


    New option bounce_groupchat: make it not bounce mucsub/groupchat messages
    New option use_mam_for_storage: fetch data from mam instead of spool table
    When applying limit of max msgs in spool check only spool size
    Do not store mucsub wrapped messages with no-store hint in offline storage
    Always store ActivityMarker messages
    Don't issue count/message fetch queries for offline from mam when not needed
    Properly handle infinity as max number of message in mam offline storage
    Sort messages by stanza_id when using mam storage in mod_offline
    Return correct value from count_offline_messages with mam storage option
    Make mod_offline put msg ignored by mam in spool when mam storage is on


    Add SQL schemas for MQTT tables
    Report better errors on SQL terms decode failure
    Fix PostgreSQL compatibility in mod_offline_sql:remove_old_messages
    Fix handling of list arguments on pgsql
    Preliminary support for SQL in process_rosteritems command


    Add tests for user mucsub mam from muc mam
    Add tests for offline with mam storage
    Add tests for offline use_mam_for_storage
    Initial Docker environment to run ejabberd test suite
    Test offline:use_mam_for_storage, mam:user_mucsub_from_muc_archive used together


    Add WebSockets support to mod_mqtt
    Return "Bad request" error when origin in websocket connection \ 
doesn't match
    Fix RFC6454 violation on websocket connection when validating Origin header
    Origin header validation on websocket connection

    Other modules

    mod_adhoc: Use xml:lang from stanza when it's missing in element
    mod_announce: Add 'sessionid' attribute when required
    mod_bosh: Don't put duplicate polling attribute in bosh payload
    mod_http_api: Improve argument error messages and log messages
    mod_http_upload: Feed whole image to eimp:identify/1
    mod_http_upload: Log nicer warning on unknown host
    mod_http_upload: Case-insensitive host comparison
    mod_mqtt: Support other socket modules
    mod_push: Check for payload in encrypted messages

Version 19.02


    Fix in the Erlang/OTP version: from 17.5 to 19.0
    reload_config command: Fix crash when sql_pool_size option is used
    reload_config command: Fix crash when SQL is not configured
    rooms_empty_destroy command: Several fixes to behave more conservative
    Fix serverhost->host parameter name for muc_(un)register_nick API


    Allow specifying tag for listener for api_permission purposes
    Change default ciphers to intermediate
    Define default ciphers/protocol_option in example config
    Don't crash on malformed 'modules' section
    mod_mam: New option clear_archive_on_room_destroy to prevent archive removal \ 
on room destroy
    mod_mam: New option access_preferences to restrict who can modify the MAM \ 
    mod_muc: New option access_mam to restrict who can modify that room option
    mod_offline: New option store_groupchat to allow storing group chat messages


    Add MQTT protocol support
    Fix (un)setting of priority
    Use OTP application startup infrastructure for starting dependencies
    Improve starting order of several dependencies


    mod_mam_mnesia/sql: Improve check for empty archive
    disallow room creation if archive not empty and \ 
clear_archive_on_room_destroy is false
    allow check if archive is empty for or user or room
    Additional checks for database failures


    Make sure that room_destroyed is called even when some code throws in terminate
    Update muc room state after adding extra access field to it
    MUC/Sub: Send mucsub subscriber notification events with from set to room jid

    Shared Roster

    Don't perform roster push for non-local contacts
    Handle versioning result when shared roster group has remote account
    Fix SQL queries


    CAPTCHA: Add no-store hint to CAPTCHA challenge stanzas
    HTTP: Reject http_api request with malformed Authentication header
    mod_carboncopy: Don't lose carbons on presence change or session resumption
    mod_mix: Fix submission-id and channel resource
    mod_ping: Fix ping IQ reply/timeout processing (17.x regression)
    mod_private: Hardcode item ID for PEP bookmarks
    mod_push: Improve notification error handling
    PIEFXIS: Fix user export when password is scrammed
    Prosody: Improve import of roster items, rooms and attributes
    Translations: fixed "make translations"
    WebAdmin: Fix support to restart module with new options

Version 18.12

    MAM data store compression
    Proxy protocol support \ 
    MUC Self-Ping optimization (XEP-0410)
    Bookmarks conversion (XEP-0411)
