Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/gopls
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2022-01-05 22:47:57
Message id:

Log Message:
gopls: update to 0.7.4.


Editing support for Go template files

Gopls support for template files is now generally available. While
editing files intended for use with the text/template or html/template
packages, gopls can provide completion, syntax highlighting,
jump-to-definition, find references, and diagnostics.

To use this feature, your editor or LSP client must be configured
to activate gopls for Go template files. By default, gopls considers
files ending with .tmpl or .gotmpl to be template files, though
this is configurable via the templateExtensions setting. More
information in the documentation.

Improved support for generic code when using the Go 1.18 beta

This release includes several bug fixes related to editing generic
code, as well as many improvements to diagnostic precision when
operating on type parameters. See the documentation for instructions
on how to build gopls using a version of Go that supports generic
