Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2022-01-15 17:21:27
Message id:

Log Message:
python39 py39-html-docs: updated to 3.9.10

Python 3.9.10 final

Core and Builtins

bpo-46070: Py_EndInterpreter() now explicitly untracks all objects currently \ 
tracked by the GC. Previously, if an object was used later by another \ 
interpreter, calling PyObject_GC_UnTrack() on the object crashed if the previous \ 
or the next object of the PyGC_Head structure became a dangling pointer. Patch \ 
by Victor Stinner.
bpo-46085: Fix iterator cache mechanism of OrderedDict.
bpo-46110: Add a maximum recursion check to the PEG parser to avoid stack \ 
overflow. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-46000: Improve compatibility of the curses module with NetBSD curses.
bpo-45614: Fix traceback display for exceptions with invalid module name.
bpo-45806: Re-introduced fix that allows recovery from stack overflow without \ 
crashing the interpreter. The original fix as part of bpo-42500 was reverted \ 
(see release notes for Python 3.9.4) since it introduced an ABI change in a \ 
bugfix release which is not allowed. The new fix doesn’t introduce any ABI \ 
changes. Patch by Mark Shannon.
bpo-45822: Fixed a bug in the parser that was causing it to not respect PEP 263 \ 
coding cookies when no flags are provided. Patch by Pablo Galindo
bpo-45820: Fix a segfault when the parser fails without reading any input. Patch \ 
by Pablo Galindo
bpo-42540: Fix crash when os.fork() is called with an active non-default memory \ 


bpo-40479: Fix hashlib usedforsecurity option to work correctly with OpenSSL \ 
3.0.0 in FIPS mode.
bpo-46070: Fix possible segfault when importing the asyncio module from \ 
different sub-interpreters in parallel. Patch by Erlend E. Aasland.
bpo-46278: Reflect context argument in AbstractEventLoop.call_*() methods. Loop \ 
implementations already support it.
bpo-46239: Improve error message when importing asyncio.windows_events on \ 
bpo-20369: concurrent.futures.wait() no longer blocks forever when given \ 
duplicate Futures. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
bpo-46105: Honor spec when generating requirement specs with urls and extras \ 
(importlib_metadata 4.8.3).
bpo-26952: argparse raises ValueError with clear message when trying to render \ 
usage for an empty mutually-exclusive group. Previously it raised a cryptic \ 
bpo-27718: Fix help for the signal module. Some functions (e.g. signal() and \ 
getsignal()) were omitted.
bpo-46032: The registry() method of functools.singledispatch() functions checks \ 
now the first argument or the first parameter annotation and raises a TypeError \ 
if it is not supported. Previously unsupported “types” were ignored (e.g. \ 
typing.List[int]) or caused an error at calling time (e.g. list[int]).
bpo-46018: Ensure that math.expm1() does not raise on underflow.
bpo-27946: Fix possible crash when getting an attribute of \ 
class:xml.etree.ElementTree.Element simultaneously with replacing the attrib \ 
bpo-13236: unittest.TextTestResult and unittest.TextTestRunner flush now the \ 
output stream more often.
bpo-37658: Fix issue when on certain conditions asyncio.wait_for() may allow a \ 
coroutine to complete successfully, but fail to return the result, potentially \ 
causing memory leaks or other issues.
bpo-45831: faulthandler can now write ASCII-only strings (like filenames and \ 
function names) with a single write() syscall when dumping a traceback. It \ 
reduces the risk of getting an unreadable dump when two threads or two processes \ 
dump a traceback to the same file (like stderr) at the same time. Patch by \ 
Victor Stinner.
bpo-41735: Fix thread lock in zlib.Decompress.flush() method before \ 
bpo-45664: Fix types.resolve_bases() and types.new_class() for \ 
types.GenericAlias instance as a base.
bpo-45663: Fix dataclasses.is_dataclass() for dataclasses which are subclasses \ 
of types.GenericAlias.
bpo-45662: Fix the repr of dataclasses.InitVar with a type alias to the built-in \ 
class, e.g. InitVar[list[int]].
bpo-43498: Avoid a possible “RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during \ 
iteration” when adjusting the process count of ProcessPoolExecutor.
bpo-29620: assertWarns() no longer raises a RuntimeException when accessing a \ 
module’s __warningregistry__ causes importation of a new module, or when a new \ 
module is imported in another thread. Patch by Kernc.


bpo-19737: Update the documentation for the globals() function.
bpo-45840: Improve cross-references in the documentation for the data model.
bpo-45788: Link doc for sys.prefix to sysconfig doc on installation paths.
bpo-25381: In the extending chapter of the extending doc, update a paragraph \ 
about the global variables containing exception information.
bpo-43905: Expanded astuple() and asdict() docs, warning about deepcopy being \ 
applied and providing a workaround.
bpo-41028: Language and version switchers, previously maintained in every \ 
cpython branches, are now handled by docsbuild-script.


bpo-46205: Fix hang in runtest_mp due to race condition
bpo-46263: Fix test_capi on FreeBSD 14-dev: instruct jemalloc to not fill freed \ 
memory with junk byte.
bpo-46150: Now fakename in test_pathlib.PosixPathTest.test_expanduser is checked \ 
to be non-existent.
bpo-46129: Rewrite asyncio.locks tests with unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase usage.
bpo-23819: Fixed asyncio tests in python optimized mode. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
bpo-46114: Fix test case for OpenSSL 3.0.1 version. OpenSSL 3.0 uses 0xMNN00PP0L.
bpo-19460: Add new Test for email.mime.nonmultipart.MIMENonMultipart.
bpo-45835: Fix race condition in test_queue tests with multiple “feeder” threads.


bpo-46263: configure no longer sets MULTIARCH on FreeBSD platforms.
bpo-46106: Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1m in Windows builds, macOS installer builds, \ 
and CI. Patch by Kumar Aditya.
bpo-44035: CI now verifies that autoconf files have been regenerated with a \ 
current and unpatched autoconf package.
bpo-33393: Update config.guess to 2021-06-03 and config.sub to 2021-08-14. \ 
Makefile now has an update-config target to make updating more convenient.
bpo-45866: make regen-all now produces the same output when run from a directory \ 
other than the source tree: when building Python out of the source tree. pegen \ 
now strips directory of the “generated by pygen from <FILENAME>” \ 
header Patch by Victor Stinner.
bpo-41498: Python now compiles on platforms without sigset_t. Several functions \ 
in signal are not available when sigset_t is missing.
bpo-45881: now uses CC from environment first to discover multiarch and \ 
cross compile paths.


bpo-45901: When installed through the Microsoft Store and set as the default app \ 
for *.py files, command line arguments will now be passed to Python when \ 
invoking a script without explicitly launching Python (that is, args \ 
rather than python args).


bpo-40477: The Python Launcher app for macOS now properly launches scripts and, \ 
if necessary, the Terminal app when running on recent macOS releases.
bpo-45732: Update macOS installer to use Tcl/Tk 8.6.12.


bpo-45838: Fix line number calculation when debugging Python with GDB.


bpo-39026: Fix Python.h to build C extensions with Xcode: remove a relative \ 
include from Include/cpython/pystate.h.
