Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/curl
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2022-03-08 09:18:28
Message id:

Log Message:
curl: update to 7.82.0.

This release includes the following changes:

 o curl: add --json [67]
 o mesalink: remove support [23]

This release includes the following bugfixes:

 o appveyor: update images from VS 2019 to 2022
 o appveyor: use VS 2017 image for the autotools builds
 o azure-pipelines: add a build on Windows with libssh [154]
 o bearssl: fix connect error on expired cert and no verify [132]
 o bearssl: fix EXC_BAD_ACCESS on incomplete CA cert [131]
 o bearssl: fix session resumption (session id) [133]
 o build: enable -Warith-conversion
 o build: fix -Wenum-conversion handling
 o build: fix ngtcp2 crypto library detection [63]
 o checkprefix: remove strlen calls [128]
 o checksrc: fix typo in comment [34]
 o CI: move 'distcheck' job from zuul to azure pipelines [60]
 o CI: move scan-build job from Zuul to Azure Pipelines [59]
 o CI: move the NSS job from zuul to GHA [84]
 o ci: move the OpenSSL + c-ares job from Zuul to Circle CI [75]
 o CI: move the rustls CI job to GHA from Zuul [8]
 o CI: move two jobs from Zuul to Circle CI [73]
 o CI: test building wolfssl with --enable-opensslextra [42]
 o CI: workflows/wolfssl: install impacket [47]
 o circleci: add a job using libssh [121]
 o cirlceci: also run a c-ares job on arm with debug enabled [74]
 o cmake: fix iOS CMake project generation error [13]
 o cmdline-opts/ fix option matching to improve references [50]
 o config.d: Clarify _curlrc filename is still valid on Windows [95]
 o use user-specified gssapi dir when using pkg-config [136]
 o configure: change output for cross-compiled alt-svc support [140]
 o configure: fix '--enable-code-coverage' typo [110]
 o configure: remove support for "embedded ares" [82]
 o configure: requires --with-nss-deprecated to build with NSS [114]
 o configure: set CURL_LIBRARY_PATH for nghttp2 [58]
 o configure: support specification of a nghttp2 library path [101]
 o configure: use correct CFLAGS for threaded resolver with xlC on AIX [54]
 o curl tool: erase some more sensitive command line arguments [22]
 o curl-functions.m4: fix LIBRARY_PATH adjustment to avoid eval [5]
 o curl-functions.m4: revert DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH tricks in CURL_RUN_IFELSE [9]
 o curl-openssl: fix SRP check for OpenSSL 3.0 [86]
 o curl-openssl: remove the OpenSSL headers and library versions check [35]
 o curl.h: fix typo [129]
 o curl: remove "separators" (when using globbed URLs) [32]
 o curl_getdate.3: remove pointless .PP line [68]
 o curl_multi_socket.3: remove callback and typical usage descriptions [7]
 o curl_url_set.3: mention when CURLU_ALLOW_SPACE was added
 o CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION/DATA.3: fix the examples [27]
 o CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION.3: fix example struct assignment [147]
 o CURLOPT_RESOLVE.3: change example port to 443
 o CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION.3: fix example struct assignment [153]
 o CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION.3: fix typo in example [81]
 o CURLSHOPT_LOCKFUNC.3: fix typo "relased" -> "released" [71]
 o des: fix compile break for OpenSSL without DES [141]
 o docs/cmdline-opts: add "mutexed" options for more http versions [25]
 o docs/DEPRECATE: remove NPN support in August 2022 [64]
 o docs: capitalize the name 'Netscape' [77]
 o docs: document HTTP/2 not insisting on TLS 1.2 [49]
 o docs: fix mandoc -T lint formatting complaints [2]
 o docs: update IETF links to use datatracker [41]
 o examples/curlx: support building with OpenSSL 1.1.0+ [148]
 o examples/multi-app.c: call curl_multi_remove_handle as well [19]
 o formdata: avoid size_t => long typecast overflows [37]
 o ftp: provide error message for control bytes in path [66]
 o terminate "example" sections better [4]
 o gha: add a macOS CI job with libssh [142]
 o gskit: Convert to using Curl_poll [111]
 o gskit: Fix errors from Curl_strerror refactor [113]
 o gskit: Fix initialization of Curl_ssl_gskit struct [112]
 o h2/h3: allow CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER change ":scheme" [88]
 o hostcheck: fixed to not touch used input strings [38]
 o hostcheck: reduce strlen calls on chained certificates [92]
 o hostip: avoid unused parameter error in Curl_resolv_check [144]
 o http2: move two infof calls to debug-h2-only [145]
 o http: make Curl_compareheader() take string length arguments too [87]
 o if2ip: make Curl_ipv6_scope a blank macro when IPv6-disabled [104]
 o KNOWN_BUGS: fix typo "libpsl"
 o ldap: return CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT for bad URL [24]
 o lib: remove support for CURL_DOES_CONVERSIONS [96]
 o libssh2: don't typecast socket to int for libssh2_session_handshake [151]
 o libssh: fix include files and defines use for Windows builds [156]
 o Generate VS 2022 projects
 o maketgz: return error if 'make dist' fails [79]
 o mbedtls: enable use of mbedtls without CRL support [57]
 o mbedtls: enable use of mbedtls without filesystem functions support [100]
 o mbedtls: fix CURLOPT_SSLCERT_BLOB (again)
 o mbedtls: fix ssl_init error with mbedTLS 3.1.0+ [12]
 o mbedtls: remove #include <mbedtls/certs.h> [56]
 o mbedtls: return CURLcode result instead of a mbedtls error code [1]
 o md5: check md5_init_func return value
 o mime: use a define instead of the magic number 24 [89]
 o misc: allow curl to build with wolfssl --enable-opensslextra [43]
 o misc: remove BeOS code and references [30]
 o misc: remove the final watcom references [29]
 o misc: remove unused data when IPv6 is not supported [80]
 o mqtt: free 'sendleftovers' in disconnect [115]
 o mqtt: free any send leftover data when done [36]
 o multi: allow user callbacks to call curl_multi_assign [126]
 o multi: grammar fix in comment [69]
 o multi: remember connection_id before returning connection to pool [76]
 o multi: set in_callback for multi interface callbacks [28]
 o netware: remove support [72]
 o next.d. remove .fi/.nf as they are handled by [3]
 o ngtcp2: adapt to changed end of headers callback proto [39]
 o ngtcp2: fix declaration of ‘result’ shadows a previous local [14]
 o ngtcp2: Reset dynbuf when it is fully drained [143]
 o nss: handshake callback during shutdown has no conn->bundle [55]
 o ntlm: remove unused feature defines [117]
 o openldap: fix compiler warning when built without SSL support [70]
 o openldap: implement SASL authentication [16]
 o openldap: pass string length arguments to client_write() [116]
 o openssl.h: avoid including OpenSSL headers here [15]
 o openssl: check if sessionid flag is enabled before retrieving session [125]
 o openssl: check SSL_get_ex_data to prevent potential NULL dereference [40]
 o openssl: check the return value of BIO_new_mem_buf() [18]
 o openssl: fix `ctx_option_t` for OpenSSL v3+
 o openssl: fix build for version < 1.1.0 [134]
 o openssl: return error if TLS 1.3 is requested when not supported [45]
 o os400: Add function wrapper for system command [138]
 o os400: Add link to QADRT devkit to README.OS400 [137]
 o os400: Default build to target current release [139]
 o OS400: fix typos in rpg include file [149]
 o projects: add support for Visual Studio 17 (2022) [124]
 o projects: fix Visual Studio wolfSSL configurations
 o projects: remove support for MSVC before VC10 (Visual Studio 2010) [123]
 o quiche: after leaving h3_recving state, poll again [108]
 o quiche: change qlog file extension to `.sqlog` [44]
 o quiche: fix upload for bigger content-length [146]
 o quiche: handle stream reset [83]
 o quiche: remove two leftover debug infof() outputs
 o quiche: verify the server cert on connect [33]
 o quiche: when *recv_body() returns data, drain it before polling again [109]
 o fix links [118]
 o remote-header-name.d: clarify [10]
 o disable debuginfod [51]
 o properly print the test if it contains binary zeros
 o support the nonewline attribute for the data part [21]
 o tolerate test directories without [98]
 o runtests: allow client/file to specify multiple directories
 o runtests: make 'rustls' a testable feature
 o runtests: make 'wolfssl' a testable feature [6]
 o runtests: set 'oldlibssh' for libssh versions before 0.9.5 [122]
 o rustls: add CURLOPT_CAINFO_BLOB support [26]
 o schannel: move the algIds array out of schannel.h [135]
 o scripts/ output data about all currect CI jobs [78]
 o scripts/ improve zsh completion [46]
 o scripts/ support many provided file names on the cmdline
 o scripts/delta: check the file delta for current branch
 o sectransp: mark a 3DES cipher as weak [130]
 o setopt: do bounds-check before strdup [99]
 o setopt: fix the TLSAUTH #ifdefs for proxy-disabled builds [53]
 o sha256: Fix minimum OpenSSL version [102]
 o smb: pass socket for writing and reading data instead of FIRSTSOCKET [90]
 o ssl: reduce allocated space for ssl backend when FTP is disabled [127]
 o test3021: disable all msys2 path transformation
 o test374: gif data without new line at the end [20]
 o tests/ properly detect multiple symbols per line [94]
 o tests/unit/ add NSS_LIBS to build with NSS fine [85]
 o tool_findfile: check ~/.config/curlrc too [17]
 o tool_getparam: DNS options that need c-ares now fail without it [31]
 o TPF: drop support [97]
 o unit1610: init SSL library before calling SHA256 functions [152]
 o url: exclude zonefrom_url when no ipv6 is available [103]
 o url: given a user in the URL, find pwd for that user in netrc [11]
 o url: keep trailing dot in host name [62]
 o url: make Curl_disconnect return void [48]
 o urlapi: handle "redirects" smarter [119]
 o urldata: CONN_IS_PROXIED replaces bits.proxy when proxy can be disabled [52]
 o urldata: remove conn->bits.user_passwd [105]
 o version_win32: fix warning for `CURL_WINDOWS_APP` [93]
 o vtls: fix socket check conditions [150]
 o vtls: pass on the right SNI name [61]
 o vxworks: drop support [65]
 o winbuild: add parameter WITH_SSH [120]
 o wolfssl: return CURLE_AGAIN for the SSL_ERROR_NONE case [106]
 o wolfssl: when SSL_read() returns zero, check the error [107]
 o write-out.d: Fix num_headers formatting
 o x509asn1: toggle off functions not needed for diff tls backends [91]
