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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/nginx-devel
From: Sergey A. Osokin
Date: 2022-07-19 20:08:29
Message id:
Log Message:
www/nginx-devel: update 1.23.0 -> 1.23.1
Also, update NGINX JavaScript module: 0.7.5 -> 0.7.6.
<Changelog for NGINX 1.23.1>
*) Feature: memory usage optimization in configurations with SSL
*) Feature: looking up of IPv4 addresses while resolving now can be
disabled with the "ipv4=off" parameter of the "resolver" \
*) Change: the logging level of the "bad key share", "bad \
"bad cipher", and "bad ecpoint" SSL errors has been \
lowered from
"crit" to "info".
*) Bugfix: while returning byte ranges nginx did not remove the
"Content-Range" header line if it was present in the original backend
*) Bugfix: a proxied response might be truncated during reconfiguration
on Linux; the bug had appeared in 1.17.5.
<ChangeLog for NGINX JavaScript 0.7.6>
nginx modules:
*) Feature: improved r.args object. Added support for multiple
arguments with the same key. Added case sensitivity for
keys. Keys and values are percent-decoded now.
*) Bugfix: fixed r.headersOut setter for special headers.
*) Feature: added Symbol.for() and Symbol.keyfor().
*) Feature: added btoa() and atob() from WHATWG spec.
*) Bugfix: fixed large non-decimal literals.
*) Bugfix: fixed unicode argument trimming in parseInt().
*) Bugfix: fixed break instruction in a try-catch block.
*) Bugfix: fixed async function declaration in CLI.