Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/py-werkzeug
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2023-03-03 12:47:43
Message id:

Log Message:
py-werkzeug: updated to 2.2.3

Version 2.2.3
- Ensure that URL rules using path converters will redirect with strict slashes when
  the trailing slash is missing. :issue:`2533`
- Type signature for ``get_json`` specifies that return type is not optional when
  ``silent=False``. :issue:`2508`
- ``parse_content_range_header`` returns ``None`` for a value like ``bytes */-1``
  where the length is invalid, instead of raising an ``AssertionError``. \ 
- Address remaining ``ResourceWarning`` related to the socket used by ``run_simple``.
  Remove ``prepare_socket``, which now happens when creating the server. \ 
- Update pre-existing headers for ``multipart/form-data`` requests with the test
  client. :issue:`2549`
- Fix handling of header extended parameters such that they are no longer quoted.
- ```` works correctly when wrapping a stream that may not return
  the requested size in one ``read`` call. :issue:`2558`
- A cookie header that starts with ``=`` is treated as an empty key and discarded,
  rather than stripping the leading ``==``.
- Specify a maximum number of multipart parts, default 1000, after which a
  ``RequestEntityTooLarge`` exception is raised on parsing. This mitigates a DoS
  attack where a larger number of form/file parts would result in disproportionate
  resource use.
