Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2023-07-19 10:06:21
Message id:

Log Message:
curl, libcurl-gnutls: update to 8.2.0

This release includes the following changes:

 o curl: add --ca-native and --proxy-ca-native [24]
 o curl: add --trace-ids [53]
 o haproxy: add --haproxy-clientip flag to set client IPs [23]

This release includes the following bugfixes:

 o bufq: make write/pass methods more robust [21]
 o build: drop unused/redundant `HAVE_WINLDAP_H` [25]
 o cf-socket: don't bypass fclosesocket callback if cancelled before connect [114]
 o cf-socket: move ctx declaration under HAVE_GETPEERNAME [91]
 o cf-socket: skip getpeername()/getsockname for TFTP [65]
 o checksrc: modernise perl file open [87]
 o checksrc: quote the file name to work with "funny" letters [93]
 o CI: brew fix for openssl in default path [116]
 o CI: don't install impacket if tests are not run
 o CI: enable parallel make in more builds
 o circleci: install impacket & wolfssl 5.6.0 [1]
 o cmake: add support for "unity" builds [13]
 o cmake: make use of snprintf [102]
 o cmake: stop CMake from quietly ignoring missing Brotli [81]
 o configure: add check for ldap_init_fd [80]
 o configure: fix run-compiler for old /bin/sh [4]
 o configure: the --without forms of the options are also gone [79]
 o connect-timeout.d: mention that the DNS lookup is included [85]
 o curl.h: include <sys/select.h> for vxworks [78]
 o curl: count uploaded data to stop at the originally given size [14]
 o curl: return error when asked to use an unsupported HTTP version [113]
 o curl_easy_nextheader.3: add missing open parenthesis examples [74]
 o curl_log: evaluate log statement only when transfer is verbose [8]
 o curl_mprintf.3: minor fix of the example
 o curl_pushheader_byname/bynum.3: document in their own man pages [37]
 o curl_url_set: enforce the max string length check for all parts [38]
 o CURLOPT_AWS_SIGV4.3: remove unused variable from example [11]
 o CURLOPT_INFILESIZE.3: mention -1 triggers chunked [55]
 o CURLOPT_MIMEPOST.3: clarify what setting to NULL means [95]
 o CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE.3: expand on the file search [31]
 o docs/libcurl/libcurl.3: cleanups and improvements [46]
 o docs: add more .IP after .RE to fix indentation of generate paragraphs [82]
 o docs: fix missing parameter names in examples [41]
 o docs: update CURLOPT_UPLOAD.3 [63]
 o docs: update for newer ngtcp2 and nghttp3 [28]
 o docs: use a space after RFC when spelling out RFC numbers [105]
 o example/connect-to: show CURLOPT_CONNECT_TO [47]
 o example/crawler: also set CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER [35]
 o example/crawler: make it use a few more options
 o example/default-scheme: set the default scheme for schemeless URLs [67]
 o example/hsts-preload: show one way to HSTS preload [68]
 o example/http2-download: set CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE [34]
 o example/ipv6: feature CURLOPT_ADDRESS_SCOPE in use [27]
 o example/maxconnects: set maxconnect example [98]
 o example/opensslthreadlock: remove [59]
 o examples/ftpuploadresume.c: add use of CURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MS [39]
 o examples/http-options: show how to send "OPTIONS *" [69]
 o examples/https.c: use CURLOPT_CA_CACHE_TIMEOUT [19]
 o examples/multi-debugcallback.c: avoid the bool typedef [29]
 o examples/smtp-mime: use CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT_ALLOWFAILS [71]
 o examples/unixsocket.c: example using CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH [40]
 o examples/websocket.c: websocket example using CONNECT_ONLY [17]
 o examples: make use of CURLOPT_(REDIR_|)PROTOCOLS_STR [70]
 o fopen: fix conversion warning on 32-bit Android [49]
 o fopen: optimize [101]
 o hostip.c: Move macOS-specific calls into global init call [104]
 o HTTP/2: upload handling fixes [56]
 o http2: better support for --limit-rate [7]
 o http2: error stream resets with code CURLE_HTTP2_STREAM [84]
 o http2: fix crash in handling stream weights [76]
 o http2: fix variable type [50]
 o http2: h2 and h2-PROXY connection alive check fixes [83]
 o http2: raise header limitations above and beyond [73]
 o http2: send HEADER & DATA together if possible [99]
 o http2: treat initial SETTINGS as a WINDOW_UPDATE [100]
 o update openssl version [57]
 o http3/ngtcp2: upload EAGAIN handling [108]
 o http: rectify the outgoing Cookie: header field size check [72]
 o hyper: fix EOF handling on input [66]
 o hyper: unslow [51]
 o imap-append.c: update to make it more likely to work [106]
 o imap: Provide method to disable SASL if it is advertised [75]
 o krb5: add typecast to please Coverity
 o libcurl-url.3: also mention CURLUPART_ZONEID
 o libcurl-ws.3. WebSocket API overview [48]
 o libssh2: provide error message when setting host key type fails [9]
 o libssh2: use custom memory functions [12]
 o ngtcp2: assigning timeout, but value is overwritten before used [103]
 o ngtcp2: build with 0.17.0 and nghttp3 0.13.0 [96]
 o ngtcp2: use ever increasing timestamp in io [32]
 o quiche: avoid NULL deref in debug logging [97]
 o quiche: fix defects found in latest coverity report [94]
 o quote.d: fix indentation of generated paragraphs [86]
 o runtests: abort test run after failure without -a [3]
 o runtests: better handle ^C during slow tests
 o runtests: consistently write the test check summary block
 o runtests: create multiple test runners when requested [20]
 o runtests: include missing valgrind package [89]
 o runtests: make test file directories in log/N [44]
 o runtests: rename server command file
 o runtests: use more consistent failure lines
 o runtests: work around a perl without SIGUSR1 [88]
 o runtests; give each server a unique log lock file [43]
 o scripts: Fix GHA matrix job detection in
 o sectransp: fix EOF handling [92]
 o system.h: remove __IBMC__/__IBMCPP__ guards and apply to all z/OS compiles [10]
 o test2600: fix the description [90]
 o test427: verify sending more cookies than fit in a 8190 bytes line [61]
 o tests/http: Add mod_h2 directive `H2ProxyRequests` [77]
 o tests/ pick unused port number with a server socket [16]
 o tests/servers: generate temp names in /tmp for unix domain sockets [6]
 o tests: fix error messages & handling around sockets [30]
 o tests: improve reliability of TFTP tests
 o testutil: allow multiple %-operators on the same line [62]
 o timeval: use CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW if available [52]
 o tls13-ciphers.d: include Schannel [36]
 o tool: remove exclamation marks from error/warning messages
 o tool: remove newlines from all helpf/notef/warnf/errorf calls [15]
 o tool_easysrc.h: correct `easysrc_perform` for `CURL_DISABLE_LIBCURL_OPTION` [109]
 o tool_getparam: fix comment [22]
 o tool_operate: allow cookie lines up to 8200 bytes [60]
 o tool_parsecfg: accept line lengths up to 10M [115]
 o tool_urlglob: use curl_off_t instead of longs [2]
 o tool_writeout_json: fix encoding of control characters [107]
 o transfer: clear credentials when redirecting to absolute URL [64]
 o urlapi: have *set(PATH) prepend a slash if one is missing [42]
 o urlapi: scheme must start with alpha [26]
 o vtls: avoid memory leak if sha256 call fails [58]
 o websocket-cb: example doing WebSocket download using callback [18]
 o wolfssl: detect when TLS 1.2 support is not built into wolfssl [111]
 o wolfssl: support setting CA certificates as blob [110]
 o ws: make the curl_ws_meta() return pointer a const [45]
