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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/editors/qemacs
From: Jason Bacon
Date: 2023-11-19 14:00:26
Message id:
Log Message:
editors/qemacs: Quick Emacs
qemacs - small but powerful UNIX editor with many features
that even big editors lack.
QEmacs is a text editor targeted at embedded systems or debugging.
Although it is very small, it has some very interesting features
that even big editors lack such as an Emacs look and feel with all
common Emacs features, can edit huge files, has full Unicode support,
has various syntax modes for common programming langauges, a shell
mode with full color VT100 terminal emulation, input methods for
most languages (including Chinese), binary and hexadecimal in place
editing mode, no termcap requirement, X11 support, and PNG/bitmap