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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/java-jna
Date: 2024-11-28 20:53:23
Message id:
Log Message:
devel/java-jna: Update to 5.15.0
Release 5.15.0
#1578: Add support for FreeBSD aarch64 - @alexdupre.
#1593: Add support for DragonFly BSD x86-64 - @liweitianux.
#1595: Add IsProcessorFeaturePresent to c.s.j.p.win32.Kernel32 - @dbwiddis.
#1602: Add XMoveWindow, XResizeWindow, XMoveResizeWindow, XRaiseWindow, \
XLowerWindow X11 calls to c.s.j.p.unix.X11 - @vinceh121.
#1613: Added static helper method `Native#getNativeLibrary' for getting the \
underlying NativeLibrary instance from a Library interface instance or from a \
"registered" class - @matthiasblaesing.
#1624: Enable linker build-id for android builds - @mstyura.
Bug Fixes
#1579: Fix analysis of ELF binary on arm systems running with a java ELF \
binary without section table headers (java8 on armv7 NAS) - @matthiasblaesing.
#1586: Fix free_callback JNI weak reference leak - @xiezhaokun.
6486c90d913a413f247eef84742ce3c474738933: Check CallbackReference#cbstruct \
for null when checking existing Reference - @matthiasblaesing.
#1622: Add "linux-riscv64" entry to OSGI Bundle-NativeCode header \
in MANIFEST.MF - @matthiasblaesing.
Release 5.14.0
#1556: Add SetJob, SetPrinter to c.s.j.p.w.Winspool - @tresf.
#1534: Add GetMethod, Put, SpawnInstance to \
c.s.j.p.win32.COM.WbemCli#IWbemClassObject and ExecMethod to \
c.s.j.p.win32.COM.WbemCli#IWbemServices - @faddom.
#1544: Add GetPriorityClass, SetPriorityClass, GetThreadPriority, \
SetThreadPriority and associated constants to c.s.j.p.win32.Kernel32 - \
#1548: Make interface c.s.j.p.mac.XAttr public - @matthiasblaesing.
#1551: Add c.s.j.p.bsd.ExtAttr and c.s.j.p.bsd.ExtAttrUtil to wrap BSD \
<sys/extattr.h> system calls. @rednoah.
#1517: Add missing O_* (e.g. O_APPEND, O_SYNC, O_DIRECT, ...) to \
c.s.j.p.linux.Fcntl - @matthiasblaesing.
#1521: Shutdown CleanerThread once the last cleanable is removed - \
#1557: Build linux-riscv64 on Ubuntu focal to improve compatibility with \
older glibc versions - @matthiasblaesing.
Bug Fixes
#1501: Library.OPTION_STRING_ENCODING is ignore for string arguments \
function calls - @matthiasblaesing.
#1504: Increase maximum supported fixed args on varargs calls from 3 to 255 \
- @andrew-nowak.
#1545: Fix Java 6 incompatibility in c.s.j.p.win32.Kerne32Util and \
c.s.j.p.win32.DBT - @matthiasblaesing.
Important Changes
The interfaces between Java and native code have changed, so libjnidispatch \
must be rebuilt to be compatible with this release.
Release drops support for JDKs 6 + 7, so you'll need at least JDK 8 to \
update to use this version.