Subject: CVS commit: wip/piwik
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2015-07-12 09:18:21
Message id:

Log Message:
Update 2.13.0 to 2.14.0
## Piwik 2.14.0

### Breaking Changes
* The `UserSettings` API has been removed. The API was deprecated in
  earlier versions. Use `DevicesDetection`, `Resolution` and
  `DevicePlugins` API instead.

* Many translations have been moved to the new Intl plugin. Most of them
  will still work, but please update their usage. See for a full list

### New features 
* The JavaScript Tracker does now track outlinks and downloads if a user
  opens the context menu if the `enabled` parameter of the
  `enableLinkTracking()` method is set to `true`. To use this new feature
  use `tracker.enableLinkTracking(true)` or
  `_paq.push(['enableLinkTracking', true]);`. This is not industry
  standard and is vulnerable to false positives since not every user will
  select "Open in a new tab" when the context menu is shown. Most users
  will do though and it will lead to more accurate results in most cases.

* The JavaScript Tracker now contains the 'heart beat' feature which can
  be used to obtain more accurate visit lengths by periodically sending
  'ping' requests to Piwik. To use this feature use
  `tracker.enableHeartBeatTimer();` or
  `_paq.push(['enableHeartBeatTimer']);`. By default, a ping request will
  be sent every 15 seconds. You can specify a custom ping delay (in
  seconds) by passing an argument, eg,
  `tracker.enableHeartBeatTimer(10);` or
  `_paq.push(['enableHeartBeatTimer', 10]);`.

* New custom segment `languageCode` that lets you segment visitors that
  are using a particular language. Example values: `de`, `fr`, `en-gb`,
  `zh-cn`, etc.

* Segment `userId` now supports any segment operator (previously only
  operator Contains `=@` was supported for this segment).

### Commands updates
* The command `core:archive` now has two new parameter:
  `--force-idsegments` and `--skip-idsegments` that let you force (or
  skip) processing archives for one or several custom segments.

* The command `scheduled-tasks:run` now has an argument `task` that lets
  you force run a particular scheduled task.

### Library updates

* Updated pChart library from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4. The files were moved from
  the directory `libs/pChart2.1.3` to `libs/pChart`

### Internal change

* To execute UI tests "ImageMagick" is now required.
* The Q JavaScript promise library is now distributed with tests and can
  be used in the piwik.js tests.
