wip/p5-Egg-Plugin-Crypt-CBC [CURRENT] | Crypt::CBC for Egg Plugin. | |
wip/pear-channel-ezc [CURRENT] | Adds components.ez.no channel to PEAR | |
wip/pear-Finder [CURRENT] | Symfony2 Finder Component | |
wip/microblog-purple [CURRENT] | Libpurple plug-in supporting microblog services like Twitter | |
wip/pear-channel-theseer [CURRENT] | Adds pear.netpirates.net channel to PEAR | |
wip/pear-PHP_Invoker [CURRENT] | Utility class for invoking callables with a timeout | |
wip/pear-Swift [CURRENT] | Free Feature-rich PHP Mailer | |
wip/festvox-slt [CURRENT] | US English female voice for the festival speech synthesis system | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Helper-Model-Email [CURRENT] | Helper for Mail::Builder::Simple | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-View-XML-Feed [CURRENT] | Catalyst view for RSS, Atom, or other XML feeds | |
wip/mtd-utils [CURRENT] | Memory Technology Device Tools | |
wip/pear-PHP_CodeSniffer [CURRENT] | Detects PHP, JavaScript and CSS violations of coding standards | |
wip/pear-channel-symfony [CURRENT] | Adds pear.symfony.com channel to PEAR | |
wip/pear-Base [CURRENT] | Basic functionality that all eZ Components need | |
wip/p5-Iterator-Util [CURRENT] | Essential utilities for the Iterator class | |
wip/pear-PHP_TokenStream [CURRENT] | Wrapper around PHP\s tokenizer extension | |
wip/filerunner [CURRENT] | Filemanager with FTP capabilities. Uses Tcl/Tk | |
wip/festvox-ks [CURRENT] | Polish voice for the festival speech synthesis system | |
wip/pear-channel-pearhub [CURRENT] | Adds pearhub.org channel to PEAR | |
wip/pear-PHP_CodeCoverage [CURRENT] | Collection, processing, and rendering for PHP code coverage | |
wip/pear-File_Iterator [CURRENT] | Filters files based on a list of suffixes | |
wip/festvox-jmk [CURRENT] | Canadian English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system | |
wip/p5-Data-DPath-Validator [CURRENT] | Validate data based on template data | |
wip/p5-MooseX-Role-BuildInstanceOf [CURRENT] | Less Boilerplate when you need lots of Instances | |
wip/libsocialweb [CURRENT] | Personal social data server | |
wip/festvox-mv [CURRENT] | Finnish voice for the festival speech synthesis system | |
wip/pear-Version [CURRENT] | Library that helps with managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects | |
wip/pear-Yaml [CURRENT] | Symfony2 Yaml Component | |
wip/pear-ConsoleTools [CURRENT] | Tools to build applications that run on a computer console | |
wip/pear-FinderFacade [CURRENT] | Convenience wrapper for Symfony\s Finder component | |
wip/pear-phpdcd [CURRENT] | Dead Code Detector (DCD) for PHP code | |
wip/pear-PHP_Timer [CURRENT] | Utility class for timing | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Compress-Zlib [CURRENT] | Gzip compress response if client supports it. | |
wip/festvox-em [CURRENT] | Polish voice for the festival speech synthesis system | |
wip/prpltwtr [CURRENT] | Treat microblogging (Twitter, etc) as IM protocols | |
wip/pear-channel-swiftmailer [CURRENT] | Adds pear.swiftmailer.org channel to PEAR | |
wip/plconfig [CURRENT] | Tool for configuring HomePlug powerline bridges | |
wip/festvox-tp [CURRENT] | Croatian male voice for the festival speech synthesis system | |
wip/bfgminer [CURRENT] | Modular ASIC/FPGA Bitcoin miner | |
wip/pear-PHPUnit_MockObject [CURRENT] | Mock Object library for PHPUnit | |
wip/pidgin-evolution [CURRENT] | Evolution plugin for the Pidgin instant messenger | |
wip/p5-Data-DPath [CURRENT] | DPath is not XPath! | |
wip/pear-phpcpd [CURRENT] | Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) for PHP code | |
wip/festvox-rms [CURRENT] | US English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system | |
wip/pidgin-status-to-twitter [CURRENT] | Update Twitter with your Pidgin status | |
wip/logwatch [CURRENT] | Customizable log analysis system | |
wip/pear-Text_Template [CURRENT] | Simple template engine | |
comms/dfu-util [CURRENT] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
wip/pear-File_CSV [CURRENT] | Read and write of CSV files | |
wip/u-boot [CURRENT] | The mkimage utility of the u-boot bootloader | |
wip/amavis-logwatch [CURRENT] | Amavis log reporting utility | |
wip/festvox-clb [CURRENT] | US English female voice for the festival speech synthesis system | |
wip/pear-File_Util [CURRENT] | Common file and directory utility functions | |
wip/festvox-hl [CURRENT] | Welsh voice for the festival speech synthesis system | |
wip/pear-channel-pdepend [CURRENT] | Adds pear.pdepend.org channel to PEAR | |
wip/libopensync-plugin-palm [CURRENT] | Platform independent synchronization framework, palm plugin | |
wip/p5-MooseX-Iterator [CURRENT] | Iterate over collections | |
wip/pear-OLE [CURRENT] | Package for reading and writing OLE containers | |
wip/pidgin-twitterstatus [CURRENT] | Use your Twitter account as your Pidgin status message | |
wip/p5-CGI-Expand [CURRENT] | Convert flat hash to nested data using TT2\s dot convention | |
wip/pear-Cache [CURRENT] | Framework for caching of arbitrary data | |
wip/pear-PHP_Depend [CURRENT] | PHP_Depend design quality metrics for PHP packages | |
wip/pear-Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer [CURRENT] | Package for generating Excel spreadsheets | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Controller-DBIC-API [CURRENT] | Provides a REST interface to DBIx::Class | |
wip/p5-Iterator [CURRENT] | A general-purpose iterator class | |
wip/p5-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext [CURRENT] | Return a new instance a component on each request | |
wip/pear-File [CURRENT] | Common file and directory routines | |
wip/pear-channel-cakephp [CURRENT] | Adds pear.cakephp.org channel to PEAR | |
wip/mpibzip2 [CURRENT] | Parallel implementation of bzip2 | |
wip/pear-CakePHP_CodeSniffer [CURRENT] | CodeSniffer rules for checking code against the CakePHP coding standards | |
wip/fala [CURRENT] | Simple text reader | |
wip/pear-fDOMDocument [CURRENT] | Extension to PHP\s standard DOM to add methods and exceptions | |
wip/pear-channel-phpmd [CURRENT] | Adds pear.phpmd.org channel to PEAR | |
wip/pear-phploc [CURRENT] | A tool for quickly measuring the size of a project | |
wip/gfeedline [CURRENT] | Social network client for GNOME | |
wip/gsmartcontrol [CURRENT] | Hard disk drive health inspection tool | |
wip/postfix-logwatch [CURRENT] | Postfix log reporting utility | |
wip/pear-PHP_PMD [CURRENT] | PHP Mess Detector | |
wip/pear-FPDF [CURRENT] | Unofficial PEAR FPDF-library | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2016Q4] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2017Q1] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2017Q2] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2017Q3] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2017Q4] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2018Q1] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2018Q2] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2018Q3] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2018Q4] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2019Q1] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2019Q2] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2019Q3] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2019Q4] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2020Q1] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2020Q2] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2020Q3] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2020Q4] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2021Q1] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2021Q2] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2021Q3] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2021Q4] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2022Q1] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2022Q2] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2022Q3] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol | |
comms/dfu-util [pkgsrc-2022Q4] | Host side implementation of the USB DFU protocol |