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p5-Scalar-List-Utils Perl subroutines that would be nice to have in the perl core
p5-Schedule-RateLimiter Perl5 module to schedule tasks with rate limiting
p5-SDL Perl module for SDL
p5-Set-IntSpan Perl5 module for managing sets of integers
p5-Set-Scalar Perl5 module for basic set operations
p5-Smart-Comments Perl 5 module to insert debugging and tracking code easily
p5-Sort-Maker Perl 5 module providing a simple way to make efficient sort subs
p5-Sort-Versions Perl5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers
p5-Spiffy Object-oriented Perl framework
p5-Spoon Spiffy Application Building Framework
p5-Storable Perl extension module for persistent data storage
p5-String-Format Perl module for sprintf-like string formatting capabilities
p5-Sub-Exporter Sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
p5-Sub-Install Install subroutines into packages easily
p5-Sub-Installer Perl 5 module prodiving a clean way to install package subroutines
p5-Sub-Uplevel Apparently run a function in a higher stack frame
p5-subversion Perl bindings for Subversion
p5-SVN-Mirror Mirrors one Subversion repository to another
p5-SVN-Notify Perl module for mailing messages for Subversion repository activity
p5-SVN-Simple Simple interface to the Subversion delta editor interface
p5-Task-Weaken Perl 5 module to ensure that a platform has weaken support
p5-Term-ProgressBar Provide a progress meter on a standard terminal
p5-Term-Prompt Perl extension for prompting a user for information
p5-Term-ReadKey Change terminal modes and perform non-blocking reads
p5-Term-ReadLine Interface to the GNU Readline Library
p5-Term-ReadPassword Asking the user for a password
p5-Term-Screen Term::Cap based screen positioning module
p5-Term-Size Perl extension for retrieving terminal size
p5-Test-ClassAPI Provide basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
p5-Test-Cmd Perl5 module for testing of external commands and scripts
p5-Test-Deep Perl5 module to test deep structures
p5-Test-Exception Test exception based code
p5-Test-File-Contents Perl5 module for test routines examining the contents of files
p5-Test-Harness Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
p5-Test-Inline Inlining your tests next to the code being tested
p5-Test-LongString Perl5 module to test strings for equality
p5-Test-Manifest Perl5 module to choose test order
p5-Test-Memory-Cycle Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
p5-Test-NoWarnings Perl5 module to make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing
p5-Test-Object Perl 5 module to thoroughly test objects
p5-Test-Perl-Critic Perl 5 module providing a Perl::Critic interface for test programs
p5-Test-Pod Perl5 module to check for POD errors in files
p5-Test-Pod-Coverage Check for pod coverage in your distribution
p5-Test-Script Test::Script - Cross-platform basic tests for scripts
p5-Test-Simple Perl5 module with a simple framework for writing tests
p5-Test-Taint Tools to test taintedness
p5-Test-Tester Perl5 module to ease testing test modules built with Test::Builder
p5-Test-Unit Perl extension module for Unit Tests
p5-Test-Warn Perl extension to test methods for warnings
p5-Text-PDF (V) Perl 5 module for manipulating PDF files
p5-Text-RewriteRules (V) Perl 5 module to rewrite text using regexp-based rules
p5-Tie-IxHash Perl module that implements ordered in-memory associative arrays
p5-Time (V) Perl5 functions to convert and use time variables
p5-Time-Duration (V) Perl5 module for rounded or exact English expression of durations
p5-Time-Period (V) Perl5 module to deal with time periods
p5-Tree-DAG_Node Class for representing nodes in a tree
p5-Tree-Simple Simple extension to manipulate tree objects
p5-UNIVERSAL-moniker Perl module for assigning user-friendly names to classes
p5-UNIVERSAL-require Perl module to require() from a variable
p5-VCP Versioned Copy, copying hierarchies of versioned files
p5-VCP-Dest-svk VCP destination driver for SVN/SVK repositories
p5-version Perl extension for Version Objects
p5-Want Perl module providing a generalisation of wantarray
p5-WeakRef Provide weak references in Perl
p5-XML-DOM (V) Extend XML::Parser to build DOM Level 1 compliant data structure
palmpower Assembler, disassembler and other tools for PalmOS binaries
pango Library for layout and rendering of text
papaya Simple scripts for software development
pardiff Converts diff output to paralleled (side-by-side) format
patch Patch files using diff output
patchutils Some programs for manipulating patch files
pccts Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set
pcl-cvs Front-end to CVS for emacs
pcre Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
pcre-ocaml Perl compatible regular expressions for OCaml
pcre++ Wrapper class around the pcre library
pdcurses public domain implementation of the X/Open curses standard
pedisassem Disassembler for Win32 code
perl5 (V) Practical Extraction and Report Language
php-gettext PHP extension for gettext support
php-gmp PHP extension for arbitrary precision math
php-memcache PHP extension for memcached
php-pcntl PHP extension for Process Control functions
php-posix PHP extension for POSIX-like functions
php-shmop PHP extension for simple SysV shared memory operations
php-sysvsem PHP extension for SysV semaphore support
php-sysvshm PHP extension for SysV shared memory support
physfs Library providing abstract access to various archives
picp Command-line Picstart Plus/Warp-13 PIC programmer
picprg Parallel port PIC programmer
pilrc Generate resources for PalmOS applications from textual description
pkg-config System for managing library compile/link flags
plotutils (V) Programs and library for plotting scientific data
plotutils-nox11 (V) Programs and library for plotting scientific data
ply Python Lex-Yacc
pmccabe Measures the McCabe cyclomatic complexity of C and C++
popt Command line option parsing library
prcs Project Revision Control System
ProjectCenter GNUstep Integrated Development Environment
psvn Subversion interface for Emacs