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xmlrpc-c Library for writing an XML-RPC server or client in C or C++
xmlstarlet Command line utilities for XML manipulation
xmlto Tool to help transform XML documents into other formats
xmltoman XML to manual page converter
xmltooling High level interface for XML processing library
xp James Clark's non-validating XML Parser for Java
xqilla XQuery and XPath 2 processor
xslide XSL major mode for emacs
xsv Fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust
xt James Clark's Java implementation of XSLT
xxdiff Graphical file comparator and merge tool
xxdiff-scripts Helper scripts for xxdiff
yamcha Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator
yaml-cpp YAML parser and emitter for C++
ydiff Inline and side-by-side colored and incremental diff viewer
yelp-tools Set of command-line tools to build and check your documentation
yelp-xsl XSL stylesheets for Yelp help browser
yodl High-level document preparation system
yq Command-line YAML and XML processor
zet CLI utility to find the union, intersection, etc of files
zoem Interpretive macro/programming language